saiyadjin's Forum Posts

  • here i've created this capx with my water.

    i hope you will like it.

    Some notices - work these values - intensity and Z, X, Y on bumpmapping effect on normalmap to adjust to your liking.

    Another option of improving water - add layer under this one, and paste a "grass" image on it, then turn colorWater opacity to 75%. BEHOLD!

    i leave the rest to your liking to play as you like. this water is very very good compared to what i've mostly found on internet, uses bumpmap effect with normalmap and diffuse map.


    any questions - post here.

  • as promised i deliver:

    NOTICE - 46 MB download!

  • yeah, raytracing in 3D i guess uses the whole space to compute the lighting, while 2D uses only all pixels on the area of x * y?

    is that what you meant newt?

  • nope. you've got it wrong. if you want to do 3Dish look, you need to rotate around Y. because in 2D you have x and y only.

    how do you do that you say? buy Maya / 3DS - create a 3D model, then render in 40-50 (or howmuch) frames you want your character in circular motion. then export these frames as pngs, import as animation, and voila - 3Dish animation.

    oh yeah, and Blender is free unlike Maya and 3DS

    p.s. there is no easy solution to this because you WILL need someone to draw and do objects for you.

  • on spawn bullet set angle 90. set speed xx (how much pixels you want per sec).

    or if you're crazy like me - set imagepoint on each frame (depending how much frames you got) on tip of your ship, spawn bullet there and set angle atan(originpoin (y) - imagepoint2 (y) / originpoint (x) - imagepoint2 (x))

  • i've read first "muslim town" lol. and it says muffin town XD.

    game looks fun. will try.

  • what browser? have you enabled javascript / images in your browser?

  • if i'm correct "raycasting" should be something similar to raytracing - which on the fastest device specially made for it only with a 3/4 shadow bumps creates images in 30 sec. yes 1FRAME per 30sec.

  • try using PNGoo program on exported spritesheets - will reduce their size, but they will still use same memory. only faster download. still helps

  • when you export your final game - use brutal png re compression. it will though take time.

    and about the CPU usage - i have quad 3.4GHz, currently uses 1-5%, and i have tiled water background with 250 frames color map, 250 frames normal map (these are 2 sprites with 2x250frames, infinite looping, bump mapping effect) with effect over them, one 2kx2k image that scrolls under water, 360 frames boat, and static clouds. it's 5 layered layout and still more to come. uses around 180MB by debugger and 5% cpu, 7% when driving boat. but since i use "average" data for mobile / CPU's i'd double that value and say it's 14% usage for average CPUs. we'll see how much it will be once the level is complete.

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  • depends on the water you want. if you want platformer water - add blue sprite with sine behaviour and randomness.

    if you want top down look water... i recommend you my water which i will upload when i get home. or you can do it yourself by following these few steps:

    1. download this gif - ... ssTest.gif

    this gif is seamless but you will have "bombs" of areas.. best is to find quadratic seamless flow.

    2. find online gif extractor and extract images (if they're not png convert them).

    3. reduce their size to like 256x256

    4. find a program online pngoo and optimize them

    5. find a program online named SS bump generator and generate normal maps for each of the images

    6. open C2. import object sprite

    7. load normal images (colored ones) as animation, set looping to yes, and 24 frames per sec (or more if huge animation)

    8. import another object sprite and load normal maps inside as animation, set everything the same

    9. position normalmap pixel perfectly over color map

    10. add effect - bump mapping

    11. fix values (intensity and Z value) so you get a nice waves effect of reflection.

    i'll upload capx with my example in like.. few hours after work.

  • open google drive. upload your game there, and select your folder then go sharing - set public, and in right panel under details a "hosting" link will pop up. pretty nasty link, but hey it's google, it works fast, it's good.

    i use that for testing, works good, it's free.

  • nice man!

  • i've got win 8.1, non steam version (with steam installed and mostly on),

    HQ4860, 8GB ram, ssd, gtx980, never had any problems Oo, even on old laptop (2.0 dualcore, 4gb ram, 4650 radeon) it worked perfectly.

  • i agree with most points, and would mostly like to see this implemented: Ashley

    • shift + click on "guess collision polygon" - for whole animation (instead of frame by frame -.-')
    • adding imagepoints on whole animation then renaming it - renames only the first one - they should be "connected"
    • deleting the same way as above

    + all the other things that people mentioned.

    now Ashley told me that the best usage for spriteshitting is 2^n -2 x 2^n -2, for example - 512x512 should be resized to 510,510, because that's 2^9-2 x 2^9 -2. Now i've tested some stuff in my game and guess what? it's really saving up memory, depending on your resolutions quite a lot.

    I've exported default (huge animation of 150 frames each 512x512) and i got - 10 spritesheets 2048x2048 + 3 x 1024x1024 pixels which gives all together - 45088768 pixels. now do the math 32 bit per pixel - 1442840576 - divide by 8 for bytes, and 1024 for kb and another 1024 for mb - 172MB.

    after that i resized for these 2 pixels so now i exported again - and i only got 10 spritesheets. So now the usage is - (10 x 2048 x 2048 * 32)/(8x1024*1024) = 160MB

    therefore we've saved 12MB of memory usage. But the overall download size increased because spritesheets had more data in them - from 10MB to 16MB.

    Of course that this seems a little, but take your whole game - let's say 200 sprites with 2-3 animations - 400-600 animations with 50 frames - 20 000 frames - you could save a lot!