Serge Low's Forum Posts

  • I want to know how do I compare 1 object with another 4objects, that means these 4objects must obey and have the same values.

    example sprite1.number = sprite2.number & sprite3.number & sprite4.number

    Is it correct or how should I put?

  • sorry construct 2 isn't with me right now so i cannot try to make exact conditions or actions but i may help with an algorthm

    set compareValue = -1

    set counter = 0

    *********loop for each row of sprites ************

    pick sprite

    **compare if sprites value equal to compare value OR spires value is "0"**

    counter = counter +1


    set compare value = picked sprites value

    set counter= 1

    ** end if **

    ********* end loop ************

    if counter >=4 add xxx to players score

    set counter = 0

    How do I compare sprites value equal to OR sprites value is 0? I'm not sure how does the & and | works in the condition.

  • I understand what you're trying to teach me, but I just don't know the way that I should put in the Events condition and action, but I'll try to figure it out. Thanks anyway

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  • 1) I'm trying to make a tetris-like game with maths number, same numbers a row and you'll get score. So now I have 5 blocks (Sprites) which have values, and I want to know how to compare any 4 blocks with same numbers and score will be given?

    example:|2| |2| |2| |2| |5| and I can get score.

    2) How to make an universal number (let say a number 0) that will make the system recognizes that 0 is same value as the other 3blocks? So that |2| |2| |0| |2| |5| I can get score.

  • oh thanks

  • I know how to use random(n) and random(0, 3) and others too, but now I want to set random numbers that I want only, let say, I want random of 2, 3, 10, so how do I put in the action? Thanks.

  • I have to purposely download r166 beta to view it, however, what I need is to use the Gamma orientation, as the game has to tilt horizontally, and I've tried setting Set vector Y or simulate platform Left, both don't come out the result that I wanted, what I want is something like you pour a water from a kettle, the more angle u tilt, the more water pours, same goes to the game, more tilt = more acceleration/speed

  • I tried to use Compare orientation <-8 | Player(platform) simulate move left and the >8 for right

    However, I couldn't achieve the smoothness and acceleration according to the degree I tilt, like Doodle Jump controls.

    What I get is like the same thing I press the left arrow key twice, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Please teach me.

  • I also encounter this problem too! When i tilt my smartphone, the Player doesn't move to the left and right smoothly, it seems like you tap ur left key twice, not as smooth as Doodle Jump or Mega Jump controls. Anyone pls teach us what to put in the Event

  • Ok thanks guys! ^^

  • I'm trying to make On touched -> "More games" | Browser -> open url in a new browser "https:xxxxxxxx"

    But it doesn't work when I click "More games", pls help

  • And I also want to ask another question, how to reset the time to 0 everytime i restart my layout? Means that some event like Time>5s | an action will be done, but sometimes when time is passed 2s and i restart my layout, so the next action will be 3s later happen, so how to reset the time to 0 everytime i restart?

  • Ragevortex thanks for answering my question! It's very kind of you to explain so detail to me, thanks again.

  • Sorry erm could you pls clarify it?

  • emoaeden I'm trying to put Every x seconds, Player->Apply Force Y-> (duration), how do I make the wind apply force towards the player for y seconds?