Weird visual error with tiles shifting by 1 pixel causes gaps. I'm pretty certain that is a Construct issue though, right?
Yes and no. The large gray bg tile in Chamber can be fixed by making the texture a power of 2. I just didn't bother. (I'm not really concerned about graphics right now, and most of them are likely to change.)
But there is another, as yet unknown reason why bg tiles shift around and cause gaps (if this happens on your computer you might notice the "sidewalk" looking tiles jumping around), and yeah it's been reported, and I pray to the almighty Construct Gods that it's fixed soon
The game is taking shape really nicely.
I had problems will the wall jump, though. I could never do it.
By the way, how did you get the camera to move up and down so smoothly?
To wall jump, just press the opposite direction while you're wall sliding. Once you start your jump, let go of the key you were holding to slide. That's what I mean by "rock the keys back and forth." You don't ever have to let go of the jump button.
Oh, I also fixed the wall jump bug where you can just jump straight up one wall. You have to alternate walls now (or at least jump away from the wall and back to it, you can't just slide up the wall ).
As for the camera, here's a hint: It's actually following an invisible object