Somebody's Forum Posts

  • Ah, I see. So HPA97 - if your values are already numbers you can omit that int - just have round(yourvalue/gridspacing)*gridspacing. Perhaps saves a picosecond of processing time somewhere

  • zenox98 - is that int() really necessary?

  • Compared to some of the code ninjas here or those who have completed projects I'm still but a newbie. And also have nearly always been a one man team - making art, sounds, everything by myself. But as time goes by more and more I realize that a single person can only do so much - some of it can be overcome making/using tools, but generally it's a question of persistence and motivation.

    For me the future seems to be with teamwork, but I do really admire those who manage to build a proper project all by themselves.

  • infinite looping of your gifs rocks! which tools do you use for converting these gifs?

    Well, most of the magic happens because of the sine setting the values or just preparing them in such a way that they repat at a predictable regular intervals, be it 1,2 or 4 seconds.

    A crowd favorite (and I believe one of the first apps of this type (just click and go) is gifcam:

    But gifcam doesn't let you set capture frame size with numbers and doesn't let you set precise length, so I ended up with the awesome LICEcap:

    You can set the size, set a framerate, and when you hit record you get to set extra options, like time, show mouse clicks, etc. It doesn't have built in pixel-precise positioning, but that is easy to overcome using Windows tools - Alt+Space for a menu, press m for "move" then use cursor keys for big jumps or ctrl+cursor keys for 1 pixel jumps and hit Enter to confirm.

    Since my machine is a little old (coming up on 6 years and it's a laptop) some of these suffer a little from choppiness, but at least LICEcap intelligently changes the framerate to compensate so the overall movement is preserved - which also helps with that seamless looping.

    the central distro place is very useful against this massive flood of awesome plugins.

    Massive flood, heh, heh... But yeah, I got ideas for more.

    All I gotta say is "wow." Nice work on all of these! I especially like the show every x y pixel. : D

    Thanks, "wow" I like <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    If anyone comes up with creative uses of these do share them - we can all benefit. Or, if you feel like "Well, these dots are cool, but how about having an actual grid instead of dots?" - let me know, Somebody might do something about it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • It's not as elegant as the shader solution, but it gets the job done if shaders aren't an option.

    My solution got called elegant by linkman? Sounds like have come full circle when it comes to scale (thanks again for that awesome CC behaviour, btw).

    Ah, those are NEAT! Looks just like the effect I initially wanted!

    Thank you so much Somebody & Linkman2004, appreciate your efforts!

    You are welcome! Pick whichever works best, mine is probably the lazier option, while the other gives you more control over positioning and so on.

  • I'm quite sure global layers were introduced for that exact purpose.

  • There's thousands of clones of bejewelled in the app stores so I assume you are good to go. There was discussion here recently where someone said you cannot copyright a game IDEA, just assets, names, etc.

  • frcol - pasting objects all the time might be slow - you could try an approach where you spawn objects while the user is touching and then paste these into paster and destroy them. It might get slow for very long strokes, but will probably generally feel better than pasting something every tick.

    Also you'll probably need to look into making connected objects - lines (search the forum for "tails" or " trails") to overcome quick movements.

  • So, "Allen T" was looking for a way to make a flat spinning disc and I though - well, just use a built-in scale shader on a layer and... wait, there is no built-in scale shader? Say hello to "Scale":

    Just scales the contents of a sprite/layer by the given percentage. Bad things will happen if something is over the edge (or maybe you want that sort of an effect actually).

    Add to the top post and repo.

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  • Don't give up so soon! A Shader is a graphical effect that works on sprites/or layers after they are drawn on screen so if... Somebody... were to make a Shader that scales and image you could animate things on a layer and the shader would kinda squeeze them down to look like they have some depth. Maybe like this?

    The downside is not too many mobile systems support shaders (yet) and it could eat some performance - but if this is a showcase effect like in my demo you should be good to go.

    If you'd like to try it out just go to my Shader folder here: ... _Gd7a?dl=0

    Download the Scale.c2addon file and drag it into an open C2 window - it will install. Then you can download the Scale.capx file and check out how the demo in the gif above was made. It is a good idea to place all the things on the scaled layer first and then activate the effect - also it will look weird in the editor, but correct at runtime.

    Note: For some reason the way Shaders works is from the bottom left to top right - so when you scale something down it will move towards bottom left. Also - try not to place objects outside the layer to scale (or it will look weird). Experiment and have fun.

  • Dissolve and frozen worked perfect now! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    The problems with Construct´s Effects must be the same of yours.

    Awesome! The problem was actually with the random number system used by the default effects, which I also used thinking it is the best way. But it's not - first of all there's the problem we see of it not working on certain mobile GPUs, but also the results it produces aren't as random as could be.

    So I started doing research and found this awesome blog post from a fine gentleman by the name of ajgryc: ... gl-es-2-0/ - where he nicely explains why the "standard" random system is bad and also provides a better one. One that I now use in all the shaders that have random bits.

    I'll also ping Ashley here just in case he'd like to fix the default shaders, but he'll probably ask for the proper bug report which cannot be provided as it's device specific and so it'll probably fade away as usual. But just in case the reason and solution are right in the link above. If he'd like to help out those working for mobile it's as easy as implementing that code.

  • icepam - thank you for the kind words. In fact my system already does the upscaling, it's just not available in the public version - but normally the designs are exported at 200%. The trick is this - if you capture the canvas the sprites are already there and upscaling only makes the pixels larger. In my case all the designs are the same sprite so it's easy to use the "Paste sprite onto paster" command. And this is where the magic happens - as you have a higher resolution paster then the separate objects are pasted into it at the highest possible resolution. I'm not sure how your system is set up, but perhaps you could try to add all the active objects to a family and paste that or just set up a series of sequential pastes.

    Good luck, do share the results.


    The URL is broken.

    Where can I find the frosten link donwload?

    Look on the first post, there's now a shared folder with all the latest versions and sample .capx'es

  • That's what lerp does - if you want steady movement you gotta do something like if x < targetx do x = x+dt*400

    Or possibly just use a moveto behaviour on a scroll helper object

  • Hi Somebody,

    noise does not work correct either in Safari and Chrome iPad3.

    But does the new dissolve work now? If you can please try the other new effect - Frosted - as well.