sirLobito's Forum Posts

  • Ok, no prob!

    I will try to reproduce it in a small testbox, and if there is an error, I will post it!


  • :(.

    sh*t, I think it�s still a little bit buggy, not sure.

    Allthough now it works in a quite simple conditions, I think it doesn�t work at all with more complex conditions.

    I will show you my case with three images:

    In the first one, I show you the 4 boxes that would have to be affected by the condition.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    In the second one, I�ve marked the two conditions that I think have to affect the marked two boxes.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    And, in the last one, the result of deactivating the first "or" condition and leaving active the other two, and showing that it works like it has to be.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Want I want is to set the opacity to 50% to all the boxes (of that type) that surrounds the player at a distance of one player/box. Not sure if I doing it in the good way.

    Thanks for all your help.

  • YES!

    It?s working on my test capx. Thx!!

    I will test it in my main project capx tomorrowa nd post if it works here (I gotta wait cuz I?m waiting for Paypal to confirm my account and buy the personal license, I?ve reached 100 events %)).

  • Yeah, don�t worry Ashley, and once more, thanks for all your (awesome) work. I think it has to be really complicated to have all those features working together.

    I only wanted to ensure if it was a new bug, or simply, I�m was getting little bit stupid %).

  • Hi there

    I think there is a but with the or statement (or maybe, I don?t understand this method correctly, if it?s this, sorry fot this post).

    I have a simple condition with an or statement. I have three ways of testing it:

    1. Is not workin correctly this way. If both are active, the resulting event is only fired with one of them. <img src="" border="0">
    2. With only one statement active, it works correctly (but, logically, only againts that condition). <img src="" border="0">
    3. Same as the previous, but inverted. Everything ok here too. <img src="" border="0">

    So, the problem is when I activate the or statement itself I supose.

    Here is a simple capx to check it: testing capx

    Thanks for all your attention, and congrats for that editor improvements, they are very useful :D.

  • Allthough I don?t like this type of games, I think your game is really curious, I like it :).

    It?s simple, but works like a charm.

    I would change a pair of things:

    * The reload text size or style. I would change it for an icon or an alert instead of the big size above the enemies.

    * The graphic of the lowest part of the screen. The Eath with the spaceship graphic. It?s quality is lower than the rest of the game.

    Nice game anyway.

    And like always, sorry for my bad english :).

  • Well, hello boys.

    I?m working on a platformer.

    For now, I?m only making movements, situations, checkin respawn system, creating animations... and finally I will create the level, so, for now, it?s only a little sandbox with various different options and situations.

    The only needed controls arte the cursors (left/right/up on floor + left/right/up/down on water (for now)).

    I?ve planned to add lot of extra animations (swimming, jumping, crouching...) but for now, this is what I have.


    I think the build it?s broken on Chrome (at least in mine xD), if so, try it on Firefox :)

    PD: Sorry for my (bad) English

    UPDATE: Gotta erase the temporal link for the game cuz I?m going to build a little blog as a developer diary. You will have news "soon" :).

  • Oh men, yeah, seemt like it?s the same bug after all, allthought the ramones "cr_createRuntime" fix didn?t work for me, I?m not worried as it?s going to be fixed in future releases.

    Thanks for all your attentions and patience, and Ashley, great work with all you are doing here.

    Thanks :)

    UPDATE: ramones? fix did work for Firefox at least :D. Many thx.

  • Dear Ashley

    I�ve read that bug before posting my problem, and allthough I think it can be related, I�m not sure it�s the same situation.

    Before posting my post, I tried exporting with the minified javascript option on, but it returns an alert telling me that I have not java installed (I�m on the office, I�ve it at home, of course), so I�ve done all the exportings wihout that option.

  • Thanks for your quick responses, but I thinks it�s not related with any of your given solutions:

    Kyatric: I think is not related with that bug cuz I�m able to test the game in preview mode directly from Construct (I�ve tested it in Chrome, Firefox and Ie, and no problem with any of them). The problem comes when I use the exporting tool.

    Sargas: No man. I�ve tried uploading it to my Dropbox, and didn�t work. And now, it�s not on my computer (see the link in my first post), it�s uploaded in my website�s FTP.

    I�ts curious that, if I try to open the file in my local machine (before uploading the exported version) it returns the alert that tells it�s not going to work properly until I upload it somewhere, so that is correct.

    But after uploading it, I have no good response.

    Thanks for your tips anyway :)

  • Hey there

    I�m working in a game and I can�t figure out how to export it to a html5 game type.

    I�ve tried different configurations but, it doesn�t mind what I do it always exports the game with an error and a black screen:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    You can check the uploaded project in, and as you can see with a developer tool, it returns a "preview is undefined" error.

    What have I missed?

    Thanks for all your help, and sorry foy my bad English.

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  • Hi there

    Firstly, I�d like to congrat Rez for your incredible work and thanks u for sharing it here.

    I�m using your awesome behaviour (I�m really new with construc) but there�s one thing I don�t know how to make.

    I�d like to move to player only one grid-box (I don�t know how to call each boxes of the grid, sorry). It doesn�t mind if you click five boxes far from the player, the interesting thing would be to have the option to "pause" the path of to move only one step further.

    I�m using "goto next position" but can�t make this happens like that.

    Thanks for all your help people.

    PD: sorry for my bad english

  • Oh man, that�s pretty simple.

    I haven�t analyzed it at all yet (I�m at work) but it looks too much simpler than what I had.

    It doesn�t work in the same way with a moveable wall with physics, but I think this happens because I have something to fix in the physics of that type of walls.

    Do the forces have to be low numbers? I was applying forces too (100 instead), and you gain what I want more or less with a 0.5 value.

    Thanks Wieshaupt!

  • The idea is that if the NPC hits the wall, it gets mirrored and turn into the opposite direction.

    If it collides with the player, the player bounds a bit in the opposite direction of the collission.

    That�s the first idea.

    A second option or thing I would like to learn is that if the NPC collisions with the wall, the NPC bounds, and if he collides with the player, both bound in opposite directions.

    But I think I�d be able to reach this one if I get the first one :).

  • It would help us, to help you, if you would post your CAPX

    Thanks, there it is, up in the first post :)