Solomon's Forum Posts

  • if you use while loop and "Random_Pick"?"Signature"...Destroy ?

    like in this capx WhileDestroy.capx

    just spawn families and check "Signature2...

    Yes but you are setting the animation frame to a different frame to load a sprite. I cannot do that because I have different sprites with different animations that I want to load.

    I need to reference the created object by text inside a global variable, so that the text chosen will transfer itself to the object as both will have the same name.

  • I'm sorry that it did not work, I looked up and tested it and it really did not work. As far as I know (now) you have to do this manually, there is no literal option for this but you can only make it easier by using the function plugin, arrays or commonly use variables.

    Hey no problem, at least we both learned something which is always good.

    I really do hope there is another way to solve this faster instead of manually entering each event.

    Still hoping someone can help me on this, if not well in the end Ill just use the call functions as you mentioned.

    One thing that could work if it was possible is adding an item to a family in events, and then checking if that item is in the family by comparing the family variable instance. Need to look into it, not sure if its possible to add an item to a family with events only.

  • [quote:2udrl499]

    "First Make sure the Global Variable Values are text and returns the Sprite Names when you randomize it."

    1) Make a Family and add all the sprites that you want to create.

    2) Add an Instance Variable in the Family called "Signature" (or anything you want) returning a Text value.

    3) In the Project Bar , set the Instance Variable "Signature" of each sprite the same as their name.

    4) Make this event :

    Condition: Pick by comparison.... Global Variable = Family.Signature

    Action: Create Object : Family at (X,Y)

    Lets say I have: apple|orange|banana in my Fruit_family.

    The sprites are called apple, orange and banana respectively.

    Also I created a text variable: Random_Pick=""

    At the beginning there is a draw = pick either: apple, orange or banana.

    All is good, that all works I get the desired output when using output value to text.

    At this moment when I draw orange I get Random_Pick="orange"

    Now I would like for the Fruit_family to spawn the orange that I the system has randomly picked at the beginning at a certain location.

    I did as you suggested, added "Signature" Instance Variable to the Fruit_family, and named each of the objects as their sprites:

    apple=apple, orange=orange, banana=banana

    Then I added the compare 2 values, and compared: Random_Pick=Fruit_family.Signature.

    Then create object Fruit_family on specified layer and location.

    From what I understand, the system is now looking if the Random picked fruit is present in the family signature and if it is, it is spawning a random object from that family, and not the exact fruit that was picked at random at the beginning.

    So I am getting random spawns every time, so when the pick is apple I get a random object spawn instead of the spawning apple.

    Its a shame that there is no further optional branching after selecting the create object Family ---> pick specific object in that family to create.

    Will try the other option regarding caling the function in a couple of hours.

  • I have a marker and I would like to load into it a random object.

    Now the reason for this, is that I would not need to set events for each object that I load into the marker, instead set the events for the marker and the objects will load into it and retain its events.

    Basically the idea behind this is to have a random picking system which I have done so, and when a number is hit it picks out an object/sprite.

    Then, there is an event where I create the object, but I would like to be able instead of going through all the possibilities, to substititue create "object" with a variable that has been randomly picked at the beginning, if that makes sense.

    The only thing Im not sure of is how to substitute the "object" in "create object" event with a variable name that had been picked out earlier.

    All of the objects have their own animations, so using the strategy of having different sprites on different animations/frames and changing the frame numbers to get a different object loaded will not do.

    As always, thanks for the help.

  • ahr Ech

    Your reply is much appreciated.

    Happy Happy Krampusnacht plays very well, and it works well in fullscreen mode.

    Just one more question before I leave you alone if thats ok.

    Have you ever tried exporting in higher resolutions strictly for desktop? (because as I understand exporting as your current resolution is also leaving a possibility for mobile export).

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Create a step by step guide on how to get accepted by Nintendo into its developer program

    Oh, that and continue to kick tushy with smokin games of course

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  • zenox98

    I have read around the forums and people suggested not to use too many event sheets, perphaps a couple at most.

    I will try it out and report back if I encounter an issue.


    Ok I will look into it, thanks for the input.

  • Or I could simply use more even sheets... But I have read that too much isnt healthy for C2 stability. Guess I will find out

  • Is it possible to arrange global variables into groups/lists, so that when selecting variables into an event the list is not so long?

    So basically I would set which group I want to be shown where?

    Instead of all the global variable in one long list I would have groups of smaller lists. (and still for the variable to remain global so I can use it in other groups) I know its possible to type them in, but some of the names are getting long and even with autofind I do sometimes need to remind myself of a variable name.

    It would look cleaner too.

  • Zebbi

    Glad it helped!

    What is your frame rate limit? Did you set one up? Try to set a FPS limit to 60 on your graphics card perphaps that will help with the "drag".

  • Hahaha 5* dude!

  • Zebbi - what OS are you using?

    If windows 7 u need to turn on AERO for the vsync to kick in when in desktop.

  • Working on a little project for the Idle Thumbs Winter Wizard Jam.

    ahr Ech

    Really cool projects and designs, nice flow!

    Ive got a question if you dont mind.

    As I see you are focusing on games for PC (especially considering your 2.5 isometric spaceman game, "Reliquary"), I was wondering what resolution are you aiming for and designing in, in Construct 2? And what exporting format/module do you plan on releasing it in?

    It would be nice to hear from someone that is already a veteran on the Construct 2 battlefield so to speak. Of course if you dont mind sharing, thanks.

  • Thanks for all the advice.

    I picked up a copy of The Animators Survival kit (...)


    Nice, good choice, I see you know where to look for references