Shadowblitz16's Forum Posts

  • can someone make and provide a link to a Visual Studio Dark theme that gets rid of all the white?

    for example the following still has white backgrounds

    • Event sheet
    • Scene editor
    • Tree View

    I don't like the white in them and would prefer it to be dark like the rest of the visual studio dark theme

  • Can someone explain why my loopIndex inside my for loop is jumping from 0 to the end index?

    I have a set up similar to this

    global test = 0

    -if Hud_Bar_Shield.count == 0


    --- set global test to loop index

    ---create Hud_Bar_Shield(L=3,X=(Hud_bottom.x+11)+(Hud_barShield.Space*loopindex("ShieldLoop")),Y=Hud_bottom.y+14)

    ---add instance var(Index loopindex("ShieldLoop"))

    basically I'm trying to make a megaman x style life bar with objects

  • R0J0hound

    Could you make a function that allows drawing a sprite and animation at a x and y coordinate?

    something like...

    draw_sprite(object,animation,x,y,w,h)? < action

    also the drawing parts of the canvas to parts of other canvas's would be called something like...

    get_canvas_part(canvas,x,y,w,h) < expression

    draw_canvas_part(canvas,x,y,w,h) < action

  • why does my post keep disappearing I swear I posed a suggestion in this topic before?

    please tell me where it is if it does exist I used the search topic bar for my username


    R0J0hound can you make it possible to draw a sprite at a certain layer and position with its animation playing?

    this would be good for hud elements

    also could you make it possible to create a seamless screen loop with this?

    I was thinking the canvas object could work like a camera too and you could be able to draw canvas's to other canvas's

    I'm sorry if I already posted this already I have been gone for quite a while and like I said I can't find that post or the reply's it might have had with it

  • hmm well what I'm trying to accomplish is choppyish movement, kinda like a grid.

    I know I can wrap all my movement code in a wait statement but this wouldn't work with behaviors like path finding

    also how do I star the issue?

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  • maybe Ashley or Tom would know how something like this could be done?

  • R0J0hound can you explain more on how to tune the loop so that it eats the perfect amount of time and doesn't cause lag?

  • sorry I can't open the project can you paste some code?

    I don't feel like updating every time a unstable release comes out.

  • its to compact code a little

    I'm going to use it for slowly setting my animation frame back to one

    since when I press left my ship tilts left(0) and when I press right my ship tilts right(2)

    I want to be able to lerp it back to its middle frame (1)

  • how do I round lerp to the nearest integer of 1?

    I did a test to make the global test var increment and decrement depending on if I pressed left or right

    and then when I don't press anything doing round(lerp(test,50,0.5))

    but it seems to stop before it actually reaches 50 usually at 46 and 55

    is there a way to make it always stop at b or in this case 50?

  • hmm so containers aren't suppose to sync automatically?

  • How do I align my object with its container?

    I have a thruster object that goes with a ship object but it needs to be aligned correctly

    I have tried editing the sprite and moving the origin point around but it still seems to snap with the center of my ship object

  • so its not possible with a repeat loop to eat up time then huh?

    I figured it had to do with the every x seconds event

    I just didn't want to have to use it in every piece of code

  • I don't know how a wait command can be used. Another idea occurred to me, just make a repeat loop to eat up time.

    global number time_eater=0

    system: compare fps>15

    --- add 10000 to time_eater


    --- subtract 10000 from time_eater

    repeat time_eater times


    this doesn't work it seems to just slow down every n amount of seconds

    What about the system action 'set time scale' ? Set it to zero every so many times/second for a given time should emulate the requested effect? Behaviours get there dt from the time scale action.

    I suspect this only modifies behaviors correct?