Yes still working on it.
Im almost at the point where i can focus on just creating all the levels.
Meaning that gameplay is allready solid, addicting and just needs a few more addons.
Because this game will have over 100 levels for launch i will be working on that the comming 2 months.
However, a trailer will be a.s.a.p.
I'l notify u when our new site is online and the trailer is live.
And in a post u said u struggled with the "is this fun" issue.
The answer is simpel.
If in doubt, no.
The solution is also simple.
Make it more fun.
I noticed "our own game" is lots of fun when i was laughing my *** of thinking about the things i would implement.
Now all these things are implemented and yes, they are allot of fun.
A friend of mine today "who tested it for the first time said".
I dont want to stop playing.
Which means, "im having a great time".
So fun is in multiple places, but having a connection with what is on screen is most important.
So in both your game and our game in which the player can "edit" the outcome, the UI must be so fluid, that the gamer uses it naturally.
So get your friends in, sit back dont say a thing and see what they are trying to do with your game.
If they want to do things automaticly that the game does not support yet.
Than that may ring your bell.
Kind Regards.