I'm getting generally inconsistent results, but it seems like the newest update is actually worse in preview: on android I'm now getting the upside-down/mirrored effect I was seeing on Canary/FF. On desktop, I don't see any difference.
I reverted back to the previous version of paster and the android preview seems fine again. I tried updating/reverting the plugin a few times: once it seemed to be working correctly, a couple times nothing was pasted at all, and most of the time I got the backwards paste.
Going to try an XDK export and see where that goes.
> This may be useful for you for saving part of the window at any size image you want.
Wow! This is simply beastly - I suspect it also enables a feature I was kinda going to mention as a slim possibility - supersampling (in a way) - i.e. punching a higher res image into a lover res canvas and thus improving the quality of the result.
Speaking of which - can I set the resolution to beyond object size? Would the pasted objects then be, for example, pasted at a higher res. And can I change the res and thus downsize that image before saving?
Wow, I hadn't thought of that...supersampling would be awesome for more powerful PC's, and this would be an easy way of doing it.
I've noticed before that you can force downsampling in chrome by zooming out; if high-dpi and high quality scaling are enabled, chrome will render to a higher rez, then downsample in the window. It really smooths out some of the hard edges induced by some blend effects.
Being able to do that in an actual game...seriously amazing.