I just played the third Construct entry in competition. Afterlife Consequences.
It's pretty bad. Even the creators admit that it's pretty bad. The person in charge of making the game apparently decided to start using Construct at the beginning of the competition, so he had no idea what he was doing. The results definitely reflect this fact.
What makes me a little sad is how he's constantly bagging on Construct the whole time, like it's Construct's fault he's made a bad game. He also states that Construct is just an "insane wall of bugs." He only mentions a couple of bugs in the thread, only one of which he posted about here in the Help forum, which was already a known issue and he actually found a fix for it anyway (the other is the IDE crashing when editing sprites... sounds like a hardware issue to me). The rest is just design issues... he's complaining about animation and hitbox problems that aren't actually bugs and are easily remedied, and all he had to do was ask. Hell, he didn't even have to ask... there are plenty of threads that talk about hitboxes and animation already.
Sigh. When scytos mentioned there was a third Construct entry, I had some higher hopes for it than this. Oh well.
Well.. I don't really mind that he calls Construct buggy, he did encounter an annoying bug. What would be better is transferring the criticism into bug reports - which he has done with one bug, and it got fixed. Hopefully with more of these reports we can change Construct from an 'insane wall of bugs' into a rose scented stallion.