Sisyphus's Forum Posts

    The closest I can think of is experimental features like 30FPS mode, which never saw a stable release..

    The new "Set minimum framerate" action? Is it so bad?

    I can't confirm that local storage is not working on android, it's working and always worked on android, C2's default save/load functions are working absolutely like local storage. If that's not working for you, just file a bug, and Ashley will fix it. I can't understand in what exactly you dissapointed.

  • Better then CocoonJs Canvas+? Whats about size of compiled apk-file?

    Depends on what you think is better, performance, or full c2 compatibility, Canvas+ still has better performance, Crosswalk is fully compatible with all c2 features (AJAX, forms, letterbox etc.) but performance, on some devices - no more than 40fps and size of compiled apk = size of your game + 20mb overhead, you can try shared mode in XDK for no overhead, but i don't know much about it's performance and other stuff.

  • Construct 2 system's save/load functions are working absolutely like local storage, both using indexeddb, so if Ashley trust it, and making default save/load functions with this, you can trust it too.

  • BasicTribe chill dude, cocoonjs physics deprecated, but there's a new faster asm.js physics engine, it has some troubles with joints, but if you're making a pinball game they probably won't affect you, so just use asm.js instead of cjs physics.

  • You're using physics behavior, and trying to manipulate it with another behavior, that's probably not a bug, and it's stated in manual.

    [quote:32rv47wl]Therefore it is highly recommended to control Physics objects entirely via the Physics behavior (by setting forces, impulses, torques etc.).

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  • I've read the manual again, it's by design. Guess i have to re-pick everything after the OR blocks.

    [quote:bng8xvb3]Note that because OR blocks run if any condition is true, it's possible the event will still run if some conditions were false and did not pick any instances. In this case the actions will still run, but possibly with zero instances picked for any objects where no instances met the condition. If any actions are run for objects with no instances picked, nothing happens.

  • Looks that i was wrong, i thought that if crosswalk support file downloads, it will work as in any other browser, guess it's not, i'm sorry. Maybe there's another way to make it work, ask other people and Ashley in How do I?

  • Ah, I see.

    In those situations I just add a subbed picking events with references to local variables or booleans

    pick all wheels,

    pick by evaluate wheels spinning = true

    It seems that the OR block's wide, unrestricted options, leaves the manual with some grey areas

    Yes, in the original post i stated that if i repick all objects with Pick All in a sub-event of OR block everything works as i expect it to work. But, you know, it's just confusing that i need to repick everything after OR block with false-picking condition.

    I still think that it's not quite right to don't pick any object's instances at all, and don't apply actions for that object, if in OR block the picking condition for this object is not True, even if other conditions is True.

    Even if this won't be fixed, it should be stated in the manual, that if in OR block you got False-picking condition, the object from that condition won't be picked at all in the whole event and it's sub-events, and actions for that object will not apply before you re-pick it again.

  • lennaert I got your point, but as i said above, in my game i have an event like - If "Wheel" Overlaps "Ground" OR "Second Wheel" Overlaps "Ground" - do something with both wheels, but if one wheel is overlapping ground, something will be done only with that one wheel, because the second wheel will not be picked. That's a little not a thing that i expect by this OR block.

  • Colludium At least if it's a feature, the feature like not picking all objects inside OR block without true picking condition, must be stated in manual with workaround.

  • lennaert Yeah, i see that this is a problem with picking, not with or blocks itself, but the problem is

    [quote:10o1nrs4]Your object compare variable works as a picking variant in combination with the OR.

    Seeing how the object does not have the same value as in your event, it just picks the one.

    It doesn't pick anything at all, and replacing the "compare with object picking" with "system - compare two values" is not always a workaround, think if i need to fire an event if 1 object overlaps 2 OR 3 object overlaps 4, "Is overlapping" is the picking condition.

    Edit: Try to add event like simple Layer 1 is visible - Rotate Sprite, It will pick all Sprite instances, if we use OR block with picking condition it will not pick anything unless there's a pick-condition that is true.

  • Problem Description

    Or blocks are broken.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    2 Sprite objects, Events - If Layer 1 is not visible OR Sprite.var=1 - Rotate Sprite and Sprite2, Layer 1 is not visible and Sprite.var=0 from the start.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open capx
    • Start preview
    • Sprite is not rotating, but Sprite2 is rotating, only half actions happened.

    Observed Result

    If in OR block, "Sprite.var=1" or any other condition that picking Sprite is not True, then all Sprite instances will be un-picked in the whole OR event and it's subevents.

    Layer 1 is not visible, means a condition from or block is true, but not all actions in or block happened, only Sprite 2 is rotating, Sprite is not. All actions happen only if all conditions are true, or only Sprite.var=1 is true, or if i put Pick All Sprite event under OR block, but not if Layer 1 is not visible is true.

    Expected Result

    It's not right to un-pick all Sprite instances, and don't apply actions for them, if in OR block "Sprite.var=1" condition (or other picking condition for this object) is not True, but other conditions are True. If a picking condition is not True in OR block, this condition should not do anything, not pick any instances, and not un-pick them. Why is this picking 0 instances if "Sprite.var=1" is not true?

    Since the event says rotate both sprites if any condition is true, and the 1st condition is true i want it to rotate both sprites.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Hey Ashley, i found that if i set stepping iterations to a very high value, the physics engine will start to try to fix the weak joints, it looks messy, but, dunno, maybe it can somehow help you to fix this issue.

    CAPX here

  • Force own texture will not increase performance, and the render cells can increase performance, but not in all cases, read this blog post by Ashley to know in what cases you need render cells to improve performance.