Somebody's Forum Posts

  • Hi, all!

    I would like to make a shader that takes into account the local coordinates of a given object, not the entire drawable area. Here's an example:

    As you can see the effect is supposed to be weaker the closer it is to the left edge of an object - but the 2nd "flag" already starts with the stronger movement because it itself is positioned in the middle.

    My code looks like this:

    // Flag effect
    varying mediump vec2 vTex;
    uniform lowp sampler2D samplerFront;
    uniform mediump float seconds;
    uniform lowp float pixelWidth;
    uniform lowp float pixelHeight;
    uniform mediump float xshift;
    uniform mediump float yshift;
    uniform mediump float time;
    void main(void)
    	mediump vec2 tex = vTex;
    	tex.y += sin(seconds/time+tex.x/xshift) * tex.x * yshift*pixelHeight;
    	gl_FragColor = texture2D(samplerFront,tex);
    Can that tex.x be replaced with a local space 0-1 coordinate?
  • While your being awesome, any update on a 'grouping' system that would let us group together parts for easy mass export to spriter?

    I obviously keep track of all the ideas and have had some thoughts about this one - it could either be a little simpler - just assigning certain groups to parts or, more complex (argh, math, mine ancient foe! *hisses*) where you can manipulate them together.

    It's all a question of resources - be it time, skills, inspiration or actual need to earn a living. I'm more and more thinking about trying kickstarter, so all these suggestions go onto the big list for the future (tiers?).

    I'm seriously thinking of using StuffGen to make some big multipart bosses in an upcoming project (think castlevania or gunstar heros). StuffGen is pretty close to the art style in the project (my existing assets are very colorful, minimal, and geometric).

    That sounds super-great - I'm sure despite there being preset parts an author's personal style would still shine through for fairly unique results, especially as the part set grows an (finally) we also get more part sets. I'm always excited to see things someone else manages to build.

    Also Gunstar Heroes is the bomb.

    One thing to keep in mind, though - all the way up to 1.0 (or would that be Z? Or 0.99?) the partset will change and the save system might change and so on. I do sequentially save these, so if anyone is like "you took version E down and I had half of my game done in that!" I'll be able to put it back up - but just a warning, either way

  • TiAm - cool, glad to hear that. I tested it on some reasonably high-res desktop stuff, but knowing it seems ok on mobile is great.

  • Well, I didn't manage to finalize all the things that should be finalized, but I know you guys want to try a more recent version so here goes revision M: ... index.html

    NOTE: This version breaks saves again - this is one reason I have kept all the older versions up for now.

    Most things are similar... Some things are missing for now (but will be back), like the quick mirrors while holding shift. Some of the known issues are still present, like no opacity in renderings. But there's plenty new as well, let's see:

    [New] You can load a guide image (probably try to stay under 2048x2048 - but could try more as a test - for me it crashes) - by clicking the bottom button under canvas editing one - when loaded you can use all the usual keys, when you are done that's it - you'll have to load again.

    [New] You can move and resize the UI elements - just click the top panel.

    [New] Tiny grid size that don't display a grid

    [New] Info panel that shows your canvas size, grid size, active objects and for the future export size (for pixelly and huge stuff)

    [Improved] Partially finished new neat 3D parts, laid framework for part set switching

    [Improved] Cool new selection with Shaders

    [Improved] Colors are now HSB - they grade better, no artifacts

    [Improved] Somewhere under the hood things should be a little faster - also this is a base for action caching - so in theory we could slow it down on older machines and it would still be quite snappy

    There's probably more I forgot - please feel free to share your thoughts. More stuff is coming, as usual.

  • newt - was actually just one my mind! Not that hard to do. But what could be interesting would be a shader that kind of skews things more and more the further they are from top - would be easy to make things like flames, flags, etc.

    But that will have to wait a bit.

  • KaMiZoTo - Duration and such - shaders are "stupid" in a way, as far as I can tell, they don't get to keep anything between draw cycles. So you are better off using variables, which should be easy.

    Something like:

    If ShakeScreen > 0

    Layer - Shift FX enabled,

    Set parameter to random(-ShakeScreen,Shakescreen),

    Shakescreen - subtract dt

    With a little more work, of course.

    I could make a version that works with %, not pixels, but having pixels lets us have precision movement for something like this:

    Anyhow, hopefully some smart people help me fix some small problems in the other thread () and we'll have a useful shader.

  • The first idea that comes to mind is using a loop to fill some sort of a top layer with "fog" objects and then on your mage touching them or being nearby destroy these objects. This depends a little on maze size and so on. Or, alternatively - a dark layer on top into which the player character spawns cutout objects at certain intervals.

    But I'm sure there are better ways discussed here on the forums, one but needs to search.

    With some work a maze exploration game can be quite neat, so good luck.

  • [RESERVED] Too enthusiastic? Perhaps, but better safe than sorry


  • Hi, all!

    Edit Jan 2017 by Kyatric :

    The OP seems to not be active on our forums.

    Nevertheless, the user adcornaglia has made a backup of the files that can be found :

    As long as adcornaglia will be around, those effects should be accessible from here.

    Decided to put all of my little freak children in a single post so it's easier to manage. I have been trying to grasp shaders, sometimes even successfully so here are some of the results:

    [NEW] I listened to some advice in the thread and there's now a distro folder: ... _Gd7a?dl=0 - always find the latest versions all together in easy to use .c2addon files.

    [NEW] Nearly all the shaders have had small fixes and improvements, i.e. Dissolve now uses a different random number system, flag now waves outwards (better for flame fx and such), etc.

    The animations only show what happens when you adjust settings, the shaders themselves are not natively animating. So you get all the control.

    Adjust HSB

    An alternative to the often glitchy (try +75% hue) HSL shader:


    Trim the image by a certain percentage:

    NOTE: This simply ceases to draw the image beyond the percentage, so if you layer the effects something strange might happen.


    Shifts the image inside its frame by given pixel amount:

    This one is pretty cool - you can do all sorts of long thing effects, like shown in the demo image, but also do rather nice screen shake effects when used as a layer effect.


    Basically my implementation of Photoshop's dissolve blending mode:


    Show only every n-th dot on x and y axis:


    Distort the image in a flag-like fashion:

    How is this different from some other warpy shaders? It gets stronger towards the end of the sprite. Also fairly easy to use parameters - set the numbr of waves, set an amplitude (how far the rightmost pixels will be pushed up and down) and set a total time for a full up/down cycle (in seconds) - done.

    In the example image above the first column has the same wave amount (1) and time (2 seconds) - what changes is the amplitude - as you can see that pointy end barely moves in the first one and goes all the way for the third one. The others just have different wave counts and amplitude.


    Shift with repeating - simple!


    Shift only X pixels with repeating + pseudo motion blur = NEATNESS: ... index.html (Hold right to speed up)

    Can also be used as just pseudo motion blur without shifting anything.




    The vinyls are on a layer with this effect applied at 100% width and 50% height. Bad things will happen if something is over the edge (or maybe you want that sort of an effect actually). As is the way of life for Shaders it scales towards a shader origin point of bottom left corner. NOTE: Will look all sorts of wrong in the editor so either keep it at 100% or enable/change values on startup.

    Skew and Skend

    For when that texture just cannot stand straight. As with Flag I base the "logic" of the shader around C2's approach to angles and object bases - so if our base is left-center and then we rotate an item upwards so it stands "upright" the skew happens on the vertical axis while it is "sideways". Just check the .capx, it's simple, really.


    It basically shifts the image in "perspective" just with 0 regard to any perspective laws. You can use it as a poor man's taper if you wish. Not bad for interfaces as seen in the example GIF.


    Might be neat for a modern fps style GUI or just making things breathe. Accepts positive and negative values.


    Same as Seamless, but automated. Since I like to keep the math inside the shader at a minimum you have a simple value - amount of time in seconds it takes to scroll the whole width or height of the texture. It accepts negative values to change the direction of the scrolling and 0 means it stays still.


    Demoscene says hi! Adjustable amount of twists, time and shading of the dark side. Quite likely to make some neat effects possible.

    Drop Shadow

    A simple pixel offset drop shadow effect with shadow opacity. Best used on a transparent layer. Might get an updated/improved version soon.

    Enjoy and please comment with suggestions/bugs/better code.

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  • I can tell you two and a half things:

    1a) If you cannot draw a graphics tablet will not magically make you able to draw.

    1b) Even if you can draw, quite often the super-awkward nature of a tablet (hold the drawing tool in hand and see the results on screen - what is this rubbish?) can turn out being more fuss than it's worth. I would greatly recommend an actual tablet - like one of Samsung Note series with a decent digitizer pen - you can see what it is you are doing, you can take it with you and doodle whenever inspiration strikes - it's rather great.

    2) The game is MEGA slow - your shots are slower than your movement, and the view very close on your character - the guy has like 25% of the screen to himself. So far it is indeed a stroll. I think looking at similar games for inspiration might be a good idea.

  • C2 certainly has autosave and backups, on by default - just the files are named differently - .capx.autosave for example, so they aren't marked as C2 files. Are you sure you don't have those in your work folder?

  • I must say the visuals and the dynamism of the whole thing are highly appealing. Hopefully it's not annoying to control. Hoping to see a playable version soon.

  • It's still there, alive and kicking.

  • Hi, all!

    I have been trying to get into shaders - sometimes even with a little bit of success. And working on something else I noticed that (at least on my hardware) a shifted texture gets nicely "stretched out" near the boundaries. Sounds like a great way to shift a texture around its draw rectangle.

    Put an effect like that on a layer and in the editor it is just shifted:

    But at runtime it's a different story:

    So then you can shift a value dynamically:

    And get some neat shake (looks much better at full speed):

    Or shift both values:

    ...for a full-on earthquake:

    It takes "real" pixels as input, so if "Fullscreen scaling" is set to High quality the shifts will be based on the screen resolution, if set to low it will work "right"

    Installation: Extract the c2addon and drag into an open C2 window.


    My skills are limited so I'm not sure if it could be made to shift everything below if placed on an upper level - but currently you can have parallax shaking, for example. I have kept things extra slim - so if the values are 0 it will still run (or perhaps automatically won't) - so please enable/disable the effect as needed.

    It would be super-great if someone could test this with something real and say what the performance is like.