I'm not saying the plugin is but or whatever... Plugins are made to make things faster and easier indeed.
All I meant is that I'm not the one to spend money on something you can do yourself. Easy way or hard way.
Well the only thing you can't do with C2 is "preload" an asset that's not in the the current layout, and get some confirmation that it is loaded.
Well, you can preload . Just create an object and delete it right away (you even have some kind of confirmation that it's been loaded).
That object will stay loaded in memory until the Layout ends, making next layout load faster or be unloaded from memory with rest of the unused objects.
The idea would be to know exactly what objects are on next layout and simply create and destroy them. Preferably in some kind of sequence and time period to not make current game choke.
That's how I think that plugin work, but I bet it's nicely designed with nicer optimization and more user friendly.
— if you make a plugin that will let me unload any object from current layout at any time at runtime then I'm ready to pay 20$ for it or even more