repkino's Forum Posts

  • justifun it should be. Rex addons will never work with runtime3

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I think guys paid money for this festive design. Their users should not work, they must be exalted young people with pink glasses and short memory.

    chrome extensions can help

  • Yet the global variable has a convenient "description" area. Can this be done for Globals?

  • The error was solved in the previous beta to the current one

    Not completely. The collision with the walls was fixed, but in a collision with the moving ceiling, the character is thrown to the right.

    Preview freezes

  • It's nice to see that someone is working)

    Private messages have been removed, so ... check it out

  • Colludium

    I wonder if you use this program and how does the plugin feel? If you use - have any complications, bags, etc.?

    I correctly understand that R0J0hound used some kind of trick to display mesh bends?

  • What policies specifically?

    The fate of the СС makes the position of developers on C2 unstable. Doing something big, people want to be confident in the future.

    If you look at, the future looks great. But when to wait for the arrival of this future, сonsidering two runtime?

    And what about Rex's plug-ins, for example, the Board series - two dozen add-ons for 2.5D? Everything says that their queue will never come for new runtime C3. So what's the point then in C3, if all this is on C2?

    Maybe in a year or two "Why Construct 3" will be a good topic, let's see.

  • The conversation is 'Why Construct 3' hence the tittle.

    The authoritarian approach has its positive sides, but ...

    I dont see any notable addon creator, who confirmed that he will write for C3. So ... good conversation

  • > I think that C3 is good for its creators only. To me (and all users I've talked to) it was completely unnecessary to make a new Construct instead of putting all these new features on existing C2 engine.

    As true as this may be I doubt it. Software can get out of hand, from what I understand the Gullen brothers were probably in their 20's when building C2, I'm sure mistakes were made. All of the wisdom in the world wouldn't get you to build the perfect modular piece of software.

    The fact that the authors of the engine arrive logically does not make their decisions correct. All these clone applications that are made on Construct, for the most part - vanity and time-killing with a very short product lifetime. People who want to do something more serious than single-day games, look at the engine's capabilities and the policies of its authors, shake their heads and change the development environment.

    Ashley consciously makes this choice. He understands what he is taking on board, and what he leaves behind. Those who see all this marketing struggle for a place under the sun, understand that conversations here will not help.

  • In C3 there are no most important plugins C2, so C3 does not make sense. I do not want to make games easily. I want to do it right.

  • It seems, it works.

    In general, the distance is needed for the way of movement. A short distance - "walk". A long distance - "run", once the limit is reached, "walk" again.

    However, a simple addition is not suitable for a space with a diminishing perspective, as here

    But this is already offtopic. Thanks for the answer )

  • I'm thinking: what is the most optimal way to get the total length of the path?

  • Works great with arbitrary obstacles, including maps from the collision mask.

    Thanks )

  • With this you can already work, thanks to the chrome extension.

    Now we need a search and statistics of user posts.