Somebody's Forum Posts

  • Being in a group does make a difference - if it's just a single event then tripping a global variable is a piece of cake, if there's tens of them and you'd like some to trigger it and others not it's quite laborous changing the vars every time.

  • Mild bump. As it's still relevant - adding set global var to countless events seems inefficient.

  • Sounds like some sort of comparison is called for. For example only allow the click when the object is under specific y coordinate (if the peeking happens upwards).

  • As long as you realize there's going to be A LOT of variables, it should be quite easy especially compared to other solutions. so if you have it all planned out implementing it in C2 should be a (relative) breeze.

  • First off, I'm still seeing the HSL glitches mentioned previous by other users. Only seeing it on certain colors. It persists after export as well. My graphics are intel HD4000, so that might be part of the problem.

    Since the official answer was a "meh" our best hope is a new, fixed HSL effect. My knowledge of shaders is good enough to open the files and maybe tinker with something, but way lacking to actually adapt something. Will have to keep looking...

    While I'm here, I'd just like to say this about Stuffgen:

    As a designer first/artist last, this is insanely helpful for me when prototyping, as I tend to get hung up on art and lose my flow sometimes. I can always get something passable, but since I'm just not very efficient in that area, I lose precious time worrying about dev art details that are often meaningless in the context of a brainstorming session.

    Stuffgen is brilliant for this, as I can work up a bunch of temp sprites in no time, and get back into events and programming, which is generally where my real ideas are anyway. With the way things are progressing, I could even see using some of these sprites in a real game.

    So...thanks For preserving my brain. In a totally cool, non-mad-scientist sort of way.

    This is awesome to hear, since it was my initial idea for making this thing. Now I see that with some training some rather decent real sprites are possible so all these extra features are coming in, but for quick temp sprites it's one to beat.

    This isn't necessarily a feature request but just throwing an idea out there. It would be really cool if we could load in an image either at the bottom of the order with the grid or an opaque version on top that we could use as a guide in "Stuff Generation". For example, I can take my sketches and scan them into the computer, load them up in StuffGen and be able to use it right on the screen as a guide to which shapes to use.

    I have been thinking about this - quite likely to be implemented once I get better acquainted with image file loading and such.

    Also, I want to second what TiAm said above about StuffGen being an insanely helpful tool!

    Never gets old, I'm glad people enjoy it as much as I do!

  • Yeah, the thing is the app needs to know, not me, I already know

    If there's no way this could be a decent feature.

  • I mean for the app, not for myself to know if it did work or not. Or are breakpoints also usable as triggers for events without debug mode?

  • I would go as far as to say that it would probably work better without bones, just with direct parent/child linking (at least if no . But we are drifting off-topic. Hoping to see more levels and such of your project soon.

  • Nice! I've been waiting to get my hands on this. Here are some observations right off the back. First, it looks much better now then before. The grid is much better this way as are the guide points. I like how the zoom works and for me the not being centered thing isn't a big deal (at least not yet). Here are some issues that I've come across so far. I'm sure you're aware of some of them already.

    Yes I am, hence the "early" version, but it's always great to get detailed feedback and then I can double-check/prioritize things.

    I'm still getting the distorted hue issue in the purple range.

    Yeah, I read around a bit, seems like there are known fixes for it, but my error report was treated like "Oh, well, that's just how it is". R0J0 made a different effect, but it doesn't work at all on my machine... Hopefully in time it will be fixed.

    When I try to change the z order one at a time, I have to press the t or b button twice the first time before the objects will start moving.

    It's important to keep in mind that the ZOrder is global, so if another object is over this one, but way off to a side it still counts. But I see this may have changed already.

    Importing your interceptorx.sgen file causes a bunch of catastrophic issues. The buttons don't work as expected anymore. For example, pressing S will attempt to download a file rather then moving the objects. Basically I think that for some reason the program thinks that the control key is pressed when it's not.

    I suspect this has to do with the javascript command that simulates clicking the file loading button. I'll look into it.

    Using the control keys is a bit awkward after not using them for so long. Maybe it's something that I just need to get used to. I understand that you're trying to make it more universal so new users will know the keys right away. It just makes things slightly harder to do then before. For example to copy and mirror an object before was very quick as I could just press c, m and I was done. Now I have to press control c, control v, and m. Like I said, not a huge issue and I'm sure it's something I'll get used to.

    Yeah, I think C is coming back. For now Ctrl+D for "Duplicate" does what it did.

    This may not be an issue at all once your pallet option is introduced, but it might be a good idea to make your color swatches smaller and add them into the same area with the menu. That would make the workspace a bit bigger.

    It will be smaller for sure, but also I just got this silly idea of manipulating the UI just like the parts - pick it and move/scale it as needed.

    Also, since there are buttons next to the text parts in the menu, I was expecting a mouse click on them to activate, but they don't seem to. I have to do the keyboard shortcut even though it seems like if I were to click on it the operation should be completed.

    Hmm, they should all work... Perhaps try hard refreshing the link.

    Overall great update. I'll be playing around with it and let you know if anything else pops up.

    Kinda like it myself, to be honest But more to come, more to come.

    Second, I accidentally pressed control r (which I'm guessing is reset?) rather then control y when I wanted to do a redo. After the reset I wasn't about to use control z or anything to get the project back. Maybe do an autosave before completing the reset or a confirm reset dialogue or something?

    I suspect it's a system command for refresh, this combo isn't used anywhere (and if it isn't it's not intercepted, so then system commands work).

    Third, have you added the option to add the black outline around the sets of parts like you did in that robot post a while back?

    Not yet, since in it's current form it's a single-use thing - of little practical use. But it's coming.

    Thanks for all that feedback Burvey, enjoy the new version.

  • I get all that, but the way animations are triggered and saved is a little annoying. In 3ds max, for example you trigger a 'set keyframes' mode and only then does it record the changes. Without it you can change things around and it will affect the entire animation, which is quite handy. In Spriter you must be at the beginning and the objects aren't really connected throughout the animation. I somewhat understand why it is that way, but it's still a little annoying, no offence to lucid

  • On my mobile, so its a bit small, but looks cool and I'd say a water-based bright environment is really neat. Also adds posibilities for gameplay.

    Glad to hear Zordering works \O/

  • I see, got Spriter Pro as well, but haven't used it much yet, the animating itself is a bit weird for someone used to other systems (like 3ds max).

  • Quite sure he means an effect for C2, since a web app that actually does this is mentioned right there in the post (ignoring previous discussion).

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  • The animation's quite smooth for the bad guys, what did you use?

  • I guess at the moment it is spawned a overlap or collision would get triggered so you either add some timeout to the powerup or get a coordinate that's far enough away to begin with...

    Guess something like this could work:

    Every 1 seconds is, of course, your event for powerup spawning - and if the random number is too close it gets spawned again until it's far enough away.