smitchell's Forum Posts

  • Please post your capx so we can help you.

  • I'm not sure if you can get the name of a friend using the Facebook object, but there are third party plugins that might allow you to call some JavaScript or HTML so you can do so.pixel wall clock

    You can randomly generate a name yes, maybe using an array. Or you can store the names in a seperate text file then call them using JavaScript.

    You can use the players Facebook name, have a nice little welcome message or something.

    You can post to Facebook, achievements, scores ect.

    Later I'll make a example for you

  • Hope that helps <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • GingerBatMan, Kyatric

    Yeah I also had a look at strpos function

    Came up with this, But it doesn't feel right:


    // read variables from POST data.

    $username = $HTTP_GET_VARS[name]; <-- DEFINE THE USER??


    $mystring = $HTTP_GET_VARS[CurrentUser];

    $pos = strpos($mystring, $username);

    // verify the username is set and not empty

    if (!isset($username) || $username == "") {

        echo "failure";



    // verify the log is set and a number

    if (!isset($log) || $log == "") {

        echo "failure";



    if ($pos === false) {

        echo "The string '$username' was not found in the string '$mystring'";

    } else {

        echo "The string '$username' was found in the string '$mystring'";

        echo " and exists at position $pos";



    Then the read.php


    /** Return a list of top logs. */

    // read variables from GET data

    $num_logs = $HTTP_GET_VARS[num_logs];

    // read each line in logs.csv as a string into an array

    $logs = file("logs.csv");

    // define a comparator to sort items by log

    function compare($s1, $s2) {

        // split the strings by their delimiter

        $a1 = explode("#", $s1);

        $a2 = explode("#", $s2);

        // compare the logs

        return $a2[1] - $a1[1];


    // sort the array of logs

    usort($logs, "compare");

    // output the requested number of top logs

    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_logs && $i < count($logs); $i++) {

        echo $logs[$i];



    Im not sure what im supposed to do the the read php to return the replay you need when you want it <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Kyatric ahh dammit!

    Is there anyway to call a server side script without it being at the same location? third party plugin maybe?

    Im making a IOS game, It wont work if the serverside script is somewhere else will it?

  • Im might sound stupid but im just wondering.

    Ajax -

    Does the PHP script or what ever your calling have to be in the same location as the html file?

    Because im interested in mobile gaming, And if the scripts have to be on a server, will just calling work?

  • If you explain in depth what you are trying to achieve then there are tips and tricks forum users may be able to provide to help suit your situation :).

  • You could just draw them in photoshop or another similar image editor,

    Then set cursor style to "None"

    Then -


         -> Set MouseIcon.Y(Mouse.X) // set its position to the mouse's X position

         -> Set MouseIcon.Y(Mouse.Y) // set its position to the mouse's Y position

    Mouse.IsOverObject(ObjectToGrab) // If the mouse is over the object, Then set the mouse icon to frame 2(The frame with the grab icon)

         -> SetMouseIcon.CurrentFrame(2)

    Mouse.IsOverObject(ObjectToGrab)[Invert] // Invert is to determine so we know were NOT over something we can grab

         -> SetMouseIcon.CurrentFrame(1) // If were not over something were able to grab set the Icons Frame to 2 the normal/hand icon

    If you need me to provide a example, Let me know :)

    If i completely failed to understand what you meant, Then please explain more.

  • Its bouncing of a object that's not at a exact 90 degree angle, Or the bounding box of the object is not straight.

    You can try fix the angle, or collision box.

    Or you can add two waypoints, On on the left, one on the right.

    System on start of layout:

         -> Object.setAngleOfMotion(Waypoint1)


         -> Object.setAngleOfMotion(Waypoint2)


         -> Object.setAngleOfMotion(Waypoint1)

    If you cannot figure it out with bouncing, then that solution should be a quick fix.

    If its for your spinny saws kinda things. I recommend the sine behavior.

         - It looks allot nicer, as it smooths the stop and accelerates to the next position.

         - its controllable, Speed, distance to make the wave ect.

  • What else is not working?

    How are you making the trail?

    ect explain in detail, Upload your capx, or print screen the code. It makes it easier to help you.

  • Yeah im on my Crappy PC right now.

    I'll play it on my laptop later(i5, 4GB of ram) so its pretty decent.

    I do all my art on this piece of crap, Its easier to operate than the laptop(Don't Have a graphics tablet)

    I'll also give it a go on my IPhone if you want :)

  • Well i guess ads in game can drop the frame rate slightly, So making them WebGL would help that. But still why put it on that but nothing else? Not a smart move by apple :)

  • Completed the game ;D!!!

    By the way i found a bug, its on every level i think.

    If you move the mouse really fast, the collision does not count on the red boundaries.

    If thats using layers then it seems to work fine.

    Its more convenient to use layout though, And as you dont have too many levels just yet i suggest transferring what you do have into layouts. Just in case you encounter any problems later on.

  • Mipey, Thanks for the reply.

    Will research if the iphone natively supports webGL, Is it a service only available to web browsers? Which would make sense hense the Web part of WebGL <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi, A few questions about WebGL?

    1, Do I need to check it "On"

    2, What does it do?

    3, Will it benefit my games?

    4, Will it work on mobile devices if I export them through phonegap?
