Serge Low's Forum Posts

  • First of all, I want to make a random wind in x seconds that will blow the Player and make it swing for y seconds.

    Means, every x seconds, wind will blow for y seconds. Anyone can teach me how to write the event or any other things I need to know?

  • If I add another network, let say I add ChartBoost, do I need to go to ChartBoost website to register?

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  • hey i was wondering are you doing all the MoPub stuffs? Because I seems to have problem with the Banner Ad, which my game doesn't show up any banner ad, but fullscreen ad it can show up, once or twice only.

  • PhoenixNightly me too! I also got upgraded to premium, so now I have to register AdMob and put it in MoPub, first time doing all these things, need to read carefully.

  • I think the only way is to get premium account in cocoonjs, as it automatically helps you add ads server into your game during compilation. I've requested for premium account, hopefully they will give me.

  • wow you're great man, I'll will have to take some time to look at this! ^^

    btw, just wanna ask a different topic things, how to add ads into my game without going using eclipse or other advanced programming tools? And I've searched a lot in google about MoPub and AdMob, it requires me to add MoPub SDK into eclipse and bla bla bla all the coding, so I just wanna ask is there an easier way to set up ads into my mobile game? Best is it doesn't require money

  • ok thanks a lot

  • PhoenixNightly ya I also thought of that, but I'm a beginner and I not sure how to do it.

  • I'm making a game that involve a Fire(object) getting closer to the Player. I use Advanced positioned sound, "Play at Object" for the Fire, and "Set listener object" as Player. It works fine when I preview in Chrome browser (PC). But when I used cocoonjs emulator in my Galaxy Mini 2 (android version 2.3), i tested and the sound does not change when the Player's distance changes with the Fire distance.

    So I need help from everyone to teach me how to solve this problem. Thanks.

  • so is there anyway that I can use alternative way to make the same feature(advanced audio position), maybe in construct 2 i put the event in another specific way?

  • I need help again, the audio loudness affected by distance works ok when I tested in computer(I used chrome browser), but when I test my game on my phone, the audio loudness does not change even the Player is near or far from the Fire object. Anyone can help me, thanks.

  • GeometriX Now I know what's the problem I have, I didn't put the audio action as "Set listener object", thanks a lot!

  • Firstly, I want to add a fire burning sound at the Fire object, which I wanted that when the Fire is far away, the sound gets softer and when the Fire is near, the sound gets louder.

    However, I tried using

    "On start layout" then I select "Play at object", i choose the fire burning sound and select Fire as the object.

    And the problem is, the fire burning sound does not get softer nor louder even the distance has changed. Any idea?

  • I also have a problem, which i wanted a fire burning sound to be played, when I first click preview, it was ok, but when I click "Play Again" button which I did for my game, the fire burning sound has become like a very noisy cutting grass machine, and it doesn't sounds like fire burning anymore.

    2nd, may I know how to make the sounds plays at the object, and when it's getting further, the sounds get softer?

    Sorry for using ur post

  • Joskin

    I'm not so sure how to add condition with Score value is in between 2 numbers, like 100<Score<200. I'm not sure whether I did correctly or not, what I did was I put Score =<100 bronze, that's ok, but the Score bigger than 100 but less than 200, i put it 100<Score<200 for silver, in Compare Variable there, 200<Score<300 for gold, and it came out everytime is gold medal.

    Now I tried with Score=<100 bronze, Score>100 silver, Score>200 gold, and it works!