Somebody's Forum Posts

  • The latest link has been updated. T - Towards top, B - Towards bottom, Shift+T - To top, Shift+B - To bottom. Multiple selections work and will work until you reach a limit (i.e. the top object is already at the top), then weird things might happen.

    Feedback welcome

  • Let's say I have a group filled with events - is there a way to tell if any event in that group was triggered?

    Currently I have to put a Global variable set in nearly all of these events, but it would be MUCH easier (and more dependable) if there was a way to tell it that way.

    Is this possible?

  • Could probably be done with a specific shader, but that would take some programming work.

  • puntodamar - Check this out - - it even has a demo for Canvas use.

  • Somebody

    Total Mindblow.

    This version is a great leap forward.

    Good, good, I try my best. With ZOrdering in it should be a blast, all the way.


    . Colors (white & black are gone) (Maybe a color picker?)

    . A way to slice parts because some parts i used for my hover tank are now gone (they where smaller than your default shape size, half square), slicing would enable some nice shape options.

    . Adjustable brigtness & contrast for shapes

    . Drag & Drop (as addon to "wasd")

    . Mouse scroll zoom in/out

    You can get black and white by lowering the saturation all the way (Shift+:) and then Rising or lowering brightness (Shift+< and Shift+>). But I'm aware of this - in the next proper version we'll have the loadable pallettes so it won't be a concern anymore.

    Slicing parts is on the menu, but it will mean that each part is completely unique, so it would eat video memory for breakfast. But I'm looking into it. In fact I looked into far enough to think of most of the possible slices:

    The red ones would slice the part, the green would modify the shape. I suspect with a system like this you could just go crazy on the tile modifications. But these would also have to be finalized and a part of the save system, just like the parts, so I'm keeping that for some optimistic future once again.

    Adjustable brigtness & contrast for shapes - Did you try the [ ] ; " < > keys? It's not quite the same, but it does let you go quite wild the colors.

    Drag & Drop - this one is a little low on the todo list, to be honest, but I might look into it.

    Mouse scroll and zoom - last time I tried this it irritated me so much it's also been thrown to the back of the todo... but it will come. For now you can press Z and see what happens (in the center of he screen, sigh).

  • Alright, here's an "early" next version: ... index.html

    It has Undo and Redo, massive thanks to rexrainbow for the plugin.

    Saving and Loading, Cut, Copy and Paste. There could be some weirdness left in there somewhere so please comment on anything that acts weird.

    There's a new data file - it will also save the selected state, here's a sample so you can play around with something: ... ptorX.sgen

    ZOrdering not done yet, but close. Also the UI will change, which is why it's a little weird for now.

    You can check a manual of sorts here: ... sp=sharing

    And I noticed through Dropbox the saving is a bit annoying, with the new window and such - is there a way to avoid this?

    NOTE: This tileset is not final so please don't get attached to any creations. This version will stay up a while, though.

  • Yeah, but it needs to be split into animation frames, etc. Either way I'd like to make everything as easy as the part placement and manipulation - so single action, just load a sprite sheet and bam, have a new part set.

  • Colors for now, parts are a bit trickier - for now all I can think of is a custom part set that let's you load an image which is then split into usable parts. Once again - in the future...

  • Suggestion: Design Name

    If we can insert a design name then we get a nice "name".json & "name".png

    Makes it a blast to store our files easy.

    I have been reading about the way text rendering badly impacts performance + native controls tend to really mess up the overall look with their different sizing, etc. So I have this "thing" about not using any controls/text objects. My current plan is to store the name (if it's possible) the first time you save something and then later on it would use that name by default. So it would be easier at least. Will look into a name field or button that calls a popup or such.

    Btw in this next version the files are neatly .sgen and not .json and there's also a helper app PalGen that makes .pgen files which can be loaded as palettes.

    I wonder if a nodekit export can be associated with a file and process open requests... we'll see.

    In other good news the Undo system should be basically limitless and offer full undo/redo for the entire session. All thanks to rex's cool plugin and some research.

    Also on the long future todo list as a "Shadow" option that would basically paste the current image down below the design, make it black and blur it (adjustably). So you could add small shadows to, say, tanks, and larger, more blurred ones to floating things like the neat hovertank you made.

  • Hey exactly could you possibly be mislead by Spriter?

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  • When is the new UI u showed us coming online?

    Soon, I hope, about to implement Undo today and have Zordering planned out. I could put an in-between version out now, but the save model will change at least one more time so it'll probably bring more tears than joy

    Also there's a plan to change even that "new" interface a bit to behave more like an actual interface (palettes over a free field)

    Besides that I still need to draw some new parts that have been sketched so it's taking a little time.

    I haven't decided if I want to make this into a completed game yet or not, but I put this together this with StuffGen.

    This is great, and would be a snap to implement in C2. You are getting better and better at this.

    I put together this optical illusion with StuffGen based on a picture I saw on the internet. I think I may have damaged my eyes making this one...

    It's OW!some

    The ugly sprite problem should be a thing of the past, hopefully, with the latest version as I have been exporting everything at the recommended 254x254px and now there's a way to export your creations at twice the resolution for later downsampling.

  • Nitro187 = The video is private

  • Windows 8.1 64 bit, r193 when it last happened.

  • Finished it on my third try - the level itself isn't that hard, but there's a strong feeling of control being sacrificed in exchange for fluid animations - when you hit up and are unsure if your guy will jump now or in a couple of pixels when he has finished his smooth running animation that's a little annoying.

    Also I encountered several animation bugs, where the character would hang in the air stuck in a landing animation or simply be stuck standing for a bit.

    Other than that the aesthetics are quite nice and the idea in general seems neat and has plenty of potential (insane crumbling levels later on, etc).

  • Ashley - In my case it was enough to just work on a file that's saved in DropBox and then leave editor for a while until it auto-saves. Upon return it would be frozen. Somewhat hard to just replicate, but it does happen. Will try to see if it can be replicated when I'm at that machine again.