Somebody's Forum Posts

  • I would give the disc a bullet behaviour and a instance variable for bounces - for every bounce you add to it, and then add something like Bounces > 3 (<== Your limit) lerp(Disc.X,Player.X,dt) erp(Disc.Y,Player.Y,dt) - thiss will make it move back towards the player - you an change the dt*2 or dt*4 or something else to change the speed. This should give a general idea of how to do this, give it a try.

  • I didn't wanna learn this program. I saw these sprites and watched both videos, but i didn't know the shortcuts. I prefer to create things from scratch in 3D. I guess working with inscape (2D) is fast enough and more flexible.

    It's obviously up to you and no-one's being forced to use it. Besides it's an early work in progress.

    But as for speed I don't think it will be beat - you can make something like this in minutes:

    And then change things around in a flash, whereas doing it in 3D would still take a while.

  • Somebody

    I'm not having much progress with getting the canvas pasting to work reliably. It's currently kind of random if it works or not, so I may end up having to go a slower route of making an off screen texture and rendering everything to that.

    I actually went back to having a paster object under my artwork dynamically resizing as necessary (after you explained that "resolution" is the setting to use) and it works perfectly (and enables upsampling and downsampling, which is great). That transparency is the only real problem now.

    Thanks again for a fantastic plugin.

  • MultipleChoice - quite sure it isn't vectors - Sony cameras do processing like this one the fly so it's possible using shaders, but it's probably quite tricky indeed.

  • Or you could do it the true procedural way and use seeded random numbers so given a seed the outcome is always the same. I believe Rex had a plugin for this.

  • Well, the error message itself seems to indicate that somehow the contents of the file are being passed as the path, no?

  • Ok, an example - 24 keypresses have a certain effect and if that is the case we should do actions A and B, 16 other keypresses have a different effect and only action B should be taken. Currently I have to add a Set global variable to each and every one of those keypresses and if the order or such needs to be changed go through them again. Action B is reasonably extensive so doing it on any keypress would be wasteful.

    I suspect plenty of other uses could be found, such as, say, changing things in a settings screen, etc - you could just add a single save event at the end if there's been any activity in a given group, be it clicks, keystrokes or something else. Or, the player gets damaged by one of umpteen different enemy families, each one with different impact fx, etc, but in the end you check but this one thing for a screen flash for damage. And so on and so on.

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  • Glad to help.

  • If you want to do it right it would take some maths - finding the center among the objects, then finding a ratio of movement outward based on the size increase, etc. But is it needed in your case? Do you need to scale them just like in an editor, is the position different in each case? Or is it just the type of growing movement where the sprites grow and distance between them grows as well?

  • The way I would do it - make your pickup display thing a single sprite with animation frames for each pickup display (let's say black dot for frame 0 and different notes for all the rest).

    Then make an array, size 10, a variable - index, and a variable - bonus. Every time a user picks up the goody do something like: Set array at (index) to pickup number (frame). If Index = 10 bonus = bonus +1, index = 0

    To display this you could make a little function that redraws your note list by reading the array - look at arrays in the manual to see how.

  • Sorry I tend to take intuitive leaps but more often than not fall off a cliff

    np, I'm the same way

    But yeah, this could make certain things much more straightforward. If there's no workaround perhaps Ashley could add "Have any events in group 'X' fired" event as a feature.

  • volkiller730 - could be, but isn't guaranteed - it might as well be a lack of optimization, be it assets or events for example, hence my question.

  • Have a look at the tutorials section above, there's plenty of good stuff to get you started or check the built-in examples (in startup screen).

  • Hence the groups: If event in group "X" has fired

  • No one has mentioned the fact that all the assets seem really high res - are they optimised? Could be an asset that's like 530x530px eats up a whole 1014x1024 texture map,etc. Have a bunch of them and it quickly eats video ram and performance.