Smileh, this shouldn't be too hard.
You can easily center the text of every line by adjusting the horizontal aligment of the SpriteFont object to center and be done with it.
But if you want it to adapt according to which side is the portrait, simply add a "Set horizontal alignment to right" on event 16 (under the "Set Mirrored" action). I would also make sure the spritefont revert to the default left aligment by adding a "Set horizontal alignment to left" on event 12.
Thank you — I tried the center aligment before and it didnt work but it was because other reasons, so when I fixed that stuff forgot to test that again lol. Sorry and thanks for the help!
Now also, is there a way to adjust the margin just for the up and down, and not the right and left? I explain myself.
I need to set the dialogue margin to 8 so the portrait is centered, but then it wont fit 2 lines on text. So how can I adjust for example the margin to 8 for the sides and to maybe 4 for top and bottom sides.