Soluna Software's Forum Posts

  • do you know any good lessons on rag doll? seen some gut they don't look that great!

    thanks dand

    The template does not currently use the physic behavior. I guess that something it needs to if a true rag doll is to be used.

  • hi just bought the bundle looking great so far

    do you think you could add rag doll when you shoot them and blow my up

    thanks happy customer thank dand

    Thanks. I will consider that. This is bit bigger task for me, so do not set your hopes too high.

  • A user asked: "In level 7 if I copy a door and delete the original. The event does not work in the copy. It only works with the original door. Why?"

    The door has an id. The switch that should open the door must know this id. Just set the variable SlidingDoorId to the Id of the door and it will work. See image below.

  • My time is currently limited, but I might look into it some day soon.

    Could you please specify what you need and how you prefer it to work. Thanks.

  • It is hard to say. Try to print some debug info on screen and perhaps use bullettime.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks. Feel free to ask anything here in the forum. I will try my best to answer.

  • Weilard, that is very easy whtt the template.

    Just set zoom. See sample below, where I set zoom to 2.5 when player is touched.

    Zoom 1 = 100%. Zoom 2.5 = 250%. Zoom 0.7 = 70% and so on.

    By using the CameraTool (included in the template) you can also set camera to follow player or some other object. The camera is designed to move smoothly (with tweening) and has several very useful instance variables.

  • Hello. I want ask few questions before made purchaise.

    Do you have a plan to do template of boxes or crates with stuff?

    Do you have a plan to do simple inventory with collectible items?

    And can I ask how hard to create food, drink & stamina "system"?


    I have no plan about this right now. It will not be a big task. 20 hours perhaps. I just need to find the time to do it

    Thank you for your interest in the template

  • Some physics can be made without full physics engine.

    Try playable demo here: ... rmer-15063

    The granade weapon (in level 3) simulate some mild physics.

  • Hi htmlgames

    Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you like the template.

    A crawling feature seems like a cool thing. I will try to add it to the template. Thanks for suggesting it

  • Bishop313 It seems that 3.2.01 has some issues. Animation looked weird in places that I did not change (my change was a transformation of a mesh).

    When I used 2.1.27 the weird thing did not happened (and I did the same changes as before).

  • Hi netserwer

    Sorry to hear that your are having some issues.

    I need a bit more info. What font exactly in the 350 Sprite Fonts pack, are causing you trouble?

  • Hi RetroGamer3.

    I'm sorry you feel that way. You are the very first person that dislike the template :-/

    Could you please be more precise about the problems you face? Or what you expected from the template? I would be happy to improve the template if possible.

  • Hi tmrussell145

    1. When calling function CreateHurtArea you just adjust pararm2. 1 means 100%. So change it to e.g. 1.5 will increase hurt in the area to 150%. Hint: if DebugStateIsOn is 1 then you will be able to briefly see the actual hurt areas when you play the game.

    2. Can be solved this in many ways. I would add an instance variable to family Hurts named Damage. In group 'Player taking damage', in 'Is PlayerBox overlapping Hurts' I would reduce the Players health with the given damage from the variable Damage.

    Good luck with your game - and please provide a link to the game when it's finish. I would love to play it.

  • Retro Music 1 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <h3>Retro Music 1</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>This asset contains 8 old-school retro tunes (aka. chip tunes) and 2 lose jingles and 2 win jingles. All tunes are made with the same set of music instruments. Even the jingles. The tunes are perfect for a retro game (with pixel art) and reminds you of good old games from the 80's (C64 and the arcade halls). </p><p>Here is what you get:</p>

    • 4 tunes for casual in-game play (38 sec each, seamless loop-able)
    • 4 tunes for danger in-game play (38 sec each, seamless loop-able)
    • 2 win tunes (short, about 5 seconds)
    • 2 lose tunes (short, about 5 seconds)
    • A Construct 2 and a Construct 3 sample project.

    <p>In total: 5 min and 27 seconds of music.</p><p>Good luck with your game!</p><h3>More?</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>If you like this asset or perhaps want me to add something, please let me know (do not just give bad reviews). Thanks!</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Retro Music 1