SamRock's Forum Posts

  • Update 3: **x86 version released on Google Play! People with Tablets.. please check it out and let me know your experience! **

  • Hi All,

    I noticed that couple of users were rating my game low because my game didnt run on their x86 devices! It took me sometime to figure what was going on!

    Now I have uploaded two version of my Android game, ARM and x86.

    I would really appreciate if people with x86 Android devices can test my Game and let me know their experience. Does it run or crashes? How is the performance? If you loved the game request you to leave the rating and review.

    If not, let me know what you disliked here.. I will work on fixing it!

    You can link on the "Google Play" link in my signature.

  • Shack You are on the right track. Just ensure that everytime you start you app and the Store, fetch the IAP Purchased status using "Has Purchase ("You Product Name"), Then set your Global Variable to 0 or 1.

    I am using the same method in my game. And It works well.

    You can checkout my game from the below link!

  • you could use the PayPal plugin to avoid the IAP issues. there is one commercial one that allows you to use your paypal merchant buttons, and not sure what you say about consumables? you mean in game consumables? you could sell 1 item in your merchant account, that in game will trigger a replenishment of a consumable(e.g buy item 100xbullets, when bought in game will give u 100 bullets, but you need to do the events for it, there is no plugin that will do that for you, you have to have knowledge of How API's works and paypal plugins. )

    Hi there, not sure what you saying. But there are Plugins that handles in-App Purchases seemlessly. One such is provided by I am using his plugin in my Android version and it works perfectly. I can buy Coins, XP Points and Non-Consumable products like "Remove Ads".

    You can try my game, link is in the Signature below.

    Unfortunately, the official C2 Plugin does not allow you to "consume" products yet. So if you buy a pack of Coins using this plugin, then the product gets locked and you can never buy it with your linked account again! Thats why it needs to be "consumed"

  • Well... after a couple of days of intensive debugging and massive optimizations, found the bug, found this post and unfortunately I see that there's no solution to this... I know some good people at Microsoft, I'll see what they can do!

    Yes please! I am working with from local MS Windows Phone team here. They said they are working on a fix.

    We need to get more attention to this issue!

  • x86 version released! People with Tabs.. please check it out and let me know your experience!

  • The IAP plugin does not support consumables at this time, so this is more a feature request than a bug report.

    The prices will only display after a successful request of the store listing. In order to review a bug like that we would need a .capx as per the bug report guidelines, but IAP bugs are tricky to diagnose, since it also depends on how you have configured the store and we can't easily match that.

    Thanks Ashley. The IAP plugin works perfectly for first time purchases. Only requirement is for it to work on Visual Studio is your App needs to be on Store. After that you can directly test the IAP from Visual Studio 2013.

    As for the feature request, would you consider this Thread as a request or Do we have to submit a separate request?


  • Closing as not a bug, sounds like you just needed to publish both the ARM and x86 builds.

    Yes Ashley!!

    But it should be a good tip for other Developers who are facing similar issues

  • lamies

    Just added to to-do list.

    But can not sure.



    Please send me sample capx which reproduce that.



    Call "Request store list" at the "On start of layout" before get product's price.

    And you say WP8 IAP? or WP8.1 IAP?





    Check following

    Change log (2015.3.7)

    Added Phonegap ScreenOrientationLandscape

    :auto lock screen orientation landscape. (fix xdk not locking ios orientation issue)

    just insert into c2 capx



    Added to to-do list.

    If time, I will review it.



    for my memory, I showed you how to cordova cli plugin add command in the G+ community.


    Thank you for your good replys.


    See this post ... S5jjEApJYV


    You are welcome <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">



    I recommend you to use xdk for ios build.



    "will it work if I use it for non-facebook game, and use it to publish score to facebook"




    You must use >= c2 r185

    If not, update.

    And for details, see following. ... S5jjEApJYV


    Thanks for responding. I was able to make the Store Listing work, I called this function o start of all layouts where IAP was used.

    Was for IAP in Windows, could you add support for Windows 8.1 IAP please? Offical IAP plugin already has the support for IAP, but it seems incomplete and doesnt support "Consuming" products.

    If you can add feature for Window 8.1, then I (and many others) could safely start having single version of project fr their games <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

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  • Iolva and Adisma

    I just published my multi APK versions. All I had to do was "Switch to Advanced Mode" in the APK tab.

    Upload the newly created x86 and ARM APK versions that I got from INTEL XDK.

    Once both are uploaded, just click "Deactivate" for the old APK version.

    Now you can publish the game.

    Adisma Appreciate if you can try installing my x86 version on your tab later. The Store should take about 3 to 4 hours to update from now.

  • Hello

    Anyone uploaded to versions (x86 and ARM) of an app to Play Store?

    Its similar to uploading a normal APK. After you download the 2 version from Intel XDK, you just sign them and upload them to Google play.

    Based the on the manifest file created by XDK, Google will know if its a x86 or ARM version

  • Thanks SamRock, the trick is to have 2 different code versions : 1 for ARM, 1 for x86.

    Yes, when you compile using Intel XDK, it gives you two version ARM And x86. After you sign the APK. You can upload them on the APK section.

  • Adisma

    Here is the article I was reading. I m yet to upload my APKs... still working on some fixes ... -apks.html

  • > C2's recent updates seems to improvement performance on mobile.


    > Also loads of new Additions


    It is much better now, and I haven't done anything to fix my tablet. I actually reached the first checkpoint and then a few more

    I like the "revive" option - it allows for much smoother gameplay.

    I'm impressed with the graphics and I imagine it must have taken loads of time to make the 3d models.

    Wow! Thats such a good news to my hears

    Thank you so much for trying and letting me know. I was worried the performance issue might put lot of people off

    Glad you liked the revive option, I figured many people are probably uninstalling due to the "difficulty" factor and decided to give them an option to experience the whole game without getting frustrated on deaths.

    Yes took me about 4 months(including my day job

    The human and vehicle 3D models were provided by a Freelance 3D designer. I modified them heavily to suit my game.

    All 3D levels, environment, animations were created by me and my younger brother(and he is a nurse! ).

  • Adisma

    Thank you! After you last comment , I went back and did some reading on the Google Dev help site. Looks like we can upload two versions (ARM and x86)

    I was breaking my head trying to understand why on Earth my game was crashing on relatively powerful Tabs

    Thanks to you, now I know.

    Will try to release a both versions soon!

    BTW, is the Google Play Statistic getting updated for you? Since past two days my Download # are same, but I m getting new Rating & Reviews and know for sure people are downloading it!