Shadowblitz16's Forum Posts

  • is this a supported json format? ... .json?dl=0

    if not is there a plugin that supports it so I can use it for my game?

  • but then I would need to create a family for every time I create a object

    or I would need a large amount of family's

  • I'm not sure exactly what the "other" expression would refer to. In your description it seems to be defined as "a magic expression that does what I want". What exactly would it refer to? There are a great many "other instances" it could potentially refer to, how should the engine pick which one you mean? Also in your example "Self" and "Other" are used as object type names, which are not object instances.

    sorry it would return the other instance of a condition not a event

    like for say if placed inside a (is overlapping event) or a (on collision of another object) condition it would return the object it would return the object chosen in that event

    however if it was placed in a event like (is between angles)

    it would normal return (null ,nil, -1)

    however if it was placed in a (is between angles) in a (is overlapping event) or a (on collision of another object) condition it would return the object it would return the object chosen in the collision event

    basicly it would return the other instance in a condition if there was one

    else would return a null value or -1

  • basically I want to be able to spawn a object via a string

    and then treat that string a that object so I could do something like

    spawn string "player"

    set "player" animation to "spin"

    thats just an example but it would be really nice

    it would be probably better to make a different plugin for this as it would use real names instead of nicknames

    but It would be a nice addiction to just be able to spawn a object like this and then set its variables

  • can someone tell me if its possible to make a plugin able to access other plugins conditions actions and expressions by a string of the plugins name?

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  • rexrainbow

    ok Is there a way to address a object name(not nickname) by a string

    and address its events, actions, and expressions with that string?

    If not could you add that feature?

  • family's are just a bad way around it

    It just makes it harder to understand

  • I was wondering if you guys can add an other expression

    this would return the other instance of an event if there is one

    it would cut down code a ton and would be just plain simpler to use

    for example in a collision event you could make a damage function do

    accelerate towards angle (self.X, self.Y, other.X, other.Y)

    this way you only need to use one parameter for the knockback strength instead

    having to include 2 other parameters for the angle

    and keep in mind this would just be something I would do with it

    it could be a major short cut for everybody

    and would be extremely useful

  • k I'll try it

  • well I was looking to turn it into a function so I can reuse it

    however if I define it by name it wouldn't be reusable

    I was wanting to address it via the collision event so I can somehow return the object that is colliding with me

  • is there a way to get the direction of a collision?

    I know it would be as simple a angle(self.X,self.Y,other.X,other.Y)

    but other isn't a valid expression

  • wait will the array container act as a instance variable

    I'm wondering for multiplayer purposes

  • I could possibly just convert them into text arrays and separate them with ";"

    for example "1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9"

    but I 'm not sure how

    I also need to be able to locate their index

    and update them as strings

    and need to be able to do arithmetic on these

    Maybe tokenat? but how would I write it back into the string form?

  • but arrays can't be instance variables

    or am I wrong?

  • is it possible to use a instance variable like Stats

    and assign multiple values in it?

    If so how?

    maybe something like hex but with 9 4 digits with a value up 9 instead of 3 2 digits with a value 16

    for example 0000111122223333444455556666777788889999

    instead of 112233