i've updated the game with grass and more flowers, and i have also added the ability to die:D
anyway, does anyone have any suggestions on the gameplay. i was thinking of having the mouse control certain aspects of the game. for example, if a road is blocked by rocks, you can throw them away with the mouse at the cost of crystals.
I wouldn't recommend mixing controls for the game, unless you have the mouse used for some part of basic control right from the start... and everything else (in terms of controls) usable with only one hand on the keyboard. There is nothing worse when playing a game than having to go back and forth between the keyboard and mouse.
I like the idea of throwing rocks away, perhaps you could add other things like this which are more essential to the games playability. I guess you could make other types of obsticles, buttons and switches that are opened by moving objects around, or even a similar way of attacking enemies (as some sort of secondary or magical attack).
Also, I would change the hamburger into something a little less random since the rest of the game's art style tends to be more organic and "alien-like"... unless of course the game is going to revolve around stange "food" enemies and weird things like (for example) vending machines as buildings, and rain made out of french fries, etc.
Overall I really liked the look of the game, and making into something bigger would be really cool as long as it was mapped out properly. I'm looking forward to seeing the graphical improvements you made with the flora... I'm really getting into your art style
Good luck mate