Ribis's Forum Posts

  • Thank You everyone, seems like with the script of potion I now can see the % load on the Facebook instant game. I'm going to update the first post with some tips.

    While I'm making the instant game test, I get 2 possible bugs.

    I have 2 basic question that:

    - Sometime when I open the app, the canvas size in the Iphone is just wrong (like 2 time smaller) this happen randomly sometime. Did anyone know which Full screen mode is better to fit in all devices avoiding this problem?

    - I realized that when you get back the data from Facebook and than used "On loaded data" in order to load the data correctly, the very first action of that event should be the data that you want to load. If for example you have an array and you stored a Json string, then the very first action in that event should be "Load Json from Instant game...". If you move this action in a different order, then the data is not going to be loaded.

    In addition, when you save the Facebook data with the action "Set player data" I found that is not possible to find a trigger to check if the data have been correctly saved. This can be helpful for example if a player while is saving is not connected to internet for a short time (train, for example). Is there any action on Construct3 that I missed out? I can make a token in the array comparing with the old one to see if the data was saved, but at each save I have then to reload the data. I saw that from the SDK there is a way doing it. Is there an option similar to "On loaded data"?


  • Hello there,

    I got construct 3 and I tried to publish a game on Facebook instant game, and the first problems and concerns came out. (I have experience with the past Facebook SDK and off course, with Construct2)

    First, in order to publish an instant game, you have to upload a zip file with the whole game (exported in html5) on facebook right?

    - I did this, and the game it works. The only problem is that the % load of the game stay to 0 until the game is loaded. I know that Facebook will not accept a bug like that when it's time to publish.

    Did anyone found a solution about this? This is crucial to publish a game.

    Thank you everyone


    1 - When you export your game as html5, you have to include a file fbapp-config.json in your zip, the file should be like this:


    "instant_games": {

    "orientation": "LANDSCAPE",

    "navigation_menu_version": "NAV_FLOATING"



    just make it with a notepad. If you don't do this, Facebook will not allow you to host the zip in their server. MORE INFO: developers.facebook.com/docs/games/instant-games/bundle-config

  • Nice plugin, I'm trying to make a family but when I insert a varabile family I can't see in the control panel, is this a bug or just this plugin doesn't support families?

    Thank you

  • nobody would like a feature like that?

    Ashley, it would be possible to do something like that? build and change the event's in live?

    but maybe I already know the answer

  • good post, I also love construct2 but I can say sometime is very hard to get work with the events or other stuff...

    for example, when I was using flash, I was surprised that in construct2 it was not possible to put a simple mask inside a sprite, also put a sprite inside a sprite... that is powerfull that I miss very much...(or a code, inside the sprite)...

    flash is very powerfull, just people who never use it could not understand... if most people was using flash for making games etc there is a reason... the only problem with flash is heavy, security, and other stuff like that... but you can find amazing stuff that you can't make with html5, and if you can make, you have just to make more and more step to achive the same things in flash...

    in Construct2, if you start to make big game event's you will have problem organize your code, ant that's true... I made some project with more than 1000 events, and the events could be organizze better, like with color, tag or some stuff like that... expecally if you don't work all day and sometime you have to open your project after 1 week or more...(and you are alone) if your goal is to make game like tetris or some 2d game with simple gameplay it's everything perfect...

    another problem is the issue with the exporter and others stuff like that and I hope the scirra team will fix soon...

    anyway, if scirra will make a software for make websites that works with the metatag, etc...(so, no issue for the search engine... or other stuff like that) with the same way how you use construct2 you will see how many people will buy it

  • Hey,

    I was expecting something like that...but it would be nice if you can live the game and edit the game to see in reqal time... like in unity...

    Ashley, it would be possible to do something like that, edit or make a new events while the game is running to build your app or game in live? that feature will be essential for the workflow...

    Thank you

  • Ribis If you're not going to optimize your effects, particles and graphics, even you use the most optimized engine, you will fail.

    I know, in fact most of the time it depends by the abillity of the developer to make the best performance for the game... is someone make a simple 2d mario with a simple gameplay and runs bad, could be 2 reasons:

    bad "code" or some bad performance with construct2

    check this video:

    I make the donkey kong country engine and look how run, 5400 objects animated and looks how runs... also I can make ad editor for ad users who want to make his own map and play it... (I made that method for make the level designer easier)

    I "remade" the same engine with half of event (before was like 1200 and it was wunning perfect) and the gamaplay is not easy, 2 players, the player can crab stuff, different kind of enemy and ability, jump on the animals,ropes...etc...etc... and also, there is no physics, I just use solid and platform behavior, I avoid to use all of third party... most of the time I make a fake physics and I never use a particle effect... I make my own..

    I fell frustrating just because of the bad performance (sometime the framerate change without any sense) and for the export... for the rest, construct2 is the best software for make game and app very quiclky and you can get work... but the exporter is another story so...

  • digitalsoapbox I just saw Sombrero's recommended specs on steam.

    OS: Windows 10

    Processor: Intel Core i7

    Memory: 8 GB RAM

    Graphics: Nvidia GTX 980 or equivalent with 8GB VRAM

    DirectX: Version 11

    Network: Broadband Internet connection

    Storage: 500 MB available space

    Additional Notes: Best played with a 2 stick controller

    I think you should definitely use something other than Construct.

    It's depends what do you want to make and how you make it... (expecally for the ability make the event's very smart and less as possible)

    The only issues I could see with the performance is the framerate... sometime just change without anysense and I hope they will fix that.

    anyway, if you want to make a perfect performance game you have to code, there is no other way... or just hope scirra get more feature to menage the memory or somestuff like that...

    • Post link icon


    > > Sorry, I don't really follow what you are saying. What problem of Construct 2 are you referring to?

    > >


    > check the forum and you will see.


    Ugh... Check for what?

    the general issues with the exporter options (and there are a lot...) that you have to use the third party, and one time works,and another times not.... and other stuff like that?

    check the forum and you will see it...

    • Post link icon

    Sorry, I don't really follow what you are saying. What problem of Construct 2 are you referring to?

    check the forum and you will see.

    • Post link icon

    > Sebastian bottom line is if $8/month is too much for you, there are many other tools for you to use. I'd like to think your time would be better used creating with one of those engines than spending it complaining about construct 3


    You are making assumptions. $8/month is not too expensive for me. I'm against a company switching their business ethics and the subscription model. I invested a lot of time learning C2, I paid for the license 3 times because I wanted my friends to use it, and I was expecting C3 to have the same pricing model as C2. I seem to remember Ashley saying in a interview the price would probably be similar to C2. It's a moral issue for me.

    it depends, I prefer to pay a year if I get a software that value that money (and every time improve) that paid one time and have the same problem as construct2...

    ask everyone, if they prefer paid one time with the same problem of contruct2 or paid 1 time a year and have a software that works without any problem... you will see what will be the most answer

  • I for one is very interested in development on a mobile device.

    You say how can construct 3 run on mobile and not implode on itself after 20 events. You should probably give mobile devices more credit then this.

    Just remember the games you are designing can be exported to mobile. That statement is almost like saying, don't bother designing a mobile game if you are using a PC to designing a 20+ event game.

    I'd also like to point out that you can definitely connect a mouse and keyboard to a tablet as well a phone simply by using a OTG cable or Bluetooth! There are also devices like the "Superbook" which will make you mobile device run much like a chrome book or laptop using just your phone/tablet.

    Also note that while a device maybe 6", a lot of these devices also run at 1080p resolution or even 2k res.

    Plus the layout for mobile seems very sleek and by no means is anything hard to read. Add your mouse and keyboard and you got a nice setup to develop on the go.

    If I have to make a game for mobile I will use a pc or a laptop as the 90% of the users here... are you serius? take the phone 6" with the mouse or the keyboard? and maybe why not... take an extra screen to use it? is not easier to use a laptop?!? this is not a special feature, is normal, construct3 run on a browser, what is new? nothing....

    I want to see the difference between construct2 and construct3, I don't care if now construct3 can run in all of the device in this world... all of the people here who use construct2 use a pc to make app...so? I can understand to make the software compatible with mac... but for the mobile support, please, don't... ask a graphic designer to make some work in a 6" device...

    I think Ribis what is trying to say, is why scirra gave more priority to features that not everyone will use at list very often, because the heavy job for development of your projects will most of the time done on PC, laptops.

    so why not give priority to the most crucial futures that every single one needs like Easy exporters to mobile and more stability in mobiles.

    This is the frustration that most of the C2 users are facing right now, that's why you see everyone is going nuts on the forum.

    Most of the developers were waiting for C3 for a long time, to see if they will address this problem first. that's why you see the opposite reaction from C2 users, instead to been celebrating the C3 news they are disappointing and I agree.

    The development on phone, tablets is really cool feature to have and will be handy some times, but what's the point if you can't start to develop a game for mobile because of the trouble you go thru to release it on mobiles. why not spend that time concentrating on the most important mobile export and stability.

    The way I see it is like this:

    -should a start a game for mobile? not is to much trouble yet, especially for none experienced programers.

    -Then now comes the question, is it worth the feature to develop on tablets, phones, etc. for me...?

    no yet because I didn't and I can't start any project for mobiles because is so much trouble still to release them on mobiles platforms. do you see were I'm going? so if there is no game to work in, doesn't matter how many cool features the software will have, will be not benefiting in any way until the bigger problem is address it.

    Finally, thank you....

    I think, if scirra change just the layout design of contruct2 and put the exporter works, everybody will be happy to buy it...let's see if the export option will be the same as construct2, because if this, trust me, nobody will pay the second time for using it.

  • Then clearly that feature isn't aimed at you. Sheesh. I would never use a phone for my primary development, but tweaking stuff when I'm out in the rest of my life away from my computer? Heck yeah, I'll do that. You already admitted the browser is a good way to allow for cross-compatibility. Why is it a problem to support even more devices? An android tablet with a keyboard can be a great way to get some stuff done on the go when you can't always have your computer with you. Same with a chromebook for that matter.

    I want to say,..it's a problem when this feature is one of the best...I mean, the second news was the mobile platform...I would like to see something else, construct2 do the same things as construct3 for now.... use the software on internet...? what is new? there are a lot of software like that.... I don't says is a problem, I want try to say that is not the most important thing, because nobody will use a phone for build a game, also a tablet... the tecnology is going even better, like surface pro, tablet/laptop... why use a tablet when you could use a laptop or a pc? someone who want to use construct3 to build a serius app will not use a tablet or a phone... if you want to make a nice game or app you should have already a computer to do that right? so...


    > I made this test and I'm really proud about it:

    and I made with construct2


    You should hire a graphic designer / design team and build a real game. If you made that with C2 you have real talent. Good job.

    And as a side note, I use C2 in my touch screen tablet sometimes. Honestly it's one of those things that you think will be cool until you actually try it.

    Thank you, I'm a graphic designer too but I don't have time to make any graphics, I have a surface pro 3 and I don't see any special feature... I mean, is an web app, nothing special, it is a hard work for scirra team but for me doesn't change anything, if you want to make software to fit to some device you have to make a "special" feature of that device... a responsive app?... no, thank you, I want a software that make you easy the work... and work in mobile is not easy, same for the tablet... it's easier with a laptop or a pc for sure... When i'm making something I have a lot of software, photoshop, illustrator...etc... how I could use in a tablet?


    bro, it's just a plus that comes from cross compatibility. Take it as an opportunity for you to go through your own code anywhere even in your toilet. Let's face it, you can't ditch your laptop or PC for mobile just because it is multiplatform. Again, its a plus that comes with it. So much for the rant and in the end you just want the export to be non-HTML5, which of course I will link that blog again: https://www.scirra.com/blog/ashley/28/t ... ve-engines

    In any case if this is even related to your tittle, exporting just HTML5 is not a child's play.

    Edit: Oh and by the way, wait for next week's news as there will be the "real" features you looking for.

    when I go to the toilet I want to relax don't continue my project in a 6" screen...lol... I don't say export in HTML5 is a child's play, I say making game with the phone is a child's game, because with a mobile you can't make a game, with a tablet will be harder than a pc, who want to make a game doesn't use a tablet... this is for sure....it's jsut make everything harder...

    I'm waiting for see the export mode, I'm happy if construct3 has this cool feature that I will never use because for me doesn't make any sense...I want to see something new, for now is the same as construct2...let's see

  • I can see events being done on a phone. Looking through, fixing bugs.

    But otherwise I think it is just a "bonus" feature really.

    but now I can't do it anyway because of iOS-ness.

    Events being done on phone? it depends what game or app you are building....is is 20 events game just go with pure c# or unity and publish witouth any problem... you can't make any serius game with the phone... it's just impossible, I mean, is possible but someone has to be stupid to prefer the phone when you can use a laptop or pc with the keyboard, mouse and be 200 much faster...

    6" screen, seriusly? after 2 minuts of "works" and touch I just will slam the phone on the ground... how you make the animation? the frame? the sounds? everything? everytime you have to touch, go back, retouch, open a fake keyboard on screen (make a screen smaller) bla bla bla... it's just sounds crazy...

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • saying alot to say nothing , dude , the community asked for Linux and Mac they got what they want , who did tickle you or force you to use it on mobile ????

    And they said , they will create a standalone version for windows , linux and mac.

    In my case 2 hours each day in a bus , at least i can progress on my projects even 0.1% , it's always progress

    dont be selfish and think about yourself

    one last thing "swishmax" is dead because of HTML5 power which is not the case of scirra , The cloud , the web , HTML are the future

    ok, people ask for linux and mac support... and the browser could be a perfect solution for that in a easy way, but for mobile? who care?

    what kind of game you can make in 6" screen? do you think you are able to make a full game using just a phone? seriusly? how much time will take to use a phone? do your phone has a super power battery to stay in a browser and work on it? what kind of game do you want to make? pong game with 20 events? how you can make 1000 event and menage in a 6" screen? without a mouse? without a keyboard?!?

    I'm not think about myself, I want the best for construct3 because I belive about the powerfull of that software, I could see with construct2, I learn to use construct2 in less than 1 week, I use different software before construct2 (click & play when I was 8, swishmax, flash, corona...), and if I choose construct2 is because is fast and the performance is pretty good if you work good.

    do you think people who use mac doesnn't have enough money to get a 200$ computer? what people prefer? a perfect software in one machine, or the same software as construct2 in more machine? I use mac and pc, but if I need a specific software I use the right machine to do that....

    we want construct3 as a toy or a serius software to make games and application? because with construc2 you can make a serius application as a serius game... do you think who works in a specific position use a mobile for works? or a tablet?

    swishmax end because of html5 and because was using action script... made by who?

    how you export game in construct2? what happen if the third party stop to work? how you can get work your application?

    if you ask people here... ask them, if they prefer a good exporter withouth any frustation or the web verision with a mobile support... ask them... why people are moving to others software? because of that, people want to make game or app that works when they finish it.

    ah, And I will buy construct3 for sure, because I love construct2 and I want support them, but I want to know, who will use construct3 in android phone... seriusly? what app do you use for make sprite, animation or others? make on your computer, transfer inside the phone and touch the screen 1000 time when you can use a laptop? lol

    HTML5 power which is not the case of scirra , The cloud , the web , HTML are the future

    yes...is the future... but it depend what software do you use... is the future of scirra if you can't export good? or the future of other engine who use the same tecnlogy but it works?!? unity can export for web, yoyogames the same, so? what we are talking about? I start to use html when I was 11 and I published my first website, and I moved to swishmax because I could do cool stuff with the action script and the animation.... now, why I should move to construct3? because I can use from the web? is noting new... I see a lot of software doing that... nothing is change from construct2, it's changed just the use of the software...nothing important in my opinion