Sargas's Forum Posts

  • jwoods so... does it work?

  • hey there! I just made this post over a question that could be solved the same way.

  • wait.... you really need to be put to speed here.

    search these words on the page search engine: mobile, export, XKD, cocoonJS, crosswalk, Ios, andriod, preview over Wi-fi.

    go nuts.

  • You could scroll to "lerp". Lerp(A, B, C) <---- lerp uses 3 parameters,

    A = start point, B = goal, C = a number that must range from 0 to 1.

    you must use a variation of this for X and for Y in scroll to. so you need 5 variables.

    var1= where scroll.X is now (A)

    Var2= where scroll.Y is now (A2)

    Var3= where you want scroll.X to go (B)

    var4= where you want scroll.y to go (B2)

    var5= the movement. (starts in 1)

    You'll need to change those variables around as you scroll from one object to the next.

    example. you want to scroll from object 1 to object 2:

    • every 0.01 seconds, as long as var5 is less than 1; add 0.1 to var5 (how fast you add to var 5 determines the speed of the scroll)
    • on a trigger: (on scroll to, you'll see you need to insert X and Y parameters) (if you know how to uses functions this would be super easy)

    set A to object1.X

    set A2 to object1.Y

    set B to object2.X

    and B2 to obejct2.Y

    set var5 to 0

    this would actually look like Scroll to X: lerp(A,B,var5); scroll to Y: lerp(A2,B2,var5)

    let me know if you get it from this, i could later on today make you an actual Capx with all this working ^^ (and please don't be lazy and really try to understand what i wrote)

  • i was going to actually do it, but then i realized it was going to take me too long xD

    however, here's what i was going to do:

    When you click a valid target, call a function and store it's X and Y in the function parameters.

    Then create 2 new squares, and set one on X,1 and another on Y,A. (each sharing only the X or the Y of the the target you clicked, but on the edge of the board)

    And then move them 1 square distance every X seconds for as long as their corresponding X or Y is less than the "function parameter stored" X and Y of the target.

    Then probably destroy the 2 squares as they where there just for showing off .

    Hope you understood me ^^, feel free to ask any follow up questions

  • Hey, I took a look at your project. And it seems you just forgot the set the health variable of the brick dudes when you create them. Currently they spawn with 0 health, hence dying instantly

  • lets try a workaround then

    You could achieve the exact same result as in the game you mentioned by "cutting" the sprite into several small, puzzle piece like, pieces. (in another software)

    Then you could manually manage which pieces are visible and which aren't.

    You would need to have an "empty" image as a background for this to look like in the game you mentioned.

  • ... otHit.capx

    hey, try this <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">!

  • ... could not open the file, something wrong with a sprite said construct, maybe you're using custom plugins or something...

    anyway. have you tried using this ?

    should allow you to mask an object.

  • Globetrotter haha, cheers then!

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  • Roger3471 haha, sorry about the passive aggressiveness, it was not intended =O. My first language is not english. maybe I miscalculated the tone? anyway, I helped

  • C-7 man, the game is gorgeous! and in comparison the player's animation are terrible! the rest of the game is so pretty, i really, really must encourage you to make the character as pretty as the rest of the game ♥ i think it really needs animations for, at least 8 sides (verticals, horizontals, and diagonals) you could do 16 though =P, would look so nice ^^. the game is really pretty!

  • hey, you're in luck, i just made this the other day for a friend. ... round.capx

    i know it's sideways, but you can extrapolate the system to implement it vertically.

  • because of what the quote says.... the system doesn't check the initial condition for each sub event. it only checks the condition once, and then runs all sub events in order. and as the quote explains. if you use the "compare" instead of "else" it will, in one tick, turn in to one side and then back to the other (1 tick is quite so fast you won't notice any change). and collision only triggers on first contact. which means that if the object already collide, it won't check as if true again unless they disengage and then collide again.

    also, on collision is a trigger, not a condition =P

    so, do as the example says. use Else.

  • like this <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> ... ject..capx