SamRock's Forum Posts

  • Does Family loads all its member into memory even if one is not explicitly added to the Layout?

    Before I report it as a bug can someone try and confirm this?

    I have created a Family called "Levels" where I add each of my Level sprite (eg: Level1 to Levl5), each Level sprite is a collection of "Tiles" that are saved in as animation (speed set to 0)

    I only use one Level sprite in each Layout. I use the Family "Levels" in a common Event where I handle the scrolling, Collision detection and everything related to a Level.

    My question is, when running a particular Layout that contains only one member of the Family, does Family load all its Children sprites into the Memory?

    I am currently noticing that even though sprite is not added to the layout, when I call for example "Spawn Level 2" in Level1 Layout(which has only sprites from Level1) the un-added sprite object is getting created!

    Sorry if I sound confusing, I can explain more if required.

    Ashley Can you help here please?

  • SamRock I would try a Universal export with WebGL off, and see what the performance is like on WP8.1.

    Seems like MS have diverted all development effort into Project Spartan, so I do not hold much hope for IE 11 fixes coming soon.

    Check here:

    However, in the long run the clean sheet browser design will only be a good thing.

    Yes I have high hopes that Spartan address lot of issues that exists with IE. At the same time, its sad that we have to wait till WP10 comes out.

    Hope there is a Spartan version atleast for the WP8.1.

  • WebGL makes performance way worst especially with lower powered phones with Windows Phone. The best blend I got is no WebGL, exported as a Universal app and using only the Windows Phone portion. WebGL though is a big plus on iOS and if you exclude some exceptions, a big plus on Android too. I'm just telling you my experience with the game... Have you tried Cordova and compiling with the XDK?

    Not sure why its not running on my phone! Any other setting I should be looking at? Also how graphic intensive is ur game?

    You can see my game in my signature. DO you think it will run on no WebGL?

  • Why are you all posting in a closed bug report, even when Ashley's first post here specifically says not to do such a thing?

    If you have a similar or the same issue, then you should submit a new bug report following all the guidelines, otherwise Ashley may not become aware of a (possibly) still outstanding issue.

    This is open bug. Ashley only closed it because its not in his hands to fix it. People are still having issues and even if you open another thread it will get closed anyways!

  • Yup it works perfectly.

    Make your you are calling

    "Add Prodduct IDs" followed by

    "Request Store listing" in the "On Layout Start " event

    Then use the "On Store Listing Success" event to access the price of each item.

    For eg: F

    To access price for item called "coinpack":

    txtPrice.text = PhonegapIAP.ProductPrice("coinpack")

  • >

    > Seriously??

    > Damn! I lost so many $$$ Waiting for a fix.


    Well did it work?

    I ended up releasing my game in native c++. Man it was tough, but got a huge performance boost and no audio bug

    Noo it didnt! I m now not sure if he was just trolling! The game wont even run with WebGL switched off!

    How did u convert the C2 code in C++?

    I am dying to release my game on WP

    I own a Windows Phone and cant play my own game!

  • Yes Unfortunately it is still the case. I logged a bug report, asked Ashley about it... but he says.. its a "feature" to be requested not a bug :'(

    Here is the bug report I filed:

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  • As the question says, I want to add more Ad Networks into my AdMob account. But every network talks about adding their SDK into the Android project.

    I use Intel XDK to build my APK, so how do I add the other Ad SDKs and the Ad units into a Construct 2 project?

    I already have 15,000+ downloads but the revenue is sometimes below $1 :'(

    Any help is really appreciated.

    (Game link in my signature)

  • Basically there is no official support for HTML audio with WP8.1. Although (weirdly) if you disable WebGL before you export for WIndows Phone performance is way better and there is no audio problems so... There you go! All we need now is PubCenter for Windows Phone 8.1! sighhh


    Damn! I lost so many $$$ Waiting for a fix. If this is true.. I will frame a photo of you at my desk!

    Hehe ...Kidding.. will add you to the credit!

  • Hi,

    This is my second Crash Report thread, first one was closed as we found it was due to x86 processor compatibility.

    Here is the Crash Report in MS-Excel report. It has the Error detail, Android version and device name: ... sp=sharing

    This thread has mostly JavaScript error, "Din't find class" error. I am not sure where to find and fix this code? Is it inside the APK?

    java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{com.gamessolidrock.lastofthesurvivors/com.gamessolidrock.lastofthesurvivors.LastoftesurvivorsV4}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.gamessolidrock.lastofthesurvivors.LastoftesurvivorsV4" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/mnt/asec/com.gamessolidrock.lastofthesurvivors-1/pkg.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/mnt/asec/com.gamessolidrock.lastofthesurvivors-1/lib, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.gamessolidrock.lastofthesurvivors.LastoftesurvivorsV4" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/mnt/asec/com.gamessolidrock.lastofthesurvivors-1/pkg.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/mnt/asec/com.gamessolidrock.lastofthesurvivors-1/lib, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
    at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    ... 11 more
    Suppressed: unable to open DEX file
    at dalvik.system.DexFile.openDexFileNative(Native Method)
    at dalvik.system.DexFile.openDexFile(
    at dalvik.system.DexFile.<init>(
    at dalvik.system.DexFile.<init>(
    at dalvik.system.DexPathList.loadDexFile(
    at dalvik.system.DexPathList.makeDexElements(
    at dalvik.system.DexPathList.<init>(
    at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.<init>(
    at dalvik.system.PathClassLoader.<init>(
    ... 8 more[/code:qa3dqe83]
    The below error seems to be related to some classes "com.smartmobilesoftware.util.IabHelper" &  "jp.wizcorp.phonegap.plugin.wizPurchase.IAP", I dont remember adding them to my project. I only used Cranberries's IAP Plugin.
    [code:qa3dqe83]java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't start async operation (refresh inventory) because another async operation(refresh inventory) is in progress.
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.IabHelper.flagStartAsync(
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.IabHelper.queryInventoryAsync(
    at jp.wizcorp.phonegap.plugin.wizPurchase.IAP$2.onIabSetupFinished(
    at com.smartmobilesoftware.util.IabHelper$1.onServiceConnected(
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)[/code:qa3dqe83]
    Any help will be really appreciated, getting lot of negative reviews <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">
  • Hi,

    today i started working on an isometric tower defense game, using the lovely assets by Kenney.

    Didnt got much yet, only a map, some enemy walking the path and making sure everything has the wright z-order. Isometric game design is totally new to me and i had a hard time figuring everything out with this damn z-order and where to place the tiles <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    but anyway, you can see what i got here:

    That looks amazing!

    Here is my Isometric Endless runner game <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">


    Video and Google Play link in my signature

    Did you manage to raise the sprite when they walk over an elevated road like for instance the Bridge in your screenshot? How is that done?

  • How about cranberrygame IAP? Does ir work?

    Yes it works perfectly! Yu can purchase Consumable and Durables without any issue.

    Unfortunately it only supports Google Play and Apple Store. I need similar feature on Windows Store too. I have request cranberrygame to add support for Windows 8.1 too. Lets see if he can do it in time, then we don't have to depend on the Official IAP plugin anymore.

    Strange when IAP (apart from Ads) is the only way we Devs can make some money and its key features are not supported by "Official" Construct2 Plugins!

    I am forced to maintain multiple versions of the same game

  • Thanks! Now I have my game with x86 compatibility! Yey!

    Good luck!

    Awesome! You are most welcome

    Let me know response from your users

  • It seems that your Google Play link is broken in your first post of this topic.

    Thank you for pointing out! I fixed the link

    Please try now