Serge Low's Forum Posts

  • I just wanna ask about how to display a certain medal for a certain score you get, just like the Flappy Bird.

    Let say I want to display bronze medal if I get a score in between 0-100, silver medal in 101-200, gold medal in 201-300

  • I still need some help although I have read about the flappy bird clone. I'm not sure how to write the event for creating platform at random position (x, y) as the Player getting downwards. I tried and tried and what i get is the platform created wrongly, either it is overlapping each other or the height between them are sometimes too close to each other. Please help

  • I was having a problem to create random platforms at specific location.

    My idea is like this: A Sprite(Player) falls down between a gap, and then land on a normal ground with no gaps, after that you have to control the Player to drop down through the (provided) gap.

    A=Player, ______ = normal ground, I________IXXXXXXXI_________I = Ground with a gap(marked XXX)





    So how do I write in the event to spawn "Ground with a gap" in random that creates such correct order?

    And also for the "Normal Ground" object. Please help me, thanks.

    If can please provide me details what to add in the Event list, thanks a lot.

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  • Ok, I got it already, in the event I set the sprite(Player) when keyboard press down, select action as jump down.


  • I was just wondering if anyone knows how to make a sprite(Player) that can jump down directly from a platform to another lower platform, without using any ladder or rope or object. The platform doesn't have any gap or holes, I just want the sprite(Player) to get down.
