saiyadjin's Forum Posts

  • let's imagine we are trying to create a diabloish game. 2D RPG, hack 'n' slash.

    the perspective would be the same, and game would be for PC, but i have a question:

    is it possible with construct ? how many layers? how much vram/ram? how many people would be needed to replicate such a game in a short period (half year +) of time? (by replication i mean to copy most of the features, not whole 4 acts, just like 1 act maybe).

  • hi,

    i have searched forum for a thread where people could post their suggestions / what they would like to see in construct. i haven't found one, but i'd like to give a few examples that i think could shorted people's troubles, mostly with sprites.

    in image editor - when you have a sprite with more frames, there's a couple of things that could be improved:

    1. guessing polygon shape should be also extended to use on full animation (all frames), like resize or crop

    2. imagepoints - when adding imagepoint it adds one on current frame. if you use apply to all - then it applys it to whole. but if i delete a point that is applied to whole animation - it doesn't delete it from whole animation, there should be a shortcut to delete the ones that were made with "apply to whole animation". same goes for rename. if you accidentally apply to whole "imagepoint 1", and rename it to "cannonPoint", or anything else, it doesn't apply to whole animation - all imagepoints. that would be a nice feature to have them all rename, instead opening each frame to rename / delete.

    if i find some more, i'll post. if there is already a post about it, i'm sorry, i couldn't find it, so just erase or move my post.

  • but why on an invisible sprite? i can use boats sprite, no?

  • Kyatric - i will try that. i used to do it with instance variable like littleStain said it, but it seemed overly complex for that. about the keyboard - i know that i need that object, and i've created a "main menu", where you can bind keys as you like

    LittleStain - i think i will use kyatric's method for that. but i have a question for shooting. i mean, firing point. why do you think i should use another inivisible sprite? couldn't i use imagepoints on the same boat sprite, and rotate it with boat? though i have tried something like that before, but i think that point doesn't move as boat does. example: default like on image - if i put on top of the boat iamgepoint, it will fire from it's nose, if i rotate.. let's say 45° left, it will fire from under the ship, because point moves wierd and boat gets longer from rotating.

    also, if i rotate 1 sprite without animation, it looks wierd, like upside down boat: here you go:

  • hello all.

    i have a game that uses 3D to 2D images, and now i have a question. how do i animate 360 rotating?

    here's an image of what i got:

    now, that boat has one animation and that animation is every corner od 360°. Animation is disabled by default and current frame is set to 270 (of 360), so the boat is facing up. now when i press "a" or "d" i want the boat to rotate - > changing frames, not playing animation, while i hold the key.

    is there any way to do this easier? possibly without 360 frame animation? i could cut down to 96 frames 4x24 for each quadrant, but still a lot of work to do. i also would have to set on each frame a "firing point" and more...

  • try using asm engine. also try to reduce physics count of objects. use rotation / flipping / cloning to maximize minimum amount of objects that use physics.

  • yes i know, but images are also the basic element for websites, but i thought it would be easier

    to use 2 images, and change them onhover, then write a whole styling for a button (borders, inner border, shadows, and more..), seems like a lot more work. though i believe it should be faster

  • oh, thnx, didn't know that.

    btw. why is it not able to generate "guess collision polygon" for whole animation set? is there a plugin that does that?

    i mean if i have a 300 frames animation, i want construct to guess polygon shape for each of them. but i have to do that manually for all 300 frames. is there a shortcut? (i've tried shift + .. but it doesn't work).

  • oh, that worked, thnx !

  • it's greyed out :/

  • thnx, yes this seems like a very good solution SKuirely.

    it would be nice if construct had options for creating more / polygon shapes in one.

    also i got another question - why can't i add more points to collision polygon?

  • so the question is, can a custom collision polygon be created inside one image?

    this is the image:

    and i want the polygon to be bound on the track's edges. so when a car hits the edge of track to.. bounce and slow down..

    my buddy did it with additional ~60 objects with physics applied, but that seems too much and not needed.

    any solutions?

  • i think games should be marginally hard.

    today you can see the downward curve of learning and toughness of games. say CoD for example.

    every time i see a new one, i see less recoil, better "perks", less balance etc... it makes the game too easy,

    but also ruins experience for some in multiplayer.

    on the other hand you have games like dark souls - tough but rewarding games. and i think games should be like that. not maybe that tough though, but they should be tough and rewarding.

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  • i kinda have the feeling that CSS styling is worse then image buttons.

  • watching movies, doing random stuff, they just appear. you should read a couple of sci-fi / adventure / mystery books, they might give you ideas.