Ribis's Forum Posts

  • After you create the tiled background use "Pick Last Created tbFamily." Then you'll be able to talk about the tbg in terms of it's family

    Thank you, that worked good.

    Is there any other way to select the child into the family as I explained?

    Thank you!

  • Hello there,

    I'm having some problem with a process that I'm trying to achieve.

    I have a sprite, and a family that contains 100 tiled backgrounds.

    In each sprite in the layout, a function is started. The function, would create a tiled background by name (taken from the Sprite variable) and then, when the object is create, I would need to access the variable or property in its family.

    The problem comes to the last part. I'm able to spawn the different tiled background depending on the name, however I'm not able to access the family property. So, let's say that I want to heredity the width, height and angle of the sprite, I can't do it if I select the family. I would avoid to make 100 different events to select the specific tiled background to edit based on the name.

    I did several tests, and it seems that I'm not able to access the family variables/properties because the object made is the tiled background. However, I'm not able to create the family and then choose which child create.

    I have been thinking about different solution, such as using the scripting to change the properties I need to change (width, height and angle), however in future I might need to change more advance things.

    Here the file as an example: https://feribi.com/tiledBackgrounds.c3p , as you can see in the debug mode, if I try to set the id2 (in the family) it wont work.

    Thank you!

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  • You can use phpmailer. If you google, you will find a lot of example already done for you. Then, when you click send, in the DATA, you set the data that you need to send to the php form. it should look like:

    "email="&emailConstruct&"&"&"name="&nameConstruct.... etc

    and in the url, the url of the php in your server.

    Note, you can use any php form online that you find.

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  • Working on the real time illumination transition. This is a screen recording from my phone.

    I will post something new next month!

  • It's been suggested in the past. It means making layers into a tree structure. It would be great, but would also be a complex and time consuming feature to implement. As with all feature requests, we're a small team with limited resources, so we have to carefully prioritise what we do. There's several years of feature requests already filed on the suggestions platform.

    I understand. If we do not take in consideration the grouping layer, it would be possible just to disable any effect applied to a specific object or layer? This would solve the problem anyway. Like a toggle options or a behavior that says "do not apply any effect".

    For instance, I have a sprite that makes all the hud graphics.In the layout effect, I use the effect to make the level looks like really dark changing the contrast, brightest and the colors. I could achieve the same effect by changing the textures of the game (and then apply the effect to sprites I need), and that actually would work saving some GPU (maybe). However, I use a dynamic light, meaning that depending on where the player goes, the light change according (like if the player goes into the cavern in real time, all the lighting and color changes smoothly). As you would imagine, if I apply the layout effect, the HUD will get affected by it. If I have an option to disable the effect to a specific layer or sprite, then we wouldn't need the grouping layer. Also, changing the texture in this case would be really hard to do it (adding more layers, changing opacity...etc. So effect would be the best and easy solution I guess.

    PS: I see that you are working on the scene graphs and that is great (it is also sound really complicated), however I think that the grouping layer is something more helpful for a vast majority of people and should be a core options on construct 3. But I understand how difficult would be implement this feature.

    PS2: is there any JS script that would allow to disable the effects to the specific instance even if the effect is applied to the layout?

    Thanks again

  • If you need to control instances individually, then you don't really have a choice, you have to add the effect to individual objects and not use a layer effect. If you have an effect on both the object and the layer the object is on, it will process the effect twice, which is wasteful so probably makes it worse.

    It's also not guaranteed that a layer effect will be faster. It depends. There is quite a high CPU performance cost for each effect, so one layer effect has a lower CPU overhead than lots of objects with their own effects. But a layer effect must process all the pixels on the entire layer, which can be a larger area than just the objects on the layer, resulting in more GPU work. So whether or not it's faster depends on the precise balance of number of objects, rendering area, CPU work and GPU work. It's not easy to say conclusively that it helps either way, it's just an option to try - and as usual the only way to know for sure is measure it.

    Ashley, I have a question:

    It would be possible to apply the effect to a group of layer? or exclude an effect to a specific layer/sprite in the layout effect?

    In my game, I applied the effect to the whole layout (the layout has like 14 layers). The effects are used to make different lighting options. The problem here is that I have 2 layer that are the HUD of the game, and I would like to exclude these from the layout effect. If I apply every single effect to each layer, I notice that the GPU % increases a lot, while if I apply the layout effect, the GPU % is much less increasing the total performance.

    I don't know hot it works in the back-end, but a sort of disable effect to specific object and layer under the layout effect would be great if possible.


  • Awesome! Are you going to sell the engine?

    Is is possible to add shadows? Depending on the light source?

    This looks promising!

  • Hello there,

    I have found some time to make the website and make some content. I'm still working on some dynamics, however the gameplay is almost defined.

    The game is inspired by super mario world, donkey kong country and yoshi island.

    here the website: http://www.supercandyland.com

    Soon, I will post some gifs. You can visit the instagram/facebook page to check out some videos.

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  • There is no definite answer to this. For modern phones 300-500Mb shouldn't be a problem, but on older phones with 1-2GB RAM the game may not work.

    The less memory you use, the better.

    Yes, I totally agree.

    That's why I was impressed about the memory usage using the remote preview from google chrome compared to the pka. Did anyone encountered a similar problem?


  • 330MB is not too bad. You can try different values for "Max Spritesheet size" in project properties, it can significantly reduce the memory usage.

    Thank you for the reply. I'm trying to figure out a possible limit for the memory usage, so that I can limit what I can implement in the game.

    Do you think that staying below 500mb is good?
