Somebody's Forum Posts

  • allen T - that is quite charming, if it's based on actual science and will make me a better egg cooker in real life then cannot wait for it to come out.

    Also that art is rather pleasant, I would basically stick with it and just possibly make a sprite font of your handwriting or something so it all looks coherent.

  • It means you can scroll anywhere, not just within the confines of your layout. Sometimes useful.

  • Like a 2D tempest, seems quite neat, I just feel like the stock particle systems damage the impression a little - using a bunch of sprites with bullet behaviour at random angles and speed would add some needed POW! to those enemy explosions.

  • Aphrodite - superb, cheers, now I just need it to not crash in strange ways

  • Me again...

    So I'm trying to do a simple thing, or a seemingly simple thing - paste my objects onto a paster object (I wasn't sure if it would paste all available objects or if a For each had to be done so I tried both):


    Which results in this:

    The whole canvas then becomes a small, like 64x64 pixel square at the bottom left of the screen until screen size is changed and then it does this:

    That background is the Paster object. It becomes like that. It's size at that moment is 512x512px.

    Can anything be extrapolated from this?

    Also - can the Paster object's contents be saved as an image (or such an option added)? That would be mega-useful.

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  • There you go - ship is on the same layer as the turrets, you still have full freedom of movement, it just moves forward with the scrolling.

  • Well, I made a little example - it's possibly a better idea to use animation frames for different treasure and instance variables if it's needed for value, etc. But the spawning of different amounts seems to work just fine.

  • Easier solution is to have the ship on the base layer and move it at the same speed as the scroller, like simply every tick set its X position to X + DT*16 and do the same for the scroller. That way you can still move it all over, but if there's no input it flies forward.

  • Look into containers. If a sword is inside a knights container then it will be spawned together with the knight and you if you set it's position to the knight and pin it the right one will be pinned.

  • Cool, cool, will check it out. I wish it saved at least on new layouts, though.

  • Do a system repeat action and set the repeat count to something like random(1,4)?

  • Hmm, if you have some kinda index of the tilemap you could calculate those coordinates, probably.

  • Well, what is this then?

    It's under position.

    And if that really isn't there, make sure you have the latest version:

  • I don't have Construct Classic on this system, but just make the actions like I'm saying:

    System: Create Sprite at the middle of your layout, say, 640x480

    Sprite, move at an angle: Angle random(360), distance, 720

    Sprite, set angle towards position: 640x480

    Something like that, some of the wording may be different, haven't used CC in a while.

  • If you want them to kinda spawn around the center of the stage you could just spawn them in the centre and as the next action use Move at an angle with a random angle and enough distance to put them outside. Then make them turn towards the middle and off you go.