sakiruyonaki's Forum Posts

  • I suppose that would work, except that I'm using separate tiled background objects for each tile due to the overhead from placing 1000+ sprites on the screen. That's a full 1024x768 screen of tiles, plus a few layered tiles and characters.

  • Is there a way to change the defaults for the image editor in construct? I'm importing a large amount of 32x32 tiles (ala RPG style) but every time the editor comes up with a 128x128 image with the hotspot in the middle, which is a huge bother to change every time.

  • There's a number of ways to go about this. The easiest way would probably be to give the object RTS behavior and then "Add Waypoint at Position".

  • I found a solution to my problem. Turning the dirt into a platform object and checking if there was walls on both sides did the trick, though the "is falling" condition as you suspected did some funny things once I got it going.

  • Side view. Perhaps if I explain more it'll make more sense...

    The idea is basically to have a world that the user makes. All they get to begin with is a little patch of land.

    <img src="">

    As they move around and interact with the world it begins to take shape around them. Say they walk a couple island distances away... I'd like that to become one big island instead of a bunch of little ones.

    <img src="">

    The problem I'm having is getting anything below the top layer of island to spawn. (The blue area) Right now I'm just working with boxes... Here is the cap I've been working with.

  • I'm trying to create some objects based on whether there are objects around them. In this case it's floating islands that grow downward based on how wide they are. Creating the surface layer works just fine, but I can't seem to get anything below it to spawn. I've tried (hopefully) checking whether the objects exist around them, extending out the sprite with transparency... nothing seems to work. Also, it's been awhile since I've used Construct so it might be something simple that I'm just not seeing.

  • My experience with Construct is that the limiting factor isn't the engine (unless you design it poorly) it's the computer itself. Anything 2D is entirely possible. And if it doesn't do what you want it to do yet, there's always plugins to make.

    Construct is limited to DirectX 9 and PCs. That makes me sad. I wanna use it for my Wii

  • Try Construct 3

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  • It would be better if this was in the same place as "On Control Pressed" rather than having some funky workaround that I'm not sure how to use anyway.

    +1 to the request. The buffer for my fighting game needs this particular feature.

  • Well... I wanted to look at the cap, but every time I try to I get an "Abnormal program termination" in construct.exe. I can open up construct just fine; the cap is just wonky.

  • I really don't think there would be a problem with including the dx9 distro with your game. After it's become a .exe file then it's a separate entity from Construct, and thus isn't subject to the same license. You'd probably run into problems if you were trying to sell your game and included Construct with it however... but your game + dx9 should be just fine.

  • I'm getting some funny behavior when I attach a plasma object to a sprite with the bone behavior. It works fine when I'm facing the normal way, but when I turn around it just dissapears... is there something I'm missing, or am I trying to do things in a way that wasn't intended?

    Since I can't seem to find a place to attach a file, you can find the cap here.

    Edit: Forgot to take out the color overlay effect. (new cap)

  • This solves my problem of sprites looking blurry sometimes when they stop as well. Awesome! Thanks

  • Quick question: is there a way to change the blurring effect when I zoom in on the editor? The super-blur at super zoom isn't working too well for me when I want to move objects around precisely.

  • Fair enough. I didn't know one button could be so much of a hassle, but then again I haven't looked at the source code for Construct yet. And Construct 2? How can Construct get any more awesome than it already is?

  • One thing I've noticed about Construct is a lack of explanation about what anything does. While most things are self-explanatory after you've used them once, there are certain features that aren't so obvious. What I'd like to see is a help button that gives a small blurb about whatever you click on does, and anything that's interesting or not immediately apparent. (You can move sprite hotspots with the keypad?!) It could be placed in the upper-right corner next to the About button, and placed in a similar location.

    Yes, there is a "help" button already in Construct. However, the first place to find information about Construct should be Construct. The wiki and forums, great as they are, are on the internet and therefore not available when the internet goes kaput.