Sisyphus's Forum Posts

  • Hello Ashley

    I have a problem with my game which use the savegames, when i save the game, i post some data into the webstorage like save name, and that save is exist, it works fine everywhere, except apple's WKWebView, i guess you know that it has some troubles with a webstorage, like clearing it randomly or when user goes out of memory, so when it clears, save stays, but data from webstorage that tells that save exist is gone, so users can't load their savegames anymore.

    So i thought, if it's not very hard for you, you can just add a condition to a System's Save & Load section? Something like "Test if savegame exist"? It's gonna be a lot better than this webstorage tricks. As i understand, it's an Apple's WKWebView bug, something about cookies and local storage, nobody knows when it'll be fixed, so you are my last hope.

  • About Android: I have just found some blog post from the end of the 2013.

    "The KitKat WebView is based on Chromium 30 and it won’t be updated. That means you are stuck with it unless to get an upgrade in the future of the whole OS to next version. Even Google has announced OS delta updates without vendors’ intervention, but it seems the WebView will not get that deal yet. Therefore and based on Chrome release cycle, in one year we will have Chrome 40 and the WebView will still be in 30." ... me-webview

    Only android 5.0 and greater can get updates of webview from google play, wait for a year or 2, now there's no hope for android's webview.

  • Voila! File saving and loading.

    Wow! Thanks man, i searched for saveload via files system so long, but not for arrays, for simple c2's saveload system, now it works!

    Here's an answer for your extra question i guess - How do I cover the File Choose button with a sprite?

  • on YouTube movie I see smooth movement, on Android (even when I switched to ART) I see jumpy movement. I guess that many players think that it's the way it should be (because your game has nice, old school feeling). Anyway: how do you use WKWebView? Compile game with PhoneGap?

    Phonegap doesn't support wkwebview for now, they have some kind of a plugin for a local webserver to run wkwebview and some other plugins, but only in pre-alpha versions, they are waiting for a fix of a bug where wkwebview can't load local files. Ludei webview+ is a wkwebview, works damn good, but i heard that saveload and webstorage can be cleared there randomly.

  • Yeah, something like an "unload from memory" sprite action, or system - "unload unused images" will be really helpful. It's annoying to restart a layout everytime when i want to destroy a heavy sprite and spawn another.

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  • And bug with the spawned objects.

    Run preview

    Double click somewhere to create PersistedObject

    Reset persisted objects and Restart layout

    See that the spawned objects are gone(as they should, because initially they are not exist)

    Restart the layout again and they are back

    This can't be avoided, i tried reset - restart - reset - restart, spawned object destroys, but if i have objects that initially exist like the one in the attached capx, they are still become duplicated on restart without resetting and this means that after first reset, on every restart of layout i need to reset the persisted objects again, but if i want to just restart the layout?

  • Problem Description

    System Reset persisted objects action is duplicating persisted objects, recreating persist objects that should be destroyed after second or more restart of layout.

    Attach a Capx



    Description of Capx

    Contains an object "PersistObject" with Persist behavior, Textbuttons to Reset persisted objects and to Restart layout, Text with description of other bugs in Reset persisted objects action on the margins, Double click somewhere in the project to create PersistObject, objects can be dragged with mouse, Text to show dragged items UID & IID.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open project and preview it with debugger
    • Look how much instances of "PersistObject" you have, should be 1 - #0
    • Click Reset persisted objects, then Restart layout, then click Restart layout again

    Observed Result

    Look at the debugger, now we have 2 instances #0 and #1, if you move the object in preview before the restart, the object will go back to it's initial place after restart, but after second restart, another object appears on the place where the initial object was before first restart.

    The #0 and #1 have identical UID.

    Expected Result

    After restarts, the objects staying at their initial state, the initially non existed objects still not exist, persisted objects are on their initial places and nothing is duplicated.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64bit with latest updates and latest drivers.

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Why not release it for iOS 8+? It's only a matter of time before it reaches the vast majority of users. It's already up to 60% on latest figures. If you choose to support iOS 7 you will have to deal with wrappers which have some pretty difficult compatibility issues.

    Hello Ashley, if i choose iOS 8 export, what can you say about new webview+ from ludei? As i understand, it's a wkwebview, even phonegap will use it (later), is it good? Maybe this can resolve troubles with cocoonjs? I mean, the wkwebview is the only export option for heavy games, the other option is canvas+ (buggy and deprecated) or phonegap with wkwebview, but nobody knows when phonegap will switch to wkwebview. So, what you can say about it?

    • iOS ARM64 support
    • Enabled WV+ on 64 bit devices

    Yeah, i wait so long for that moment.

  • Hello,

    I am afraid it is not currently in our roadmap, and right now it is not one of our priorities as we are about publishing a new release. I am sorry for the bad news.


    A new release of a plugin or a new cloud compiler?

  • You don't need it to publish, you just need to be specific in your targeted device in the App description itself as well as the testing notes to Apple.

    ie. Designed for iPhone 5s, iPhone 6/Plus and iPads with Retina Display.

    They accept it if you are very clear about it.

    Wow, i didn't know that, thanks for the info.

  • iOS8 adoption is coming along great.. let's hope the audio issue is resolved soon!

    Since it was running so fast, I thought I'd up the ante a bit and add in more parallax layers, effects and proper trails:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Still running crazy fast on iOS. It can take more! O_o

    Very exciting times for C2 mobile devs, we can essentially make a full blown PC quality game without fear of it running like a slideshow.

    What about iphone 4s? Have you tried it? It's not so fast as ipad mini 2, but i thought that you need to support it to publish your game to appstore.

  • Could I ask a question, I though that webview+, and canvas+ are actually working with the html5 export itself, is that so?

    If so, official support from scirra of webview+ itself is actually not adding anything, and that would also mean that it would still work long term wise, as webviews are real browser engines (which scirra supports).

    True, but sometimes i have troubles with construct2+cocoonjs compatibility and nobody cares, because it's not supported. I just want to say that webview+ is not a buggy technology, it's a system wkwebview, even phonegap will use this stuff (one day, i hope), and for now this is the only export option that can handle heavy games for ios, and even if phonegap will switch to wkwebview, cocoonjs webview+ will still be better for all my games because it supports the cocoonjs native physics. It's not fair that good technology is not supported only because Ludei using in, ludei doesn't create it, apple created the wkwebview and cocoonjs can build our projects with wkwebview. It's working now and it will work with html5 export for sure, because its just a webview, i just want the cocoonjs support back in case of compatibility problems. If you want to say that i shouldnt have any compatibility troubles because webview supports html5 export, i say it's not true, phonegap is a clear webview, but it has different export option to improve compatibility.

  • You had audio troubles? That implies its fixed now, what happen and how was it fixed?

    It is indeed extremely awesome on iOS8+, feels like the JS engine on Apple is much faster than on PC for a low power mobile SOC to handle my game as well as my Intel i5 Ivy Bridge.

    Nope, no fix for that, i just removed all sounds for now. And i don't think that this problems is caused by a bug above, because it's a safari bug. It looks like a bug in webview or cocoonjs, but there will be no fix for that i guess, because cocoonjs is not supported.

  • I had that audio troubles too, but that webview+ is AWESOME, my physics game has even better performance than with canvas+, why scirra still not officially support it? I heard that canvas+ is not good, but if i understand it right the webview+ is apple system's webview, phonegap using it too, but cocoonjs is even better (because cocoonjs using the WKWebView instead of UIWebView).