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I still think we should adopt one of the spam bots, and make it our mascot... give it a signature and an avatar and let it roam free. It could be our pet.
We could even have conversations with it about WOW GOLD and ERECT PENISES if we get bored enough.
Wow sounds great scidave, I am looking forward to being able to test it out.
Lag compensation should be easy enough to code user-side anyway... since each user will have a much better idea of the situation and how much control/compensation will be needed at the time.
I can't wait :D
So yeah, what's happening with TC HD?
I want to seeeeee. :D
We will see indeed. I can't wait to see.... make me see it sooner rather than later. I like seeing stuff. Seeing is good, it's a good thing, to see.
There are some very early and very loose python plugins floating around that allow for multiplayer support... but they are not official and also not easily implemented.
I think one of the board members was considering working on something official though... here's to hoping!
I have wished for this since day 1.
It's really the only thing holding me back from ACTUALLY doing something.
Hi and welcome.
Hope you enjoy it here as much as we do.
Yes, your host is terrible.
Consider using DropBox. You can get it from the link in my sig, or visiting
7500 sprites 64fps
8000 sprites 55fps
OVER 9000 45fps
<img src="" border="0" />
11000 sprites 35fps
I stopped it there, since I figured I would never see that in a real-world situation. :P
Pretty neat game. I found myself running out of air a little too quickly though... otherwise pretty good game :) I do agree that you need to be able to aim one direction and walk the other, though.
Yeah, I can't ban-hammer any bots... I has no powers :/
ok, thanks for the answers, i think i will try learn html5 and java (lol)..
Or you could just use Windows?
I know which is the easier option...
Firefox 5 - 63fps Fullscreen
I don't have IE9 installed
Safari fails and just freezes
Intel Q9300
4Gb OCZ DDR2 1066
2 x 1024Mb GeForce GTX280 (SLI)