SirPogsalot's Forum Posts

  • Bump.

    Let me know if bumping is not allowed; I just know it's common practice in many forums.

  • Ah shoot, uhh...

    Think this one should open.

  • So I'm making a pseudo-horror game and I'm struggling to get light sources to work properly. I'm using radial gradient sprites for light sources because I can adjust their size and transparency, and using layer blend modes I've figured out how to make it so that objects appear black when not lit, but I've started running into issues. As I have it now, the background can be seen through the other objects, and it gets less visible closer to light sources, while the other objects become more visible closer to light sources (as they should). When I change the layer blend modes, the only way to make this not happen apparently involves making the background black along with the objects.

    For some context, the game begins on a spaceship orbiting a planet, which can be seen in the background. I want the ship to have a couple light sources, but outside of those light sources, the ship should be completely dark (the player themselves will be a light source themselves to fix this). However, the background should still be visible.

    Ultimately I am trying to achieve the following things:

    - Light sources (white gradients) illuminate surroundings rather than just turning them white

    - Objects are black when not in the presence of a light source

    - The background is always visible regardless of nearby light sources

    Here is the drive link for the .c3p file.

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  • I currently have the personal license for Construct 3, but for some reason the website isn't displaying the normal Launch button on the top bar and instead shows the "Free Trial" and "Buy Now" options even though I already have it. Construct itself works fine, but the website seems to think I don't own it.

  • That example utilizing physics to inter-connected segments and ordered based on their IID. The tip set as immovable (physics property) and the rest follow (like rope) yellow

    one that act as a lead.

    Here another example using pin behavior so you will understand the use of tag variable:

    Lead segement driven by sine behavior of course you can change it to be controlled by any movement.

    Umm, this might sound like a noob question but how do I reorder the animation frames without breaking it?

  • This is pretty much what I am looking for, could you explain how it works?

  • I'm making an underwater game and I think some cool ambience might include some giant tentacled creatures, like a squid or something. I'd like to make it so that its tentacles move in a wave shape the way they do in real life.

    I tried this first by making segments joined by hierarchies but obviously that didn't work because hierarchies just make all the connected parts move at once and in the same direction. I also tried using the physics plugin to create joints between parts, but that also didn't work because the joint system in the physics plugin only lets you choose an object type to link to, not instances, which just made them all connect to each other (I think). The only remaining option seems to involve math, only I have no clue where to start with that kind of math.

    It just occurred to me that the exact type of behavior I am looking for is the Worm AI for enemies in Terraria. Worm-type enemies are made up of segments with a head and a tail, and all the segments follow the head in a chain-like pattern. So if anybody knows how that system works and can explain how to replicate it, that would be awesome.

  • I'm currently designing a 3D top-down space shooter game and I've created a skybox layer to work as the background, but I had to use giant 3D Shape panels to make it work. It looks good, except the bullets from the ship vanish early because they go through the skybox and get hidden.

    Is there a way (besides making the skybox really really big) to make it so that the skybox layer always renders behind every object so the bullets stay visible until they're intended to despawn?

  • Thank you, this worked perfectly!

  • I've got a system the player can use to read the dialogue assigned to an object or NPC, but since characters tend to talk a lot, I wanted to write all of the dialogue in one string variable but have it split up by line breaks so that the game could read only the text on one line and then move onto the next line when the player interacts again.

    The issue is, there is no expression that can be used to find all the text on one line, and there's also no expression that can be used to find a line break at all, so I'm wondering what the best way to do this is. I really don't want to create several variables corresponding to different lines of dialogue, since there's a good chance that the NPCs will have varying amounts of dialogue.

  • Never mind, I fixed it by making sure I was loading the array from Ajax separately when the request was completed instead of doing it immediately at the same time as the request.

    Conclusion: I am dumb :D

  • I'm wanting to make a typical dungeon-style game (think Undertale) and I'm using an array to determine where all the rooms are connected. It's a 3D graph with 4 depth layers--one for each floor of the castle.

    At x=10, y=18, and z=0, the name of the room is "dungeon1", and to test how the array works I tried to make a text object to show what the cell at that position contains (which should of course be "dungeon1"). So I used "Set text to Array.At(10,18,0)" hoping that it would make the text read "dungeon1", but it didn't. It just set it to 0. I can't figure out why; the contents of the cell at 10,18,0 do not say 0.

    Any help?

  • I had tried that several times already with no success but after closing and reopening the project it appeared to work properly. Thanks!

  • I've got a player sprite with 8-Direction behavior and it's supposed to stop at a tilemap which I've given the Solid behavior, but for some reason the player sprite just goes straight through the solid tiles. I've tried everything from making sure that they have collisions enabled to making sure that the player isn't unintentionally filtering solid collisions, and nothing has worked. I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm just missing something obvious. Here's the file:

  • I know how to do this from a very basic perspective but I can't figure out the simplest and most efficient way to do it. I feel like using a Timeline might be helpful but I have no idea how to use a timeline, and functions feel overcomplicated. Am I missing something obvious or am I going to have to figure out how to work with timelines?