Shadowblitz16's Forum Posts

  • is it possible to add animation support for 9 patch objects?

    this would be a useful feature for sprite based menus and things that people need to stretch to fit different sizes

  • Yes I know I have read these tutorials.

    I meant a tutorial on commands which this does not cover.

    this is only a tutorial on adding a chat system not commands.

    it only references you can add commands in the conclusion.

    but it doesn't go into any detail

    I already have a multiplayer chat program set up.

    I just need to know how to add these command

    I know how to detect a string for the command just not execute it via their nickname

    Let me clarify

    I'm basically trying to use player aliases to kick them

  • is there a tutorial on this?

    I am trying to code this fairly blind

  • nope it still seems to only change the padding's bottom and right

    I am going for a shrink of all four sides when you click

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  • I don't understand

    it doesn't go into any details

    I need the ID to kick someone I can't do it with just the alias

  • is it possible to do chat commands

    specificly a kick command

    something like

    if chat.text = "/kick"&str(USER_NAME)

    kick peer with UserName

    but how would I get the ID from their name

    I know there is a PeerAliasFromID(peerid)

    but wouldn't I need PeerIDFromAlias(Alias)

    to do something like this?

  • Update: so I've managed to get the multiplayer to work

    however I do have a question.

    does the client not send out messages when the he is tabbed out?

    the host seems to update the peer fine when he is tabbed out but...

    when the client is tabbed out the host doesn't get updated intill the peer tabs back in


    *IMPORTANT* My server seems to not shut down when I disconnect or exit the game

    this makes the game start another server when I launch it again.

    This eventually crashes my computer

  • nope but I found out how to do

    when your textbox input is between or equal the max and the min

    set a var to the textboxes text

    if it is greater the the max or lesser then the min

    set the textboxes text to the var

  • thankyou I will try this when I get the chance

  • yes

  • bump Please can someone help me

    sorry but I'm a little impatient

    I've been constantly rewriting code to make this work for the past 2 days

    and its really annoying to have no video tutorials explaining what each function does and how to use it

    yes I know there is a manual but its limited on explaining how to use them


    Ashley is it even possible to send a messages besides input states back to the host?

    If not could you add the option in the next update?

  • I know how to set a textbox's max string Here

    but how do I set the minimum characters it can have?

    now I know the backspace deletes the whole text if it is highlighted.

    so I need a way around this.

  • McKack

    your CSS loader it seems to have a delay before the buttons update there CSS

    if you can, may you fix it please

  • Edited

    I fixed the custom font and the outline problem but..

    I seem to not be able to make the button be affected by any padding change

    also I can't seem to shrink the box at all without offsetting its position

    I used

    @font-face {
    	font-family: 'phaser_bankregular';
    	src: url('phaserbank.eot');
    	src: url('phaserbank.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
    		 url('phaserbank.woff2') format('woff2'),
    		 url('phaserbank.woff') format('woff'),
    		 url('phaserbank.ttf') format('truetype'),
    		 url('phaserbank.svg#phaser_bankregular') format('svg');
    	font-weight: normal;
    	font-style: normal;
        	font-family: 'phaser_bankregular';
    	color: #4CFF00 !important;
    	font-size: 16px;
    	padding: 0px 0px;
    	border: 2px solid #4CFF00;
    	background: #000000;
    	background: linear-gradient(top,  #000000,  #000000);
    	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  #000000,  #000000);
    	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#000000), to(#000000));
    	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #000000,  #000000);
        	font-family: 'phaser_bankregular';
    	color: #4CFF00 !important;
    	font-size: 16px;
    	padding: 10px 10px;
    	border: 2px solid #4CFF00;
    	background: #000000;
    	background: linear-gradient(top,  #000000,  #000000);
    	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  #000000,  #000000);
    	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#000000), to(#000000));
    	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #000000,  #000000);
  • How do I make online two player game with the fairly new multiplayer plugin?

    I know ashley made a few tutorials on how to make a multiplayer game.

    but I simple want it to be two players and two players only

    I want to use a player and dummy player object method, instead of the two player objects method

    as this seems to be a simpler


    I have managed to get the peer to receive data occasionally but when I do the host doesn't receive anything.

    I think this has to do with onclientupdate and isreadyforinput they only detect if the peer is ready and not the host.

    I need a way of checking if a certain network ID(not just clients) is ready for input or ready to send a message so the host can receive from the peer also?


    as I am still a beginner

    If someone could look at my project and tell me how to fix it that would be great

    and I would be very thankful
