Smileh's Forum Posts

  • Id like to make a team tho, but seems hard to find people to work as a team.

    People just think about commisions and freelance work and not as a project team idea

  • Smileh 2 free days a week ! What?!!!? no excuses then....

    If I had 2 free days a week I would have made the next big online hero shooter failure by now.

    Do you recommend me working by myself and do everything or find a team to work together?

  • Top tip, get a different job that doesn't involve working 12 hour days. Otherwise you are going to be in the same position.

    As u appear to have some skills I might even suggest go on the rock and roll for a year and do this full time to get something finished.

    Quit mu job is not an option. I have no econlmy to sustain myself for a year without it. I do have 2 free days a week, that would be my working on a game days.

    Also I found interesting you said I have some skills since I felt like I had no idea what I was doong the whole time.. I just improvised and carry on with it for two months. Had to learn how to create spries, use c3, etc but hey you made my day already. Thanks

  • Well. A year ago I was doing this. And weeks later has to stop because of my full time work didnt allow me to carry on. Yesteday I felt the motivation to revisit my very first project and Im not sure if I should continue this all by myself or get people on board to take weight of my shoulders and not lose motivation for my lack of time.

    Any tips?


  • Toying around with the idea of a room selector stage and testing out "Gametips" (kinda like a little description message on some assets) as well as dialogue testing.

    Looks pretty raw at the moment but we might get somewhere.

  • The size of the spritefont is set on event 12.

    Here's the formula for the height : DIALOGUE_HEIGHT - DIALOGUE_MARGIN * 2 + DIALOGUE_LINEHEIGHT

    If your spritefont's lineheight property doesn't fit 2 times in that, only one line will ever show. You could either tweak the variable values, or the change the formula so it uses a new variable with a value distinct from the DIALOGUE_MARGIN.

    Ok thanks, will see if I can make it work. One last thing!

    If I set text alignment to the right, can I make the scrolling of the text also to change it's direction? It "grows" in a weird way.

  • Hi Smileh, this shouldn't be too hard.

    You can easily center the text of every line by adjusting the horizontal aligment of the SpriteFont object to center and be done with it.

    But if you want it to adapt according to which side is the portrait, simply add a "Set horizontal alignment to right" on event 16 (under the "Set Mirrored" action). I would also make sure the spritefont revert to the default left aligment by adding a "Set horizontal alignment to left" on event 12.

    Thank you I tried the center aligment before and it didnt work but it was because other reasons, so when I fixed that stuff forgot to test that again lol. Sorry and thanks for the help!

    Now also, is there a way to adjust the margin just for the up and down, and not the right and left? I explain myself.

    I need to set the dialogue margin to 8 so the portrait is centered, but then it wont fit 2 lines on text. So how can I adjust for example the margin to 8 for the sides and to maybe 4 for top and bottom sides.

  • Magistross Hello again! Hoping you could help me out to fix this.

    How can I adjust the text either to be centered or to be close to the "rightside" portrait.

    Doesn't feel good at all. I'd like to adjust the text to the right side whenever the right portrait character speaks. Either that or center the text for every dialogue line.

    Hopefully you could point me in the right direction! Thanks

  • Hello.

    I'm making some sort of dialogue / message system with triggers. It works like so.

    I add a key to the dictionary.

    On overlapping with a trigger and pressing a key - Spawn a bubble text, text and set text to Dictionary key. I set the size of both with tokenat.

    Now, I made this work as intended. The problem comes when I want to expand this to multiple characters and triggers, because I will end up with 1 event per each trigger.

    If I want the same "character" to have multiple dialogues I came up with the idea of just adding an instance variable to that character to use it on the event as a condition if variable = speech1, speech2, etc.

    Is there a way I could make a few functions to simplify this? These are my current events.

  • Your work looks really great! A game like this with a good story line and diffrent levels and worlds can become a hit! I love the design and i really like the idea of the bacteria who is gonna try to save the world. My suggestion is to use that idea, i love it!

    Cant wait to play a demo and see more about your game!

    Well thanks. It feels weird to get compliments when you're new at something, because looking at others work I want to change everything all the time and start over. Feels like I'm always one step behind everyone I look. I know is not the right attitude specially when I'm comparing myself with people that has been doing this for year, but can't help it.

    Thank you very much for your kind words. For real means a lot to me.

    Also... I'm trying to come up with a name for the game, at least a placeholder name, could use some suggestions to get me started hehehe

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  • Testing the parallax layers

    Colors and the design of the objects will experiment modifications since I'm still trying to get a style and design that I'm happy with and to achieve consistency with every layer and asset in the game. Would appreciate tips!

  • I guess I will try to investigate further. Thanks

  • Bump. Hoping someone could help me out

  • Any tips?

  • That sounds something hard to do. Could anyone provide a tutorial or example capx around?