Ribis's Forum Posts

  • Hey,

    I check the other news about the compatibility with the mobile...and... I'm not surprised, because if construct3 run in the browser is normal that will be compatible....as every modern responsive website...

    what is the real benefit about that?

    I don't understand, I start to feel frustrating about that, nobody will use a phone for make games, also tablet, who will works with these device? just for wasting time? Usually I work with 2 monitor and sometimes I feel I need another one!

    how can you pretend to make a real game with an android 6" phone? just wasting time... you are making construct3 compatible for all devices but doesn't make any sense to me....same things for linux or mac, yes, nice things, but if someone want contruct3 because is perfect they will get a widnows machine! (if they can buy construct3...) same as everything.... People buy stuff if the need it.... you make an awosome software, and people buy it, they need a pc? they will buy a pc... look apple, they made awsome stuff? people buy it!

    everything works like that, you make a good stuff, and people in some way get it!

    but for me, how you can pretend me to make games with a phone? maybe, maybe with a tablet (and will be a pain.....), how you make graphics, how edit sounds? you need anyway a computer if you don't want make a pong game... and we want to talk about the mouse?

    I made this test and I'm really proud about it:

    and I made with construct2, runs perfect and I made a new version with half of events, now, with construct3 what will change? can I publish something like that easly without using any third party or getting frustrated because of the general problem that people talks about for months...? I started to learn unity some months ago... I prefer construct2 because I don't have to much time to get immersive in it...

    I think most of people are not interessed using construct3 in a browser... now for example I'm in another country, and I easly download 50mb of construct2, what will change if I could access on internet? just because of the cloud? I can use my cloud to do that...

    how you should make stuff in 6" screen? or a tablet? the battery? everything sounds hard to me... I want to make games, application not a pong game... construct2 can do this, but for publish is really really hard... I'm waiting for a news like " you can export your game and will work good as other engines", I don't care about mobile version (I will never use it, and I think most of the people will not do it)

    sorry for this post, I'm a big supporter of construct2 and scirra team, but I don't really understand... I hope for the export options, I want to see that works like others serius engine, I don't want a toy.

    I don't want to see the same end as swishmax...

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  • for me the main problem is the exporter options... There are different web app that you can make your app and export (search on the web) and it works because the export works, but you can't make advance stuff like in construct2... and you have to pay with a subscription....

    now, I think the most users are worried because with construct2, they had a lot of problem to export (different bugs, performance problem...etc) everything depends by third party plugin... so, if we paid 100$ a year, do will have the same problem? I mean, you pay for using a software, but if the exporter depends by the third party doesn't make any sense to me...with construct2, you paid once, and you wait for the update, wait for the third to solve the problem... but you paid once...the software is in your computer... what if you paid and when is the time to export there are different problem? that doesn't make any sense to me...

    so, I think they find a good way, because if construct3 will have the same problem, nobody will pay for something that doesn't work really well where there are similar web app already here that doing similar stuff...

    so, I'm pretty sure Ashley solved this, just let's see, I'm pretty sure everything will works better than before... nobody will make a new software for make a big mistake and lost costumers, maybe it was better if the first news was something like a video or show some new feature for make more hype, let's see, I can't wait to use construct3!!!

  • Hey guys,

    I see everybody get frustrated about the price and the browser app...

    the problem is only one, if I paid 99$ a year, could I export for different device without any bug or any crash? I mean, I make my game like in construct2, export for iphone or android and see that works without doing nothing... I don't want to search a plugin to do that... etc the app have just to works as I expect with 3 click.

    I'm pretty sure if Ashley do a subscription, we will not have any problem about that... do you know why? because you pay one... if there is the same problem of construct2 (for exporting on mobile or pc, problem with third party...etc) the second time you don't pay and end of the story... everybody will left construct3 (who will pay every year for a software that doesn't work well? nobody)

    so, at the end of the story 99$ a year for the same software with more cool stuff etc... it's good, but the exporter should work perfect without any problem... so, I'm curious how Ashley could follow all of the third party.... nobody will pay a subscription if there is some problem to export the app, ore one day works and the other not, this is for sure.

    anyway, I'm excited about that, and I will buy the first year construct3 for sure, if the exports works as I expect, they can take my 99$ every year and I'm happy about that, if not, just move to another software, pretty easy

  • I did it in my old project (

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    if I remember well ( I don't have my project right now ) I set some variables inside the barrel that say the distance in pixel where the player have to go, the angle, etc... when the player jump on it, if I remember I disabled the platform behavior or I set the gravity 0 of the player, and made a new system to menage the movement of the player while fly (you can do it in different ways) , and when the player reach the distance, I activate the gravity or the platform player and simulate a movement from the platform behavior (right or left) it depends where the player is direct

  • Thank you guys


    I'm using cocoon.io for android, and IntelXDK for iOS.

    I had lots of problems too...with both... but managed to find solution at some point for both... I wish it would be easier (it was some time ago, but looks like there is always new problems to deal with unfortunately..(due to a new Intel XDK/cocoon release or the new iOS10 for example) - but both are good, so try them both and go for the one with the less problems.

    johnsmith thank you for the reply, I really appreciated it.

    Can you help me to figure out about these problems? do you have a special advise? because I don't try to export on mobile for about 2 year, my last try in Coocon was ok (about the performance of the game) but the size of the game, the problems with the battery or some bugs make me feel like "it's time to change software or make game just for computer)... they fixed these problem? like the battery? I see your game is only 7 mb, so for the size is perfect, also I see the construct2 loading, may ask you why you left the loading of construct2 and why you didn't use a personal splash screen? or why I can see the battery or other stuff phone of top? It Is your choose?

    sorry about these questions, I never tried to export to mobile (I just tried coocon on their application 2 years ago) and now I'm ready to publish some app.

    PS: with the intelXDK there is a possibility to try your app with the wi-fi? (to check the performance)

    Thank you very much

  • johnsmith

    nice game, I really like it!

    Did you use CocoonIO to export for iphone? and intelXDK for android?

    1/2 years ago I was trying to publish an app with CocoonIO but I had a lot of problem with the sounds and other stuff... also intelXDK works well? (I never tried it) I would like to publish an old app that I made and I would like to know if now the plugin works well...

    thank you

  • Ribis I was thinking that, too. Why can't I just blast a demo out right to all my potential players? But then of course, the market will get pretty saturated with at some point and my feed will be filled with games..

    This is pretty awosome, I already made some project in canvas with all feature working on facebook, and if I the app will works on mobile is amazing! because most people who use facebook use just the mobile.

    and if you can sell your game, like unlock new levels...etc, we have a great opportunity to make some money with facebook.

  • finally, I was waiting for this! I was thinking... why if I make canvas app I can't play from mobile? finally they made it! and if support all of sdk (like php, java...) I have everything ready to go for making a good game!

    this is a realy great news!

    Ashley, take a look of this, this is really powerfull and construct2 is perfect for that! if is possible to make games for facebook on mobile will change everything! expecially if you can sell the game or if support the payment like the canvas app

  • >

    > > Its possible to add the facebook cloud save feature?

    > >


    > what do you mean with "facebook cloud save feature"? I couldn't find anything about that... if I can make in php yes


    It would be a way to save player progress in facebook cloud storage. Actually I didn't find detailed info about this too. But I already seen some games with this feature before.

    If someone have more info about this, please share with us.

    And what about facebook ads and Facebook Game Payments (IAP) ? Its possible to implement?

    About the cloud I try to find in the documentation of facebook but I didn't find anything.... anyway for host an app you should have a server where put your app, so, I already made a system to save everything in the server and when the user from fb play the game, just load the data from my server (I did with a game with replay feature and score per level) very simple, because a fb user have a unique ID.

    for the payment yes, is possible to integrate

  • Its possible to add the facebook cloud save feature?

    what do you mean with "facebook cloud save feature"? I couldn't find anything about that... if I can make in php yes

  • Sounds great Ribis!!

    Wait... I do not exactly understand what this does?

    If you do not need to login (to facebook) when starting the app, but the app can post highscores and have facebook profile data? From which user does it sends the highscores?

    Do you have any tutorial, demo, manual or something?

    I was making a manual that I almost finish...

    You will play the game inside the canvas of facebook (canvas app) like farmville or some game like that... (or in your website)

    the problems of the facebook plugins of construct2 (or similar) are that, when you start the application, and after the app is loaded (after the construct2 loading) you have to click a button to get the permission of the app,and sometimes you have to reclick or refresh the page... also, with the plugin you have to make all of the event in contruct2 and that's sound a little bit complicated... because if you want like hi-score of your friends , achievements...etc you have to make a lot of call with the plugin.

    With my method, when you go to the app of facebook, at the start (before the game) the user accept the permission (just one time) and later, will load the game like all app and while the game is loading, the app has already al data you need for making your game because I did all in php outside from contruct2.

    you can get your profile inside construct2 and you can use for save in a database ( I made a script that do everything outside of contruct2) and you can get the hiscore of your friends who use the same app (or all scores from the users facebook, but you need a database for that)

    also the hi-score if I remember is posted in the games feed like game achievements etc....


    in candycrush, you can see in what level your friend is, I can do the same, but for these things I have to make a specific script for your game, or explain what you have to do...I can use the facebook data for making your game better, for the game I already make : score, achievements, story (if for example a user find some object in the game, the game will post in the gamesfeed the story) like in candycrush when the user do a special combination and you can see in the gamesfeed


    If someone want to integrate the app with facebook with the last SDK, tell me in PM. (no plugin, just use AJAX plugin)

    Remember, the app doesn't need any button to get login and get the data, when the user open the app and accept the permission, everything will be loaded at the start of the app.

    and if someone want some request, post here in the topic, for now, I made:

    -get the user information and save inside your database ( good if you want to save some variable inside the database and get in the game when the user is logged inside the game with the fb profile)

    -post score and get friends score.

    -post achievement (and post in games feed ) and get the achievement already unlocked.

    -send notification to a friends.

    • the data that you will get is ready to go, you don't need extra event inside construct2, I made in php a script that will make an array for c2 ready to load inside an array, with a few event with just 1 REQUEST in ajax you will load everythings. (like, score array, user array, achievement array (locked/unlocked)...etc)

    -NEW* an app can access to your page and check the likes, reaction for a post in realtime and other stuff.

    what you need is a website with the SSL to work.

  • you can make a script in PHP that you will send the JSON data with the POST in AJAX, and a script in PHP that take the value and build the file .json where you want in the server...

    try to find on internet "make .txt/json file in php"

    this works for me very well, I don't know if there is a method to upload directly the file, I mean, save on the cache and after send the file to a specific folder, but I think is more safe with the first method

  • why do you want to use a fake ip if you can use the real one?

    is simple very simple in php:

    echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];[/code:1mqiodbj]
    [code:1mqiodbj]function getUserIP()
        $client  = @$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
        $forward = @$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
        $remote  = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        if(filter_var($client, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP))
            $ip = $client;
        elseif(filter_var($forward, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP))
            $ip = $forward;
            $ip = $remote;
        return $ip;
    $user_ip = getUserIP();
    echo $user_ip;[/code:1mqiodbj]
    you have just to use ajax
  • hello, i´m realy new at this program. I wonder if I can make a game where at one point it asks a question to the player to continue, a trivia question. i ithink it call quiz game. I hope you understand my question sory for my bad english


    using construct2 is very simple, the problem would be how to menage the different data (questions, player, etc...) it's not very hard if you know PHP, AJAX, mySQL...etc... you will use construct2 just for "preview" the game, the most code will be in php for example...

    for example, you can make different json file with 300 question, and when a player play, the game will pick random json and take the questions... if you wanna make vs another player online, you have to store the data in your server and send the request to a specific user with a database or something like that, is not impossible but the most work would be outside of c2