Here is the bug report.
Link to capx is in top post:
Steps to reproduce:
Allready done by Ashley
Observed result:
On my system Chrome does not loop the audio correctly if it is imported to the music folder.
there is a gap of silence inbetween the loop of about approx 0.3 sec.
Chrome does loop samples correctly when imported to the soundfx folder.
Safari loops the sounds but has also a gap in between the audio loop.
Here the gap is even bigger. about 0.5 sec
Firefox gives the same results as safari
Expected result:
Infinite loop without gaps inbetween keeping the music sample constant.
(My loops are build in cubase so they are at the propper length)
Browsers affected:
Chrome: yes
Firefox: yes
Internet Explorer: ?
Operating system & service pack:
Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit
Construct 2 version: