Renfd's Forum Posts

  • ... s-in-2017/

    It seens this year HTML5 games will be great. This instant games thing looks very very promissing. Maybe we are too worried about mobile exporting, while we already have platforms when HTML5 games can shine.

    I hope that Scirra offers good support for it.

  • Just updated the game.

    Added a Upgrades shop

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  • Some feature that would be great to have would be a backend for webgames, then scirra handles leaderboards, achievments, IAP (yes IAP in webgames will be a thing!) and maybe even Advertisements!

    I know that some features like leaderboards is not so difficult to add on webgames (we can use databases like mysql, etc). But a unifiqued plugin that handles that and could work with GooglePlay and GameCenter would be very straight forward. So using this plugin when exporting to web, it would use the Scirra backend, but if it is exported to mobile, it would use this respective backend (Googleplay or GameServices).

    Who knows Scirra are already developing a thing like this? If not, please consider!

    Just this alone would convince me to purchase a C3 subscription. (none feature announced until now, although are very interesting ones, did not convinced me yet.)

  • While I will go with Fusion 3, I'm really curious if Scirra will be able to keep up with the demand. Since they are asking a premium price, they should offer premium services: IAP, multiple ads providers, achievements / leaderboards for the most popular platforms (iOS, Android, Kongregate, Newgrounds, Gamejolt ... etc), working Steam services ... etc.

    In my opinion, the following should not be acceptable anymore in C3: ... in_t178688


  • Great game!

    I see that the appodeal has work (rewarded video)?

    Did you use appodeal plugins from official appodeal or cranberry plugins?

    Tried using appodeal on cocoon still not worked yet <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">


    I use the official appodeal plugin. To make it works on cocoon, you should add the following github url on plugins tab:

  • >

    > > I see you have 300+ reviews so you actually have more than 10k downloads its just google is slow the 1st week with calculations. I would say you have at least 50k install by now and your on pace to reach 500k by Christmas. Your doing an excellent job!!

    > >

    > I hope so! Thanks.


    > Just updated the app. Now Google Play leaderboards and achievements are working


    Great game and I'm glad that you have so many downloads. How did you export your game? Using Intel XDK, Cocoon or what? I used Cocoon but my game simply doesn't work when I add plugins like Google Social API etc...

    Thanks! Used

    Congratulations on the 10K+ downloads and good luck with your game.


  • Yeah, I understand, but I think a more original name/concept would make the game last longer. I'm afraid the interest might decrease when Mario Run is released for Android.

    Anyways, I found a bug in your new version. If you select the cloud a start power up, the cloud level (when going up the pipe) won't work.

    I think when Mario Run for Android will be released, the majority of players will play until the end of the demo, then they will search for a free alternative. Maybe not, but i'm betting in it now.

    Even if the game doen't last longer, I can use this game as a basement for a new and original game in the future (I already have some in mind)

    Thank you very much for the bug report! Just fixed it and uploaded to Google Play. Also made a improvement on game UI for portrait mode. The update should go live in the next few hours.

  • For me, there is no problem paying $99/year, since I use Scirra products heavely and C2 games is my source of income. Actually is very cheap for people with my perfil. But can be expensive for the ones that only would use C3 sporadically.

    For example. Adobe Illustrator cost $239/year and its very expensive for me, since I would use it only aprox. 3x per month. So I have to use free alternatives.

    Its difficult for Scirra to attend all users perfils, but I think they have to focus on the pro users. They need the most powerful engine as possible and are willing to pay for it.

  • It's a good game, and I would love to see more features or variations. And maybe all buyable power ups as in game objects. Maybe some level where you need to turn back with some turn back-blocks.

    I would also consider changing name, and some visuals that are obviously breach of Nintendo's trademarks as they might take legal actions.

    I pretend to add new in game power ups, new blocks and new enemies. Also will add missions system and a upgrade shop. Lots of work to do. Now im at home and finnaly I can dedicate myself on it.

    About changing name and some visuals i will consider, but for now I choose the risky path, because I need this obvious 'Mario theme' to gain visibility.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • I will do a pay per install campaign, but first i need to add some features on the game to increase players retention.

    Thanks guys

  • Hey PixelPower

    Thank you very much friend.

    Unfortunately im not able to update any game info now because im travelling and forgot the battery charger of my laptop. But hopefuly will be able to do this next week.

    Im new with this Google play and ranks thing.. I only managed to get this amount of installs because of the huge media coverage. Do you have any tip to rank highter? What kind of icon should I do?

  • Yes I downloaded the update. I rated your game 5 stars as Rogelio Rios . Can you rate my game I have the same problem with trolls downrating my game ...

    Thanks friend. Just rated your game as well (as Renato Duchini).

  • I see you have 300+ reviews so you actually have more than 10k downloads its just google is slow the 1st week with calculations. I would say you have at least 50k install by now and your on pace to reach 500k by Christmas. Your doing an excellent job!!

    I hope so! Thanks.

    Just updated the app. Now Google Play leaderboards and achievements are working

  • Made a video trailer:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    The game already has almost 10k instalations <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Have you been able to add an AD network to your game?

    Yes, Appodeal (banner, interstitial and rewarded videos).