"is in crop" may be something that needs to be handled differently. If I ever get it to work right I may check what the scaling mode is an do something different for each.
Also I need to revisit that transparency bug, but the current , albeit poor workaround is to paste the paster to another paster and set the transparency of that. As I recall that's what I may end up doing internally.
I'm not having much progress with getting the canvas pasting to work reliably. It's currently kind of random if it works or not, so I may end up having to go a slower route of making an off screen texture and rendering everything to that.
Perspective transforms aren't possible with the "draw textured quad" action. For that the points would need a z coordinate, but that's not part of C2's renderer. For perspective transforms a shader should be used. The closest we have is the mode7 shader but a better on could probably be made.