repkino's Forum Posts

  • This is a stress test. However, the game is exported, all layouts work. The problem is only in the first opening of the preview.

  • 16 gb of video memory is a rare case, even for a gaming PC.

    None of the test PCs had such video memory.

    I quickly scaled up the weight of the project, so I didn't have to manage the spritesheets and evaluate the GPU for each layout. In this test, it was more important to run the first preview.

    Reopening the preview is instant, but it doesn't matter, an example of stability would be reloading the project and retrying the first preview. )

    But in general, the very fact that you run a preview of 2 GB project makes me plan to buy at least two video cards with 16 GB on board.

    Thank you so much for your time on this issue!

  • Thanks for the quick response!

    Tested on different gaming PC x64.

    Test dummy project (Removed the Globals plugin, so the navigation doesn't work. But it doesn't matter, since the goal is to open the preview on the "start" layout)

    The project launched a preview in the process of creation! After reload it becomes impossible.

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  • Thanks to the separate loading of layouts into memory, C3 can export and run large projects. Virtually any size. You just need to make sure that the weight of png images of each layout does not exceed ~ 400 mb on disk.

    But I never managed to launch a preview of a 2 GB project. Runs stably 1 GB max.

    The problem is in the first preview

    C3 scans all images of the project and the browser does not withstand this procedure.

    Is there any way around this?

    The simplest solution would be to scan the images of the launch layout only.

  • This is my second year doing a project on this camera and I'm not having fun. It would be ideal if 3DCamera C3 would work with point, size and aspect ratio separately.

  • Orthographic projection is not a perspective.

    You can make a camera using trigonometry, as in this experiment. But this complicates subsequent positioning calculations.

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  • Is it possible to implement a kind of 2.5D camera in Construct3?

    Zero imagepoints are positioned in the 3D perspective and the size of the sprites in the perspective is changed, but the aspect ratio of the sprites remains unchanged.

    This camera is essential for 2D adventure games, point&click, etc.

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  • I test on different PCs, including a gaming 240 hertz, and the result changes. Apparently, it is necessary to underestimate the upper limit of CPU load. Thanks for the reply, it helped a lot!

  • > I had everything that moves down the screen under an "Every Tick". I just had to change that to "Every 0.016 seconds" to simulate the same speed at any refresh rate.

    I would advise against doing that - very small times in 'Every X seconds' can still actually be framerate-dependent, as noted in the manual. For example if the game dips to 30 FPS on a slower machine, "Every 0.016 seconds" will actually be running every 0.033 seconds, and hence the game slows down in a framerate-dependent way. Also at higher framerates like 120 FPS, you'll have a janky appearance from moving things at a lower framerate than the game is actually rendering at.

    The correct solution is, as before, to use dt. There is probably some movement happening in "Every tick" that isn't using dt and ought to be using it.

    Sorry for the necroposting.

    If there are a lot of mathematical calculations in the events, then on 240 hertz monitors the game will simply increase the CPU calculations by 4 times? And then what happens in a game where the processor is 80% busy? Wouldn't it be more correct to use "Every 0.016" then?

    Movement is done through behaviors, but the game has a lot of isometric and perspective calculations.

    As I understand it, behaviors with dt and distance/collision checks with "Every 0.016" will not work correctly together?

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  • I got around some wifi, so here is a working example:

    Something to play with at least.

    R0J0hound It is impressive. Why do not you try to make the camera engine for the scene with objects?

    I tried to do something like that, but I’m not sure about the optimization.