Somebody's Forum Posts

  • Don't mean to bother you too much with all these questions, but may I ask what happens when setting the Downscaling quality option then - does it just switch some flags for the GL renderer?

    I noticed that there is a bias option when drawing a texture in OpenGL:

    "There is an optional third input parameter of the type float: bias. After calculating the appropriate level of detail for a texture with mipmaps the bias is added before the actual texture lookup operation is executed."

    Is this also being affected in any way or is it completely up to the browser?

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  • Somebody

    Is it normal not work as expected in iPad 3 with webGL On.

    Quite possible as I'm not sure if iPad fully supports the shaders - how does the "not normal" behaviour look (or is there nothing)?

  • I don't think there's anything to be done here, it's just the normal working of OpenGL.

    So is the choice of which mipmap to use entirely up to OpenGL? Does C2 only supply the maps themselves or is there some additional information passed onto the renderer? I'd just like to know, since I haven't really encountered similarly poor results in any other software. And, clearly, the selection logic seems a little flawed, given the ugly results.

  • I like that is uses the Pang idea, but since your projectiles are these short lines, unlike Pang's screen-height-if-needed projectiles it seems a little too hard, especially with the awkward mobile controls. So this makes the gameplay somewhat weaker than the nice presentation and overall polished feel.

    Perhaps make the shots taller if not behave exactly like Pang?

  • Easy as pie!

  • Glad to help. The mechanism is simple - as you see every "good" action moves our progress forward, every "bad" (else) actions drops it down to 0. If we have repeatable "good" actions then we need to first check if a previous "good" action has taken place, then figure out if we are in the right order.

    You just need to plan out the actions and you are good to go.

  • frcol, totoe - thanks, guys.

    These look great. Thumbs up for big GIFs.

    Seeing is believing

    I have more ideas for these, just need to figure out the math and we'll be seeing more neatness. Also - excited to see what you guys come up with.

  • I think someone like you comes up here every week if not twice a week - an idea alone is not enough - because it's trapped inside your brain. How do we know it's the super-awesome next best thing? How will the team you might be looking for know that? If you expect someone to do some work based on a vague idea and then, possibly be like "Well, this isn't what I had in mind" - how would they know?

    Everything everyone does takes time - the most valuable resource in existence - as the time is spent a percentage of our life is gone never to return. So if you want someone to spend their time and take your great idea seriously - spend your time, make a decent design document, work it all out, beginning to end - explain your gameplay systems, don't do what you cannot (just put "dramatic dialogue here" or whatever if you don't do dialogue). If then your design doc is good enough to inspire an artist s/he might do some art for you and from there you can go and inspire a programmer and so on.

    Or, just go the easier route and pay those people.

  • I think this might have to do with the way C2 strangely picks "Created" objects right away, but "Spawned" ones a tick later. Can you try replacing the Spawn action with System - Create object - earth1.x earth1.y and see if you can do without the wait? Also, you can try a Wait of 0.01 seconds or whatever, I think that might work.

  • Fixed it for you - pay attention to "ELSE" position - it is important and also do not group the conditionals, like pp = 0 together with pp = 2 as in this case it will never trigger when one of them has the right value.

    Also, this is a good idea when doing something like this - run it in debug and watch the pp variable - how it changes after each click - that way you can see in which step something is wrong.


  • But I guess if I use a second invisible sprite for the "proper" movements, and then BunBun following it smoothly. hmm.

    I suppose it depends on how you have done it so far, but in my example it's easy as pie to add offset collision checking so it doesn't move into walls or obstacles and in-between keystrokes and such it will always end up exactly on the given coordinates thanks to that floor() function.

    It just feels much better (but that might be subjective) when you have smooth movement, even if it is smooth jumping between points.

    Just watched a video of original Rockford and indeed the hero moves in discrete steps - remembered it being much more alive, heh, but then it is 2015...

  • In some ways I would say a translated version would be a disservice to those willing to learn - take it as you will English is THE language for computing and, actually, for programming languages - "if" "then" "for" "while" - nearly all commands in a programming language are plain English words. So a certain understanding of programming concepts goes hand in hand with understanding a level of English. And while there may be less "programming" with C2, there's no less programming logic (as per the anecdote: "A wife sends her programmer husband to the store and says: Buy a loaf of bread, if they got eggs take a dozen" so he comes home with a dozen loaves of bread and says: 'They had eggs'"). Most of the tutorial content is in English, all the most valuable threads here are in English and, let's be honest - probably most of the paying customers understand English quite well enough.

  • Sounds like you do something like:

    Variable - pp (puzzleprogress)

    C clicked

    - If pp = 0 or 3

    - if pp = 0 then pp = 1

    - if pp = 3 then pp = 4


    - pp = 0

    E clicked

    - If pp = 1 then pp = 2


    - pp = 0

    D clicked

    - If pp = 3 then pp = 4


    - pp = 0

    If pp > 3 - CELEBRATE!

    Something like that. There might be a more elegant way to solve this, but with a small puzzle like this, this approach should work.

  • Somebody

    Thank you for your review.

    I want to ask you, the jumpiness. The camera should not jump at all, that is my goal. BunBun do move in old school movement, but the camera should follow in smooth way. If it does not, please let me know.

    I meant the movement of the pieces and the player character - the way it jumps the whole width - I think there's a way it could be controlled and yet smooth - like this (the lousy framerate shows it badly, check the capx to see it as it should be seen):


    I made it using MoveTo behaviour - it's quite nice, here's the demo capx (turned out being quite simple):


    Interesting idea about the eating! I could try to add if it is not eating up cpu!

    It really shouldn't - you can easily get away with thousands of objects with playable framerates these days.

    The tube movement, do you want it to be faster while inside the tube? I could see if I could get up the speed without making it laggy.

    Or do you mean the animation itself. Well, yeah it is quite long I agree. I just feel like "wow I have made so many animation frames I want to use them" but if the consensus is that it is taking too long, then I should trim it down!

    I noticed the neat animation, but it could be sped up a bit - maybe down to 2/3rd of current length. Also the in-tube speed, yeah.

  • Add a sub event (under start of layout, not under the loop) and use the system action: Pick random instance?