Renfd's Forum Posts

  • For now, everything is working fine with built-in C3 plugin.

    Except the Share and Invite events I can’t get to work for now. But I’m currently looking into it.

    I've sent several games and in my experience in some games the share function works and others not. Its very random and I didn't managed to find whats wrong.

  • C2/C3 has this pooling system too.

    Once I was having performances issues with my game, so I made my own pooling system through events, but it didn't made any impact in the performance because C2 already did this.

  • But looks like Facebook isn't reviewing any apps at the moment. I've seen this message for a few days:

    Is everyone else seeing this?

    I've seem it yesterday.

    The first game I sent to review was 10 days ago and did not get reviewed yet.

  • Hi guys

    Any idea why I'm getting this message? Everything was fine with uploading until last night ...

    "The content you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page."

    Thanks in advance!

    Getting the same error here trying to upload my 9th game. Was working fine until last night here as well. So it should be an issue on facebooks side.

  • Cool

    As for the adverts loading, I've test again, and yes, it's definitely showing the last fully loaded advert:

    > Load Interstitial Ad Event

    > Load Reward Video Ad Event

    (Interstitial Ad Loading complete)

    > Show Ad [this shows the Interstitial Ad, as the Reward Video Ad is not fully loaded]

    (Reward Video Ad Loading complete)

    > Load Interstitial Ad Event

    > Show Ad [this shows the Reward Video Ad, as the second Interstitial Ad is not fully loaded]

    (Interstitial Ad Loading complete)

    SOLUTION: We need 2 types of "Show Ad" events. One for Interstitial, one for Reward Video Ad.

    Hey Ashley, any thoughs on it?

  • Ok, I will try. Thanks for the reply.

  • Hey blackhornet

    I just read you tutorial about migrating SpriteFont+ to Construct3.

    The issue is that I have several games that use spritefont+ and I don't have the originial fonts (neither know the font names) to generate the new JSON format. So there is any way to convert the C2 JSON format to the C3 JSON format directly?

    It would be difficult to implement it on your GYFM?

  • Hey guys

    Just wondering if you have any thought on how you would deal with this.

    For Facebook Instant Games, would it be better to use local storage or somehow utilise the Facebook leaderboards to store progress etc.

    Using local storage means that a player can’t keep progress between devices.

    If info could be pulled from a Facebook leaderboard, they technically could.

    Is this doable?

    Thanks for any input

    Use 'Set player data' and 'Load player data' from the Instant Games plugin to save and load player progress. You can use JSON from dictionary object. Very easy.

  • Here is a basic setup guide: ... 3-game-app

    Let me know if there is anything missing and I'll do my best to update it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> had a spare 5 minutes that was all and tried to cover some of the more important stuff!

    Thanks for the tutorial.

    I didn't know that adding the Facebook plugin is needed. Are you sure about it?

  • Same problem here. Also all share functions doesn't work.

    Non-interface functions like saving scores and analytics works fine, but the only interface function that works here is 'Creat home screen shortcut'. (Interface functions I mean functions that calls facebook interface)

    Don't know if its something wrong we are doing. So would be good to have the documentation for this plugin asap.

  • Someone managed to get the features like share and invite to work?

    I didn't managed here even with the plugin update.

  • I managed to get my game working on the platform. The 'Is Available' event triggers, but the share and invite functions don't work. The 'On error' don't trigger.

    Maybe Ashley could help

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  • I upladed my game and i'm testing it on instant gaming platform, but I'm not managing to get the SDK features to work.

    One thing I've noticed today is that in order to continue with my game to public production I'll have to send them Apple developer team id (because the game will be publish in Apple devices). Does any of you have experience with that? Does it mean that I'll have to pay the anual 99$ fee to Apple just to get the game published?

    I would like to know too

  • +1

  • Hey rexrainbow

    Could you please convert the following plugins?

    • Loop Iterator
    • Event Balancer