C3 Bottleneck is on the launch of large projects

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From the Asset Store
With this template you can create your own archer game and customize it however you want.
  • Thanks to the separate loading of layouts into memory, C3 can export and run large projects. Virtually any size. You just need to make sure that the weight of png images of each layout does not exceed ~ 400 mb on disk.

    But I never managed to launch a preview of a 2 GB project. Runs stably 1 GB max.

    The problem is in the first preview

    C3 scans all images of the project and the browser does not withstand this procedure.

    Is there any way around this?

    The simplest solution would be to scan the images of the launch layout only.

  • Construct has carefully designed memory management features to ensure it can handle large amounts of content. Can you share a project that demonstrates the problem? You can just fill it with dummy content.

    Also are you on a 64-bit system? If you're trying to use >2GB of memory on a 32-bit system you may run in to the limitations of 32-bit memory.

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  • Thanks for the quick response!

    Tested on different gaming PC x64.

    Test dummy project (Removed the Globals plugin, so the navigation doesn't work. But it doesn't matter, since the goal is to open the preview on the "start" layout)


    The project launched a preview in the process of creation! After reload it becomes impossible.

  • So I tried opening that project and previewing it. The first preview takes a while as it has to render and compress ~2000 spritesheets, but during that time Chrome's task manager showed the memory usage of the editor hovering around 1GB, so it looks like it managed it OK. Then the preview successfully started. Then I closed the preview and started it four more times; each time worked fine and started pretty much instantly (as all the spritesheets are already prepared).

    So it seems to be working fine for me here. I think a bigger problem is Construct is estimating one of the layouts uses 5.6 GB image memory, which is colossal - many machines probably can't handle that much memory in one go. I have a high-end system with both 16GB system memory and 16GB VRAM. Lesser systems will probably crash. If that's the issue, then it's up to your game design - the blog post Remember not to waste your memory is old now, but its main point is still relevant.

  • 16 gb of video memory is a rare case, even for a gaming PC.

    None of the test PCs had such video memory.

    I quickly scaled up the weight of the project, so I didn't have to manage the spritesheets and evaluate the GPU for each layout. In this test, it was more important to run the first preview.

    Reopening the preview is instant, but it doesn't matter, an example of stability would be reloading the project and retrying the first preview. )

    But in general, the very fact that you run a preview of 2 GB project makes me plan to buy at least two video cards with 16 GB on board.

    Thank you so much for your time on this issue!

  • I sometimes need to work on a huge project (over 8GB). Most of it are videos, but there are also tons of large images. Opening the project takes over a minute, and rendering spritesheets for the first preview about two minutes. But after that it works and runs fine, and the preview starts instantly (unless I change the graphics, then it needs to re-generate the spritesheets again). My specs: RYZEN 9 4900H/RTX2060, 24GB RAM.

    You don't need two 16GB video cards, what you need is optimize the layouts where memory usage is excessive.

  • This is a stress test. However, the game is exported, all layouts work. The problem is only in the first opening of the preview.

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