skelooth's Forum Posts

  • Path finding in C2 is rough (I'm not a fan of the default behavior) but there are some work arounds. You can use the pathfind behavior on an invisible square to set waypoints, then you can use bullet behavior or move to to tell units to follow the waypoints.

    Just one option of many.

    There's a movement template called isobones that might help in the scirra store as well.

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  • "I hoped that the controls would be kind of a self explanatory..."

    I always assume the end user wants nothing more than to do things as incorrectly as possible and break everything. I call it defensive coding <_< The users can't be trusted.

  • Just rastarizing the layers with effects and smart objects would be great! I can tear the rest apart.

    For the longest time Gimp couldn't handle photoshops nested layer folders. Now that gimp 2.8 is out it can't handle smart objects. Can't beat the price though. USUALLY gimp can handle it all though.

    I would totally make use of those chemistry graphics thanks!

  • I'm using gimp 2.8

  • So, issue,

    The assets in the pack look almost nothing like what is shown in the store.

    The PSDs are also hard to work with for trying to change, is there any chance of pngs of individual elements? Can I get the resources from what is shown in the store instead?

  • Pretty cool very angry birds-esque. Could use some extra features like seeing your last shots trajectory. Otherwise the graphics are cute enough to make the blood splats worthwhile.

  • Yes, plugins like this exist. They're called adware and malware. It's pretty easy to write a browser extension that swaps out an image or a color, just not very useful. Nor would it be very funny to be quite honest.

    Better Idea is upsidedownternet via your router.

  • Just some constructive feedback:

    Pathfinding cells are pretty large, on a fullscreen desktop the player controlled square will stop when lightly touching any destination cell, so it feels a little weird when you're clicking a spot but the square doesn't move because it's already overlapping by a pixel or two

    8direction animation doesn't always line up well with the angle of movement (particularly there is an angle of up and right that looked really unnatural)

    No move on touch hold. Diablo style movement lets you move the character continuously towards the mouse when the button is held down, and initiates the path find on mouse release.

  • Hey thank you so much for the replies.

    I've tried saving in both directories, downloading new version, re-installing old version....

    Trying to email now, but it gmail says "email is not recognized". What the...

    Something wonky is going on. Have the stars and planets all aligned or something???

    Perhaps, I don't know if it's related but every once in a while steam thinks I need to download construct free edition despite having personal edition installed. (it kicks open a "install c2 free dialog" in the background as if I just bought a game)

    /thread hijack

    This is gonna sound stupid, but have you tried restarting your pc, or installing on a windows account?

  • I just want to say this looks amazing. This would be impressive regardless of what engine it was built in. I'm curious how performance is with such rich animations and images?

  • The short answer is no.

    The opinionated answer is, you don't want to. It's better to excel at one thing in the workplace than to be a jack of all trades. Both for your sanity and the productivity of the company you end up working for. Specializing will make you more valuable.

    You can ALWAYS do both, you just might not be able to do both at WORK. And you're free to double major

  • Thanks Neverk!

    I'm hoping by blogging the development I can:

    Get people to do preliminary testing on a variety of devices

    Catch bugs or poorly crafted features early

    and most important, stay the course. It's crazy to think that's already 4 weeks worth of work, and sometimes its hard to stay dedicated to it. If not for construct making programming easier I wouldn't have the patience to spend so much time doing graphics (my weak area). I've got a good feeling about this one. Everything planned is original but based on successful game formulas. *fingers crossed*

    I'd love to be able to take a month off work and just crank this thing out. One can dream.

  • This is a reality of software development, and it's "kinda sorta" the same reason different C++ compilers can create different sized executables. Crosswalk needs to package whatever runtime code and libraries it needs with your program. I'm still a bit new to it, and I don't know what the internals look like at all, but crosswalk offers all types of apis to access things not normally available in a webpage and tries to do it in a way that it's cross device, and I'd imagine the price we pay for that is a higher download.

    When Java got popular did a "Gasp". Why would people want to use a language slower than C++ that takes up more memory and file size? Over the years it became obvious the answer is, "because they can". Games used to weigh in at just a meg or 3 in the SNES days. Now your average AAA title is gigs large, sometimes even the more simple games are hundreds of megs. This is the natural evolution of software and file sizes. Software will always be written to take advantage of modern resources. That's how things move forward.

    Speech off.

  • I think you're pre-optimizing. 60MB installed space is pretty insignificant on most devices. An android phone that doesn't have 60MB to spare is either going to be filled to the brim with the user's junk, or is so old it wouldn't support webgl anyway.

    Just IMO.

  • That is only the file size of the animation, not how much memory it consumes. at RUNTIME the video will occupy 160mb of storage.

    Despite everyone telling you not to do it, I don't see a problem with it. By the time the animation is over the layout will change and the ram will be released. Just be mindful not too over do too many resources in any one layout.