Solomon's Forum Posts

  • Ive created another one, this one seems more busy and I even did not do anything to keep my computer busy.

  • [quote:3g2vd14b]Do you have installed Windows, Construct and the Browsers all on drive C or some exotic drive like J or Y?

    Maybe this could cause a problem in finding the browsers.

    Nope, Ive installed everything on a C:\ drive. Ive got a 2GB hard drive without any partitions, and clean after the format (well now it has some hardware testing utilities as I have been testing the temperature of my graphics card and processors, as well as the fans whether they are working or not and all is ok in this matter).

    I have done as you suggested but still cant figure out much from the graph?

  • Asmodean

    Once again thanks for taking the time to respond, I really appreciate it.

    Turning off the antivirus in the background does not make a difference.

    My graphics card is a Geforce960. I am looking into micro stuttering and vsync as you suggested (I did have tearing in the past) but Im not sure this is the case in this situation.

    The issue is that every second (or 60 frames) the smooth movement of a moving sprite is interupted with a micro stutter (I think I can call it that as to your previous post).

    As you might imagine this is really annoying and makes for testing games more difficult as Im wont be sure if its the micro stuttering causing lag or simply too much data in my game.

    I do have the same lag in games here on Scirra in the arcade section, so that shows that is not only when I preview my game.

    As for the vsync problem in my card, the vsync is turned off at the moment and I dont see any tearing but I still do see the micro stutters. I need to do some more research, in the meantime any more suggestions are very welcome.


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  • Asmodean

    Thanks for responding. Regarding CPU-usage in the Task Manager, it is 1% (multi threaded procesors).

    The lagging, do you have it with other capx files too? Or only this one?

    What Im wondering is, if I purchase the full version will I be able to export to windows in another way than html5? This is a deal braker for me, because if yes I will buy Construct today.

    UPDATE 01:

    I have done the following:

    1) Formated the computer.

    2) Installed new fresh Windows 7 64 bit.

    3) Installed all the up-to-date drivers for all the components, including graphics card.

    4) Updated bios.

    5) Installed Construct 2 and Firefox, nothing else.

    6) Ran the example that Ive posted here (uploaded above).

    Still the lagging problem persists. I am having issues like I mentioned above with the example I uploaded, the two boxes moving.

    I can rule out:

    1) Windows

    2) Graphic drivers

    3) Full hard-drive

    I read somewhere that there has to be a problem with the hardware somewhere, or perphaps a driver, Im not sure. But regarding drivers, there are no errors in the Device Manager under the Windows Control Panel. Same goes for hardware, no errors, nothing.

    Im not sure how to go about it at the moment. Any insight would be great.

    UPDATE 02:

    I have installed Opera, and still I cant open the file in Opera, same error.

  • Update:

    Installed Chrome, managed to preview the scene with 2 boxes (attached above), this time tried different resolutions (testing with scaling turned off):

    (Cpu utilisation: under 1 percent)

    Resolution: 1280x800 px -----> 37-39 FPS in debug mode - very choppy

    Resolution: 1440x900 px -----> 60 FPS in debug mode - No lag, seems that Im on to something (but I dont want to work or view the game in this resolution as its blurry)

    Resolution: 1680x1050 px ---> 58-59 FPS in debug mode - Overall smooth, every time 1 second mark is passed there is a jitter/quick lag

    Resolution: 1920x1200 px ---> 59 FPS in debug mode - Overall smooth, every time 1 second mark is passed there is a jitter/quick lag (same as above), really really annoying!

    Is html5 really so fussy about resolutions? Am I doing something wrong? Is it a problem with my video card (which is new, only less than a year old, and has up-to-date drivers), or does the problem lie within Windows 7?

    Any ideas?

  • Sorry to bump this thread but I would appreciate if some of you fine folks could take a look at this thread Ive recently created on this matter:

    Thank you.

  • A couple hours down the line I created an empty scene with only 2 boxes moving on the screen both with wrap behaviour.

    One is moving using bullet behaviour and the other self.x + x * dt behaviour.

    Now what I find is that every second the boxes lag and then go back to smooth movement.

    So its something like this:

    Moving smoothly....1 seconds passes, a quick jerk then - moving smoothly....1 seconds passes, a quick jerk then - moving smoothly.... etc.

    So its smooth movement until the 1 second mark is passed, then a sharp jerk for some miliseconds, then it all repeats.

    Additionally when any help bubbles appear around my desktop, the boxes start to lag more...

    Could someone take a look at my Capx file below and see if its only me that is having such issues? Thanks.

  • As Im relatively new to C2 I could be wrong, but isnt that simply masking applied to a tiling background?

    Shapes are imported and masked to be visible where there is intersection with the tiling sprite.

  • To illustrate the problem which I am tackling, here is a direct screen dump:

    My other 2 threads regarding this issue:

    Bug section:

    How do I section:

  • Update: Solved on page 3.

    I have been working on a game for about 2 weeks now, the last week being quite intensive.

    The game uses 16.2 mb memory, has 98 events and its approximate download is 1.3 mb in size.

    The resolution is 1200x800 in landscape mode. The sprites/graphics are done in a 1 to 1 ratio, because I thought that changing them from to the power of 2 would solve the problems but it did not.

    Scaling is turned off, but I did try with 'scale inner' - no difference.

    My graphics drivers are up to date and I have a Geforce GTX 960 with 16 ram and a multithreaded procesor.

    The game wasnt running smooth throughtout but I thought to myself that its my computers fault, and testing it on other machines will prove that. It didnt turn out quite that way unfortunately.

    Now Im having performance issues regarding scrolling items (as it is a type of infinite runner game), they arent scrolling smoothly enough and are lagging somewhat

    from time to time, even so slightly sometimes but that does make a difference.

    I have tested the CapX file on 3 different computers and the results are somewhat simillar, unsmooth slightly jittery scrolling and movement.

    There is one background and several items scrolling from side to side once they are spawned outside the screen (at max there are 20 sprites of 1 instance about 30x30 pixels in size, and 2 insances of another, and 2 x 1 instance of some seperate sprite. I have tried turning those off but no luck there).

    I am destroying the items once they leave the screen so that is not the issue.

    I have *dt everywhere in the values.

    I have tried to test it, and have turned off certain sprites, and the background too and the effect is the same.

    I am wondering if the problem lays withing the file itself because there is a wierd glitch where I cant change the preview browser(it just doesnt respond, other time doesnt see the installed web browser - but it is there for sure. I even tried reinstalling the browser but that did not work either), which happened on the other 2 computers as well.

    I am attaching an empty capx file, the one that I used for my game but have cleared almost all data. Just open it and try to preview the file in a different browsers; start with Firefox, then Opera and Internet Explorer (scroll down for link to file).

    I have set different browsers to default browsers to no avail too. I tried to reinstall Construct 2 as well but that did not help either.

    In one last act of desperation, tomorrow Im going to try to create a part of the game in a entirely new file, and see how it goes there.

    If this doesnt work Im going to call it quits unfortunately, as I came to really enjoy Construct 2 and its event sheets. But focusing on such issues drains my patience and creativity so that I have no more energy to focus on the gamey side of things, even so I have been trying to troubleshoot this issue for quite some time now.

    Will keep you all posted, any suggestions are welcome as always.

    Link to file:

    Also screen of problem:

    My other 2 threads regarding this issue:

    Bug section: viewtopic.php?f=151&t=165188&p=998445#p998445

    How do I section, with a very brief explanation: viewtopic.php?f=151&t=165188&p=998445#p998445

  • Problem Description

    There is a wierd glitch where I cant change the preview browser(it just doesnt respond, other time doesnt see the installed web browser - but it is there for sure. I even tried reinstalling the browser but that did not work either), which happened on the other 2 computers as well.

    I am attaching an empty capx file, the one that I used for my game but have cleared almost all data. Just open it and try to preview the file in a different browsers; start with Firefox, then Opera and Internet Explorer (scroll down for link to file).

    I have set different browsers to default browsers to no avail too. I tried to reinstall Construct 2 as well but that did not help either.

    Attach a Capx

    Link to file:

    Description of Capx

    Almost empty file.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open file.
    • Test on different browsers; Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer

    Observed Result

    Browsers do not switch as selected in preview mode.

    Sometimes no browsers open, other times a browser that has not been chosen opens, other times it states it cannot find a browser even though it is installed.

    Reinstalling browser does not help.

    Expected Result

    Browsers should have switched as selected in preview mode.

    Affected Browsers

    • Firefox: (YES)
    • Opera: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64 bit, Service pack 1 (auto live update turned off)

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 216 (64-bit), Built at 13:46:39 on Oct 22 2015

    Ps. Sorry for typos been typing fast and its late after a long day.

  • What is stranger, is that it only affects my 1 project. The Construct 2 templates open in different browsers no problem, just the project that I am currently working on does not seem to want to work...

    I hope this doesn't mean I have to copy all the events and assets into a new clean project...

    EDIT: Scratch that, the infinite runner template opens up only in Opera, and not in Internet Explorer... grr, what is going on..

  • LittleStain

    Deactivating/Activating group? Wow, that is sweet!

    Thanks for the info, now time to delete some global variables and settle for group toggling for some situation, Ill get my event sheet cleaner for sure!

  • I have tried for some time about a week ago and then quit. Now I'm back at trying to change Construct 2 creating previews on a different browser than Firefox.

    I tried changing the preferences to Opera and Internet Explorer but without any luck. The preview still pops up in Firefox. Ive no idea why, any help would be appreciated, as Firefox is very laggy for me.

  • Also I suggest using Comments and Groups inside Construct 2.

    That is a must for me. When working on a different part of the game simply hide the code in other groups, makes for much much less clutter.