SoldjahBoy's Forum Posts

  • I guess none of you guys like it "bangin"...


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  • LOL Australia's internet ***** *loads 1mb images all day, is cool*

    All the more reason for you to use this:

    <img src="">


  • I noticed a lot of you guys have Photoshop, yet your uploaded images are HUGE! I pride myself on the fact that my image uploads are generally under 100kb, and even my sig with alpha channel is under 70kb.

    When you save your image for upload, instead of going FILE > SAVE AS > JPEG, try FILE > SAVE FOR WEB > JPEG (Medium or High depending).

    You can try a simple experiment to see what I mean, by loading up a blank canvas, squiggle some lines on it then do SAVE AS > JPEG and then again as SAVE FOR WEB > JPEG (high) and you should notice the difference in file size, yet the image quality should appear 99% the same.

    Give it a go! No more 1Mb images PLEASE, I mean PLOX!


  • I saw the bird, that's cool!

    I also saw an angel holding a scabbard:

    <img src="">


  • > 2. Can there be an 'universal' variable that works globally but also privately? (i.e Gold for individual characters and globally working based on a same variable)


    Maybe you want a private variable on a global object? Under 'Common' properties, you can tick Global. The object won't be destroyed at the end of the layout, and will always be available in all event sheet editors.

    That's a really cool idea acctually... basically it's a "visual" variable array!


  • Yeah I think a lot of these issues are being addressed already, but it never hurts to remind the dev team about them. So much to do, so little cans of red bull.


  • Alee naked?

    Me Aboriginal?

    No, just sepia tone haha! That pic was from a few years back, before I got married and gained like 30kg :/

    See what happens when you get married boys? You get so happy and comfortable that you get FAT. Let this serve as a warning to anyone with funny ideas.

    Now, off to the treadmill, I mean computer screen...


  • Making it full screen like, I dunno... every other FPS game on the market... would fix the problem of the mouse focus.


  • really impressive...

    The engine is good, the only thing that I tink must be worked is that damn holy wall jump... it's so annoying, sometimes I try to go left to right, but it's more easy if I just try jumping in the same wall until the top...

    Yeah it's a bit broken at the moment. I can do it perfectly, but only because I made it lol. xD

    If you simply hold jump and don't touch any directions, you sort of "automatically" jump up sections that are narrow enough.... it's only when you do longer wall jumps that you have to try and control left and right.

    Deadeye is going to work on it soon to improve it... I think he has taken it on as a personal challenge xD


  • Nice one Dave! That looks pretty sick

    I think I'll go with that for now and see what it looks like when I make the first few sprites tomorrow. I have a think for red and/or pink so the red just sets it off in my opinion.

    I guess I get my pose ideas from looking at other photos, comic books, anime/manga images, etc. That pose was made up from scratch though, because after awhile you can just "see" things the way you want them after doing it so many times before. I used to have one of those wooden pose dolls a long time ago, but I don't know where on earth it ended up... it went missing some years ago, I think when I moved house one time. I should really invest in a new one because those things are so damn handy.

    Thanks also for adding my siggeh Dave


  • But being serious now, how SoldjahBoy do that?[/quote > > > > he has beautiful models, much like the playboy mansion, they submit to his photo shoots willingly. He woos them in with his awesome art skillz and they cant resist. > > >



  • I have an idea...

    Let's remake duke3d! It wil be faster than Duke Forever lol xD


  • Nothing beats Steve

    This guy has some serious issues... I want some.


  • Thought I'd share... for anyone who likes tower games, this is THE website for awesome TD games.


  • Rip Currrrrrrrrrrrl

    Can't tell you're an Aussie xD


    Here is a far more recent pic of my wife and daughter, and me.

    <img src="">
