Savvy001's Forum Posts

  • Im also getting the error.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I'l give it a spin after midnight and report back after it.

    Extra speed on the physics part is a real gem!

    Thanx! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanx! <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • twdead

    Thanx! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    It could be something for the how to page of Kyatric

  • JohnnySix

    When looking for something realated to physics in an event just type (spritename).physics.(then a dropdown list apears)

    Just as Yann taught us here: Ball.Physics.VelocityY gives us the Y velocity of the physics of the ball.

    What i did was use the (Compare two values) option.

    I used it as in:

    If: Ball.Physics.VelocityY greater than 300

    Then: Activate action

    The .Physics expression also has angle measurement.

    So my gues is that u could do a similar thing.

  • twdead

    We have a few minutes <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Really nice!

    Im definitely going to use it often.

  • About the physics curve problem.

    Have u tried adding collision points to the ball itself?

    Making its own curve really smooth.

    Or have u tried changing the basic setting of the balls collision mask to "circle" instead?

  • twdead

    That would be awesome!

  • Not Yet!

    Very sharp Yann!


  • This i know. (But thanx!)

    Im searching for a way to not need a text object to do that.

    I need to really make the text become part of the sprite.

    Not by connecting it to a sprite, but embedding it into the sprite.

    Just like in a painting program where u create a circle and put some text on to it.

    Then save it as sprite and the 2 become 1.

  • Hi

    A question to whom has the answer.

    Is there a way to truly embed a text onto a sprite through an event.

    Like a sort of paste to sprite function.

    As in: text input = Hello, then embed hello onto sprite at x (..) & Y (..)

    Thanx for any help <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thank u for the advice!

    I think i understand!

    Il start building using your method and report back in the future <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Cassianno

    Thanx for the fast reply.

    2 questions.

    1: What do u mean by: A key for (qtyNodes) is nice too, so you can (loop using it as index).

    2: What save method do i use in your example: Webstorage or Ajax?

    The tree should be created automaticly indeed.

  • Hi

    I could use some advice.

    I want to build a infinite hierarchy tree.

    I can build the basics myself but there is one thing that is keeping me back from pursuing the build myself.

    I'l explain.

    The tree functions as follows:

    The user puts a name in a textbox.

    The name becomes a node on the branch of a tree.

    The user puts in another name and selects a parrent node from a dropdown list, then a new branch is created(with the new node on top).

    When the user has put al the nodes in he wants, he saves his progress and then exits the application.

    On the next start of the program all last saved nodes are automaticly loaded.

    The user then can continue building his hierarchy.

    Now to the point.

    I can figure out 90 procent of how to do this.

    The one thing i cannot, is the save part.

    I understand there is the webstorage plugin. (With its limits)

    I also understand there is the ajax part of things. (needs knowledge on php and servers)

    And i understand that construct 2 "at this point" does not have a save game state to server option. (Which if it would, just "saved" my day)

    The point i need advice on is the question.

    Is what i am trying to accomplish to difficult, for the stage of developement construct 2 is currently in?

    A: If yes, then i would have a programmer i'm in contact with build this app for me.

    B: If no, then i would really like to build it myself.

    As building in construct 2 has become quite an adventure.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Thank u in advance for any advice. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • Thanx!

    Awesome work! <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />