shinkan's Forum Posts

  • Isometric Soldier - Red Squad — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>Red Squad is a part of a new RGB isometric army formed from original Isometric Soldier</p><p>Pack contains RED isometric soldier sprites with 18 animations (stop, idle, crouch, walk, fire, throw grenade and many more) all in 16-dir for smooth movements.</p><p>After buying this template you will receive:</p>

    • all 928 individual soldier frames
    • 57 sprite sheets cataloged by animation name
    • 272 sprite sheets cataloged by animation angle
    • 13 extra sprite and sprite sheets for bullet, grenade, rpg launcher and shadow.

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Isometric Soldier - Red Squad

  • This is awesome! thnx Gigatron

  • Program Files\Construct 2\Examples folder. There's tons of great and ready to use examples, just like "move to mouse.capx".

  • You could do it the other way around just to make it easier. Make normal collision polygons for all objects - so you can interact with them normally, like hover mouse over them, etc.

    But for proper collisions with players you could use separate object. like Burvey suggested. Make a 2x2 sprite or tiled background and simply copy it over and placed on the layout making kind of a "level collision map".

    Also if you want to make player go behind or in front of the objects you can do that with just a Origin or Image point of the sprite:

    Player.Y > Sprite.Y = player is in front

    Player.Y < Sprite.Y = player is behind

    ....but it all depends on what kind of style your adventure game have.

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  • What do i miss ?

    First post on first page? or if you are ******** enough you could even dare yourself to download the file and test it yourself.

  • Irbis I do not have anything from that time period, it was when my pc got fuc*** up... But there should be a zipped version I sent you somewhere from end of December.

    EDIT: There might be some leftovers on fb messenger.

  • newt some time ago we (me and Irbis) were having same issue with sitelocking on newgrounds cause the game was loaded from entirely different address than the game page was (some iframes were involved if I remember correctly). and together we came up with a nice solution that works quite well - no matter on what server Newgrounds put our files. The game always and only works from the adress that was equal to newground game adress.

    I didn't made anything for browsers in years, so not sure if this still works. Irbis is this still working? did you tried it recently?

  • I do use mouse wheel to move up/down small parts of the screen, but If I want to browse with more control I simply press and hold down mouse scroll and then move my mouse. That way I can easily control the speed and length of the scroll.

  • Irbis It's just a bat, man ;P

  • That's why I meant by custom loading screen - the one made of sprite, spritefonts, text, or whatever you need... just to show that something is still going on at the background.

  • What exactly does this mean though?

    For my understanding this would mean that C2 games load content like the old Super Mario games did?


    > For this one i think you are over complicating things a bit. All you have to do is store important stuff in arrays, dictionaries or whatever - which are global objects


    There are a ton of instances and things that I have to consider though, besides the fact that I also have to sync it up on the connected peer.

    I think for me this would be a pain to do, I'm not really good with "predictive" eventing that contains content from a lot of different instances.

    1. No no, there is a difference between loading assets and rendering them. On start of the layout C2 loads every single object that is placed on that layout to the memory (objects created or spawned during the runtime are added to memory at runtime), but renders only what is in active viewport.

    2. i think it could be even easier. Having for example one array for all enemies and their data (position, animation, HP, speed, etc etc) could let you easily sync it because all information you need are in one place. So from one and the same array you could send out data to the host and all the players.

    My question is, how could I handle the loading times well? As far as I know C2 doesn't offer any "loading screen" feature, so this would mean that each time when such a giant layout has to be loaded in, it would display a black screen for about 10 seconds or even longer. I believe that a lot of players would think that the game crashed when waiting over 10 seconds for a layout to load it.

    You could do your own custom loading screens. Remember you don't have to load everything right on the start of the layout. You can make it in stages.

    Maybe one day in C3 we would get an option to stream levels

  • The layers would have world borders, which would detect on what part of the world the player currently is

    and unload* all other layers that are not next to the current layer.

    *with "unload" I mean setting the layer invisible/opacity 0%.

    This is kind of pointless cause everything that is not visible on screen is not rendered, so setting a layer to invisible for objects that are not rendered have no point at all.

    Using this system also means that the game has to load a whole new layout and pass all the data

    from the previous layout over to the newly loaded one (e.g. last enemy positions, player state and many more).

    For this one i think you are over complicating things a bit. All you have to do is store important stuff in arrays, dictionaries or whatever - which are global objects.

    You can also apply a lot of own rules what to do with that data, for example. If npc is on same layer as player -> do some stuff else do something else.

    I did something similar using about over 10 arrays and dictionaries and to store data for npc, inventory, items, quests for main map (900x900 tiles) + 80 minimaps.

    Everytime when player moved between main map -> mini map -> main map every important data from current map was saved, then layout changes and on start of new layout all important data was loaded again. And that was a game for mobiles, each change of level took no longer than 5 seconds on Samsung Galaxy S3. So on desktop you can easily push it limits a lot more.

    Here are some scenarios again:

    Player is on the right edge of the layout named Layer #2 = Go to the separated layout named Layer #3

    Player is on the left edge of the layout named Layer #2 = Go to the separated layout named Layer#1

    That's rather super simple thing to do

  • shinkan

    I miss that plug.

    I miss it too sometimes to be honest.

    Having a simple solid box with adjustable (size/color) stroke around it can really make some awesome stuff... Unfortunately I'm a webgl moron and still can't figure out how to do it... After all these years...

  • I made that "box" plugin when C2 was at very early beta stage - Image editor was only able to load images (no drawing tools) and that was the only reason for it. Also to speed up test and prototypes - it was faster to add "something" with a sprite functionality than trying to find and load some images from hdd.

  • Fortunately you are a human, and there is a plenty of time between turns for game to detect collisions.